
She defies nature Chapter 1

"Wan!, come quick do you smell something"a robust woman with a broom asked her husband as she clutched a sobbing 3 year old in one hand. Her husband came running and relieved the woman of the 3year old ,gently patting him on the back

"don't cry uh.. papa is here " a gentle Pat on his back reminded him his wife had been calling him not for their son but for something entirely different .

The falling ashed leaves sent a bolt of alarm through him ,his farm was on fire and the fallen ashed leaves indicated it's fast spread ,handing their son back to the mother he quickly took of vaguely hearing her cries of him not to go.

The anxious woman couldn't allow her husband to face the danger alone so securely wrapping her son in the bubble she created from water she dashed after her husband.

"Wan ....!"she called out using her gift of water to quench the fire that was fast spreading.A few minutes later she saw her husband and called out to him"Wan ..!" getting closer to him she shouted his name again and this time he turned but a frown marred his featured when he realized their son wasn't with her, reading the frown she smiled gently at him and assures him their son is perfectly fine.

The cry of a baby sounds in the blazing fire a sound that has them bleeding from their ears , the instinct of a mother kicks in and she deserts her husband to look for the baby .The very observant Wan realised that anytime the the cry of a baby sounded ,the fire burned harder making it difficult for him to protect himself with the water .

Immortal Yeti watched in the winds as the couple tried to look for the baby ,he wanted to deliver her but the thunder bolt she clutched in her tiny fist made it difficult for him to come near her ,transporting her from the cave to the farm had drain almost all his power making it a headache for him to return unless he was fully well .Due to his short sight he failed to realise the girl wielded power beyond nature and had gifted her with another ,she had become a force to reckon with and if his suspicion was right she was the child of a Master and Royal.

He couldn't leave her with ordinary water mortals he had to be able to guide her so her power doesn't consume her. He watched and waited and marvelled at the braveness of the woman as she noticed the child .

" Manu don't go near it , look at her she reek of danger" Wan said as he tried to pull his wife behind him but the saying women were stubborn applied to his wife ,she pushed away from him and moved closer to the blazing child .

She realised she wasn't scary but with the way she scrunched her face she was definitely hungry. She begun to sing a lullaby from the water that could hypnotize even devil's ,soon the fire begun to dim and her cry turned to silent sobs and soon her eyelids dropped and the bolt fell from her hand and vanished .Manu picked her up gently and craddled her to her bosom gently patting her .She gestured for her husband to come look at her "Isn't she beautiful," whispering to her husband .

"She is but with the thunderbolt in her hand I don't think we should take her" her husband tried to reason but she was having none of it

"Wan see her ,she is not more than a day old ,we couldn't possibly do that to her " she begged and eventually her husband agreed wrapping her in the cloak he wore they took her home.

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