1 Chapter One.

Authors note: if someone says something and it's in italics and is underlined then that means they said it in a different language, for example: in Japanese or French. Warning: there will be a few swear words and a detail about death, read them parts if you want to.

I was born into a world where everyone is different to me, everyone else my age already have a shadow, yet I don't have one. I'm always left out in school just because of that, I also get bullied a lot of the time mainly because I don't have a shadow. I've always had a fascination with the history of our universe, especially Earth's history, I would love to see one of those things them humans call a "Stream Train", I mean, we have trains, but their loads different to Stream Trains! I would also love to see: some of the first cores, first proper telepines, the mobile pines humans used back in their years of the 2000's. Hmm I'm starting to think that them things I would love to see, their names have been a bit distorted over time, I mean "Mobile Pines"? It doesn't make sense right? And neither does "Stream Trains" and "Telepines" and "cores" make much sense either.

"hnnng" I yawn while sitting up in my bed. I suddenly think about the weird dream I just had about Stream Trains and Telepines and Mobile Pines and cores. "NAO!!? HUNNY!!? ARE YOU AWAKE!!?" I hear my older step brother - Erin - call me from downstairs. My dad died when I was very little, so my mum remarried, apparently her new husband had divorced his previous wife because she cheated, so I had an older step brother, sadly our parents died in an accident when I was six and Erin was twelve, Erin's mum didn't want to take care of us, but luckily Erin was nearly old enough by law to take care of me, so he was allowed to raise me. "DON'T CALL ME THAT!!!" I yell back annoyed, "YOUR LIKE A DAUGHTER TO ME THOUGH!!!" he shouts back "I'M YOUR YOUNGER STEP SISTER, NOT YOUR DAUGHTER!!! AND ANYWAY, I'M TOO OLD TO BE YOUR DAUGHTER!!!" I shout back smugly, knowing that I win the argument.

(later on after breakfast)

"I'm off to school" I say, opening the front door. "nu-uh, not till you give me a kiss on the cheek" Erin says shutting the door before I can get out of the house. "no" I say opening the door and leaving the house.

I walk down the road towards school, when I see Luke, my BFF. I rush towards him and call out his name "Luke!". I finally reach him, out of breath. "Oh, hey Nao" Luke says happily "guess what!? I actually got a boyfriend!". "Yay!" I say happy for my friend. And yes, Luke is gay, but I honestly don't care! "LUKE!! NAO!!" Grace shouts running towards us. Grace is a wild and crazy girl from Flaon, hence her foreign accent, she moved here to Torian just before high school started. "Luke got a boyfriend!" I say embarrassing Luke. "Oooooh! Good for you! Oh yeah! I asked my crush out and he said 'nO eFfInG wAy' and I'm so upset!" Grace says depressed.

After a short while of super fast walking to school, we arrive, and go in.

You know, I hate high school. It's stupid that we're only here for three years before we're legally old enough to make decisions and move out of our parents house, usually when people leave high school, they're about 12, 13, maybe 14? I'm in second year currently, and I hate it. I get bullied, but luckily Luke is popular because he's like the only gay person in our school. And Grace is also popular because she's like the only Flaonce person in our school, and since she's from Ciato, which is known as the city of love, makes people like her even more and she also knows a few different languages. And Florence, another friend of ours, is also extremely popular, he's popular because he's like the only guy in our school who got his gender changed, so Florence has a girl body but is actually biologically a boy, Florence is also really smart, he also watches animes like the rest of us in our friend group. I'm glad because my extremely popular friends always help me when people are bullying me.

(time skip to break time)

Yay! It's break time, now I can hang out with Luke, Grace and Florence. Florence is an awesome guy, who despite getting bullied in primary school, is super popular now. I walk to our usual meet up spot. Its crowded here, something must be going on, a fight perhaps? I push through the crowd, curious, what I see slightly shocks me. Luke and his boyfriend - Kim - are making out! Actually they're more like snogging! I notice people are shocked but support it. I suddenly remember about that Luke Fan Club, it's a club that's filled with Luke's fans, and by fans, I mean admirers that love Luke's gayness. Kim Vana is Rin Vana's identical twin brother, Rin and Kim are really close, since Rin is the older twin, he's the heir to the famous world wide multi-millon, no more like trillion Vana company. Both Rin and Kim are cute, or rather 'hot' according to the Vana Fan Club - it's basically similar to the Luke Fan Club, but it's members are CoMpLeTeLy ObSesSeD with Rin and Kim. Honestly I prefer Rin but eh.

(time skip to lunch)

"Ugh, maths is so boring!" Luke complains, obviously thinking about earlier, seeing as he is slightly blushing. Me, Grace and Florence are kinda annoyed at Luke, cause he was drawing a lot of attention to himself earlier by snogging his boyfriend in a not so discreet place. We all go into the lunch hall and then into the line. I notice Kim is discreetly looking at Luke, while Rin is trying to get him to eat cause he's barely touched his food. Rin is so cute! The line goes down quite quickly. I decide to order mini pizza and mash potato with a bottle of water as a drink. We all sit down together at a table and enjoy our lunch. I zone out thinking about how cute Rin is. "... is soooooo cute when he blushes" I hear Luke say after I stop zoning out.

(time skip to after school)

I'm happily walking home. I suddenly notice out of the corner of my eye, in a side alley I see a guy demanding something while holding an unhappy looking lady against the alley wall and holding a knife at her throat. I decide to help the lady being threatened. "umm, sir? What's going on here?" I ask the potentially dangerous guy with a knife. He was startled, then he explained "umm, well, uh, ehehe, now I know this looks bad but, uh, this bitch owes me loads of money and still hasn't paid me back!". "oh okay" I say, hoping not to get killed by this guy, while continue to go home.

(time skip to dinner)

I decide to turn the TV on, when it turns on, the news channel is playing, in the news there's a lady saying "BREAKING NEW!!!!!!!!!! Hello everyone, and good evening. Cece is dead. Not so long ago, someone found a dead body in a side alley. The victim's throat was apparently slit. The victim is supposedly a brown haired lady, who, witnesses claim that earlier there was a strange man who held her against the alley wall while holding a knife at her throat. Witnesses also claim that they saw a young girl walking home after school, the young girl is roughly about second year of high school, the girl was curious about the scene, so she went up to the man, and asked a question, apparently the question flustered the man, so he was a bit awkward answering. Luckily the young girl left the side alley and continued her way home safely" I notice that Erin is also watching it while eating. During the time the lady on the TV was talking, a picture of me came up, this startled Erin and he seemed mad. "WHY DID YOU DO THAT!!!?? YOU COULD HAVE BEEN KILLED!!! DANMIT NAO!" Erin yelled. "well I'm perfectly fine!" I snap at Erin annoyed. I decide I'm not hungry anymore, so I go to my room to relax.

(time skip to later)

I hear a knock on my door. "what do you want?" I ask plainly, "can I come in?" Erin asks. "ok" I say, while texting in the group chat that Florence made. Erin then comes in and says "sorry I shouted at you earlier, I was just really annoyed, I mean, you could have gotten yourself killed!", I turn my pine off then I roll over to face him "it's okay" I say sitting up, I swing my legs around then I stand up. I go over to Erin and hug him. "can we watch The Rising Of The Shield Hero or Fairy Tail?" I say using my 'puppy' eyes, I know Erin has a very very very hard time saying no to a question when I do this. "o-okay" Erin says trying very hard to not say yes but failing fabulously at that. Erin is a great brother for taking care after our parents died even though it was also hard on him, yet I can never think up a good way to say thanks!

(time skip to 10:34pm)

I yawn obviously tired from watching anime for a few hours. "guess it's time for bed" Erin says "yeah I guess" I say getting up and going to bed. I start zoning out. I suddenly wonder something. Wait, do I have a crush on him, on Rin!? I fall asleep, thinking about whether I do or not.

Word count: 1671 awesome words!
