
Who Are You?

After Alec left I took a shower and got ready for bed. I had been up for two days straight making Chip's new body so I was exhausted. I crawled into bed and covered myself with extra thick blankets. Tomorrow I will pick the new location and go to the store. Chip jumps up and curls up at the end of the bed making me smile. He really did seem like a cat now.

Suddenly there's a loud crash that brings me out of my deep sleep. I quickly grab my gun and load it as I jump out of the bed. More crashes are heard as I hear Chip meow extremely loud. Had someone broken in and hurt Chip!?

I take off running down the hall and come to a screeching halt as I lift the gun saying "Who is it!? What happened?" I look around but see nothing. I stop when I see Chip frozen in front of me looking at me with wide eyes. I blink several times trying to clear my head.

I look at him then look around again in confusion. "Chip?" I ask lowering my gun. He slowly sits down while looking around. When I look around and don't see anyone I look back to Chip in question. "Why are you running around at..." I look at the digital clock on the wall "At three in the morning!?"

Suddenly he spits out a small black piece of some kind and clears his throat "I... I don't know." He says lifting a paw to scratch his face. My jaw hits the floor as my brain slowly begins making sense of everything.

"How many cat videos have you watched?" I ask putting the safety on and slipping the gun into the back of my shorts. "Ummm... A lot. I also downloaded a cat behavior program so that I can be more like a cat... I think this may have something to do with that. I just suddenly had this weird urge to run around chasing the piece of plastic...." He says pointing a dark tiny paw at the black piece he spat out earlier.

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry! I sigh and run a hand through my hair as I say "Lay off the cat video's Chip. It's just you and I here so you don't have to worry." I look at him again and he quickly looks away in what seems like embarrassment.

I smile as I say "Goodnight Chip." Chip quickly says "Goodnight Maya!" I walk back to the room and put the gun back. I should have known better... this whole house is armed to the max so if anyone were to really break in I wouldn't have to worry about someone hurting Chip. I pause when I think of the hacker though and feel a sense of unease. Sleep... I need to sleep.

I didn't wake up until two in the afternoon the next day looking like roadkill. I push off the bed and brush my teeth. I'm going to the store and getting food today... no matter what! I quickly get dressed and make my way to the living room.

"I need to go to the store Chip, let's go!" Chip's little head pops up from the couch before laying back down and going to "sleep". He then beeps in my ear saying "Are we getting you food?" I nod my head and quickly make my way down.

"Can... can I get something at the store?" Chip asks as I pull out of the garage and I find myself pausing. He's never asked for anything before... I smile and asks "What do you want?" He sounds happier as he says "I really want a cat tree! And cat toys!"

I'm momentarily shocked but I quickly find myself laughing as I say "Of course! I'll get you the biggest cat tree there is!" Chip beeps and says "Yay! You're the best Maya!" I smile as I pull on the highway and say "You're the best Chip and no matter what it is if you want it, I'll get it."

Truth was? Chip was my only family and I loved him more than anything. He's becoming more and more aware and this was the first time he asked for anything so of course, I had to spoil him. "Oh, wait... I'll only get these things as long as you promise not to go running around the house at three in the morning. Deal?"

Chip beeps and says "Ah... yeah. I will make adjustments so it doesn't happen again... I'm sorry Maya." he sounded genuinely sorry so I smile and say "It's okay Chip. Remember, you can learn a lot from mistakes so just take it as leaning. You and I are both learning." Chip beeps again as I pull into the supermarket. Okay, let's do this.

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