

I look over to Alec as the wall opens up and see his moment of surprise before he covers it up. I grit my teeth but otherwise ignore it... I'm moving... so it doesn't matter anymore. Yes... moving. When we reach the living area I look over to see him taking everything in as the lights come to life. We make our way in, leaving a wet path.

I bring him to a chair in the kitchen and say "Don't move... I'll be right back." He nods as he looks around and I frown. This is probably not his first time getting shot so maybe that's why he's not acting like it's a big deal... maybe?

I turn around and walk to my bathroom and when I reach for the first aid kit I see the blood on my hands... yeah he was definitely shot. I rinse my hands quickly and towel dry my hair quickly before I make my way back. I see him holding his side as water drips from his dark hair. He looks around but otherwise looks completely normal.

As I get closer I see blood oozing out between his fingers as he holds his side and my frown returns. He's obviously been shot so why does he look completely unaffected? I shake my head and wonder if he's just used to it or in shock.

"Are you in a lot of pain?" I ask as I set the first aid kit on the table next to him but he shakes his head and says "I'm okay." I lift my eyebrows and laugh a little "Sure... we'll go with that. I need you to take your shirt off so I can help you... or do you need help?"

He arches a dark eyebrow and gives me a small smile while saying "Why... are you offering?" I swallow hard at the image... he was fatally attractive before but now that he was wet... I don't return the smile but instead, give him a stern look. "Look, I'm glad you aren't freaking out but you've been shot and you're now bleeding all over my kitchen... I don't want you dying in here as well. I can only imagine how hard it'd be dragging your dead ass out of here."

He looks at me in shock before he snorts and laughs. I step back as he throws his bed back in laughter and I look at him like he's crazy... probably is. I shake my head as I see more blood flowing out at his laughter. He must be in shock... maybe I shouldn't have said anything about him dying?

I take a deep breath and say "Your laughter is making it worse okay?" He slowly stops laughing but never once takes his eyes off me. He lets his wound go and takes his shirt off while still watching me with eyes full of laughter.

I try my best to keep my eyes to myself but fail miserably... The man was built. I quickly look back to his eyes and see that he's still watching me but it looks like he's trying to hold back his laughter. He saw me look... "I wanted to see how bad it was.." I say and feel myself cringing. Just shut up Maya...

He continues to smile but doesn't laugh... smart man. I walk over to get a better look and see that it did get him but he was pretty lucky. Out of all the shots that were fired he was only grazed by one. I lift my eyes to see him watching me and I say "It looks like one just grazed you... you're pretty lucky."

I think back to the shooting and find myself frowning. I walk over and grab the antiseptic and the butterfly bandages before going back to his side. The one who was shooting would have been someone hired or with a personal vendetta... so with so many shots fired we should have been sporting quite a few holes each but somehow the only one that got hit was him and it was only a graze.

He watches me as I start cleaning the spot and silently nod when he doesn't flinch. Either he's completely unfeeling or he's definitely in shock. After I clean the area I frown... He was bleeding so much earlier and the graze went pretty deep but as I clean it I notice that it's not bleeding that badly.

Whatever I'm not a doctor. I dry the wound and place three butterfly bandages on it to keep it all together... I don't do stitches. After that, I place a large bandage over the whole area and step back say "Looks like you'll live. Grab your shirt and call someone you trust to come get you so you can have a Doctor take a look at you."

I walk over and wash my hands but when I look back I notice he isn't moving. I frown and dry my hands saying "What's wrong? Were you hit somewhere else?" He starts looking around again but gives me a small smile while saying "I just got here but you're so eager to throw me out... I'm even wounded."

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