
New Target Part Three

As I creep to the farthest corner I watch as he slams the phone down on the table next to him. Only then do I see the woman who was beaten black and blue... I wasn't even sure she was still alive. She wasn't moving.

"So this is how you do business?" I say from my dark corner and I watch with pleasure when he jumps and spins around in fright. "Who the hell are you?" He asks squinting into the darkness. "Me? I'm the one who will kill you..." Chip causes the man's phone to explode causing him to jump again and I take the opening.

I quickly run up to him and before he has a chance to scream I stab him in the throat but leave the blade in so he doesn't bleed out too quickly. I take my other blade and cut the tendons in his arms and legs causing him to fall, making it impossible to walk out of here. I take a few steps back and look to the woman.. she wasn't breathing...

"I wish I had more time with you but I'm on a tight schedule... You deserve to suffer for the things you've done but I'm pretty sure hell has a special place for you..." I look back to the monster on the floor and watch with glee as he tries to drag himself across the floor leaving a bloody trail. "Police have been notified... you have fifteen minutes," Chip says and I sigh.

I walk over and squat in front of him and look down at him with disgust. "You're gonna die way too easily... leaves me with an unsatisfied feeling." He looks up to me with fear and pity but I ignore it as I snatch my blade back. Warm, thick blood quickly flows and within seconds he's dead.

The door opens and three of his goonies walk in laughing but the laughter dies when they catch sight of everything. "Who the fuck are you!?" One of the men yell and I roll my shoulders. "Death," I say as I turn to face them. They scoff and laugh and one of the men calls for more of his buddies... "Oh good... more fun will be had," I say and spin my dual curved blades.

"Who's first?" I ask and watch them all smile with anticipation. They all rush after me and I curse... Of course, they would. "Chip," I say and immediately the lights are cut off and I attack the closest one to me. I stab his inner thigh and spin around to catch another in his groin.

I smile when I hear their cries of pain but I don't stop. It was dark in here but they knew this room... only so much could help me in this case. "Chip," I say again and watch as several small blasts are set off on the men allowing me to see where they were. They cry out in pain as their phones explode on them and I continue to cut them down, making sure I was hitting all their vital points.

Slowly they began to stop coming. They lay on the floor groaning in pain as they slowly bleed to death and they will die... it's too late to get them the help they needed. I quickly leave the room and start clearing every floor... one by one I kill all his men.. or should I say... his monsters.

The others were screaming and there was nothing but confusion but I knew exactly what I was doing as I killed every one of them. unfortunately, some of them were a little... busy when I came in to kill them. I never stop knowing the cops were only minutes away.

As I reach the bottom I'm met with two men who guard the front door. I went running at the one closest to me and slid between the large man's legs cutting both of his large veins. He cries out and drops to his knees as I spin and stand up and lodge both of my blades into the other man's chest.

Suprise and pain fill his eyes as fury burns in mine. "The cops are here... Hurry!" Chip says as the front door is blasted in. I use the hooked blades to spin the man around and at the police as I take off running. They yell in confusion but they catch the man as I take off running.

"Left, right and then right again. You will then come to the ally you left your bike but you have to keep your speed or you will lose the lead you just made." I nod and take off at top speed.. I don't even slow when I round each corner nearly causing me to lose my footing but I keep pace.

When I round the corner I find my beast and another one leaning against it. I slowly regain my breath and look at him with irritation. "I thought this would be the next place you'd hit and wanted to join the fun but it looks like I arrive a step too late," Alec says with a sexy grin that has butterflies going off in my stomach.

"What the hell... are you a stalker?" I ask and move closer to my bike.. I needed to get out of here quickly. "When it comes to you.. yes." He says causing me to whip my head up and look at him. His dark eyes were so dark you couldn't see where the pupil started and ended. His dark hair against his honey-colored skin did things to my insides.

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