
New Leaders

"So the most powerful beast will become the leader in each City?" I ask looking back to Alec. Alec nods his head and says "Correct. I have a feeling this is going to be happening all over the world but I also get the feeling that things are only going to get worse. Remember, this is only the first wave."

I look back to my half-eaten sandwich and frown. "If it's the most powerful beast... Wouldn't you have a chance at being the new ruler?" I ask looking at Alec. Alec gives me a small smile and leans closer. "It flatters me to think that you see me as someone with so much power but no."

"Sure I could fight for the spot and even get the spot but that would only mean that I would then answer to the hacker that started all this." I frown at his words and when all his men start nodding in agreement. I put the sandwich down and turn to Alec.

"That's even more of a reason to do this. Think about it, we've been looking for this guy but can't even find his shadow but if by being a ruler of this City means you'll have to deal with the hacker then I say go for it. We can use this to get closer and possibly find him." I say leaving everyone in shock.

Nero quickly says "You are the most dominant one here among us Alec so I think what Maya says is a good idea. Your beast is one of the strongest my father had ever seen so you will have no problem taking down the guy in charge here. This was your City before all this happened anyway so it should rightfully be yours."

I quickly add "And with you in charge you can make sure things and people are kept as safe as possible. We would even have insider information... what do you think?" Alec looks at Nero then to his men before looking back to Maya.

His eyes tell me he's weighing it so I give him an encouraging smile. He sighs and says "Fine. I will go take my place as ruler for this City. From what we've heard the fights will start in two days... We will make our move then."

I nod in agreement and quickly make my way over to the computers. As I pull them up I sigh in defeat. I was hoping the internet would be back up as well but I guess that was just wishful thinking.

"Once you make it you'll have to keep me informed. We'll use any and all the information to find out where the hacker is so we can put a stop to this." Alec gives me a large smile that has my stomach doing funny things. The guy is entirely too hot for his own good...

"Don't worry Kitten. I'll become the ruler and let you rule by my side." I give him a glare before saying "This is serious Alec, as you've said, this is just the first wave. What happens on the second?" Alec's flirtatious smile quickly fades as he turns to look at Nero.

Nero frowns and shakes his head as he says "To be honest, we don't know. Years ago when this first happened, the Demon Heart was only opened for a few minutes and several beasts came through before it was closed and locked away. We've never seen it open this long... there's no telling what will come through in the second wave."

I bit my lip at his words as I try to think... "You said the most powerful beast come through on the first wave right?" Nero and Alec both nod but look at me in confusion. I nod as well as I say "Then can we assume that anything after the first wave won't be that bad?"

Nero and Alec both frown but both shake their heads. "We actually don't know for sure. I'm just going off what my father told me when he was still alive. I don't know anyone who's still alive from that time... If someone was still alive they would be able to tell us what's in the book. They could tell us what's to come...but.. sigh."

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