
My Own Plans

After taking a long shower and confirming that Alec and his men have left I begin getting ready. Once strapped up I slip on a long necklace. It may just look like a simple necklace but once pulled off and activated it turns into a nice handy weapon.

I slip on my contacts and earrings for Chip before making my way into the living room. Trigger chokes on his water when he sees me and quickly starts cleaning up the spill. "Hah.. sorry um, It's nice to finally meet you and all. I've always wanted to meet you and ask you how you always got in and out before anyone noticed anything but I could never ge...."

His words stop short when he sees me going for the garage. He quickly walks over saying "Wait, wait, wait! Alec wants you to stay here." He steps in front of me putting his arms out in a lame attempt to stop me.

I stop in front of him and look up to his baby face. He was young... eighteen or nineteen at the most but he was still very tall. I lean forward and stand on my toes so that I'm right in his face as I say "I don't care what Alec wants. Two things will happen... you will either step to the side so I can leave or will go through you and leave. Your choice."

His green eyes flick between my eyes and lips before he licks his lips and says "He's going to kill me..." I give him a small laugh and say "He won't but I may." He groans and closes his eyes before stepping to the side saying "I'm only moving because I look up to you..."

I give him a large smile and ruffle his hair before saying "The computers are open so if you can get a connection I need you to gather as much information as possible okay?" His green eyes light up as he says "You're letting me touch your setup!?" I nod my head and grab the keys saying "Yes, now keep an eye on everything."

I walk out to the garage without waiting for his response and crank up the black beast. "It's been a while girl," I say reaching down and placing my hand on her smooth surface. I pull her out and down the long driveway before finding the main road again.

I frown when I don't see anything but I am pretty far out. I kick it up another gear as I hit the highway and head into the city but the closer I got the worst things became. Cars had been left on the road while some were crashed and burned... it almost looks like a scene from a zombie movie...

As I drove further in I started to notice a few people running from building to building but constantly staying hidden. I slow the beast and flip her switch so others can't hear me coming as I look around. Buildings, cars, and houses are left open and abandoned as I make my way further in.

I decide to park the beast in an ally and continue on foot so I don't attract unwanted attention to myself. I pull out one of my handguns and slip on the silencer. If I did have to shoot I didn't want everyone knowing where I was.

I walk down the empty street filled with paper and stones from the surrounding buildings. I keep looking at the buildings in hopes of seeing someone, anyone but so far I see nothing. My frown grows when I realize it's like a ghost town.

As soon as I feel myself letting my guard down I hear something. I quickly bring my gun up and freeze when I see an old homeless man. He puts his dirty hands up in the universal 'don't shoot'. I lower the gun a bit but not all the way as I look around quickly.

When I don't see anyone else I look back to the dirty old man and ask "What happened? Where is everyone?" The old man squints at me before coughing and saying "The ones who suddenly went crazy and started killing everyone has been called to the city square..."

I frown as I look at the old man and quickly look around again. This old man must be too weak for the beast so he wasn't possessed. I look in the direction of the city square and ask "Why were they called? Who called them?" The old man shook his head and said "I don't know who the guy is and I don't know what they're thinking... I'm just using this as my time to escape!"

I nod my head and wave the old man off as I start moving closer to City Square. The old man quickly disappears down another ally and I'm left with the eerie quietness once again.

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