
Chapter One

"Silence!" Came the voice of none other than our Headmaster, Professor Dumblerdor. It was a new year at Hogwarts and everyone was currently assembled in the dining hall. This year was to be a different year for all the students. The headmasters and headmistresses had come up with a new grading system that would determine our place in the world as wizards. Pure Bloods and Muggles. A series of tournaments had been created to put us to the test that would revolve around our strengths, weaknesses and how well we worked under pressure. Everyone was to participate.

They had just finished sorting all the first years into their chosen houses for the remainder of the years here, each house having a new amount of students that were excited and nervous at the same time. Silence fell upon the hall as everyone stopped talking, all eyes on Dumbledor.

"As you all know, this year will be unlike anything we have ever done at Hogwarts before. The tournaments that have been created for this year will not only determine where you stand as a wizard, but determine how well you work as a team with your house. Each week, your house will randomly undergo a surprise test of our choice. Every member in your house is to participate. You will be graded and awarded points. Whoever has the highest grade, will be offered one clue that will help aid them in one of the upcoming tournaments for this year." Dumbledor spoke, watching everyone's reaction.

Everyone was in shock, whispers erupting throughout the dining hall all while trying to process what was just spoken. Surely this was a joke? A test every week? And everyone was to participate? Had they lost their minds?

"I see the confusion on your faces but after careful thought and planning, we decided it was necessary. Not everyone is cut out to be a wizard and do not survive in the real world. Pure Blood and Muggle alike. We know it may not seem fair, especially since first years must participate as well but we are doing this with good intentions. We want to see everyone succeed this year and surprise not only us, but yourselves." Professor McGonagall chimed in, hoping to ease the students with her calm and encouraging words.

"With that being said, you will have today and tomorrow to do as you please but after that, be prepared. I wish you all the best of luck. You are all dismissed. If any of you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to come to one of us." She said before walking off.

Everyone just sort of sat there, absorbing everything that had just happened before jumping up from their seats and finding their friends and mingling as if none of that had just happened.

"Wow, can you believe that? They're actually going through with something like that? It actually scares me a little bit now. Who knows what is going to happen." Mina breathed out as she looked over at her friend Ami. The two of them had been sorted into Hufflepuff as first years and just really clicked. After that, they had almost every class together and were always together.

Mina was the polar opposite of Ami. Quiet, shy and always got good grades. She had trouble making friends and could barely speak to others without stuttering and getting embarrassed. Her long wavy hair made it easy for her to hide behind it, her glasses covering up most of her face to begin with so no one really paid attention to her. Which was fine. She didn't mind. What she was lacking in social skills she made up in excelling in her classes.

Ami was beautiful and strong. She was also clumsy and a bit of an airhead but she made friends everywhere she went. Standing at only five feet, Ami made sure she was heard and no one stepped all over her. She wasn't one to mess with especially when she was angry.

Mina and Ami had started chatting, going over their schedules together and finding out once again that they had the majority of their classes together. Gathering their things, they exited the hall and headed towards their common room.

Hogwarts was as lively as ever. New and old students getting along while running about as they figured out what they were going to do today and tomorrow. There certainly was a lot of pressure on now so the best option would be to buckle down and get ready for a very eventful year here but for right now, everyone could enjoy the moment.

"Oh my god. Did you see /them/? They look so good. They get even more handsome each year. Namjoon looks like he's been working out." One student said in passing as she gushed to her group of friends.

"I can't believe I'm going to the same school as them. I'm so lucky. I wonder if I'll have a shot with one of them." Another said, obviously a first year as she sighed dreamily while holding onto her.

Them, as everyone was referring to was none other than the Band of Seven. Odd name, but it fit them perfectly.

Kim Namjoon

Kim Seokjin

Min Yoongi

Jung Hoseok

Park Jimin

Kim Taehyung

Jeon Jeongguk

The seven most popular boys in the entire school. They had looks, money, killer smiles and were all 7th years. Best friends since they were in diapers. All pure bloods too. They ruled this place. Each had their own different personalities whether they were together or by themselves. Either way, they always stayed true. And the ladies? Oh did the ladies love them.

It was very rare to get one of them to notice you and if they did, it was either because they genuinely liked you or you had gotten on their bad side. Something no one wanted to experience.

Even being sorted into different houses, they stayed the best of friends. Their reputation since first years passing throughout the halls that even strangers on the outside had heard of them. Everyone wanted them and everyone wanted to be them.

Mina at that moment had managed to make eye contact with none other than Min Yoongi. Her eyes widened and she gasped softly before quickly looking away, her face burning in embarrassment as she stared down at the ground missing the smirk that graced his lips.

Yoongi was in Slytherin and a formidable foe at that. He was the quietest of the group, his intense cat like eyes burning holes into anyone who stared for too long. He liked to observe those around him along with his surroundings.

It was very rare to see him laugh or smile and when you did, it was a sight to behold. He had the most adorable gummy smile ever that made the girls swoon and Mina just happened to have a small crush on him. Not that he would ever look her way though.

But boy was she wrong this time. Yoongi had indeed noticed Mina more than once. A handful of times to be exact. Yoongi wasn't the type to pay attention unless something really intrigued him. In Mina's case, it was her laugh. He'd heard every type of laugh there was but when it came to Mina's, it was like music to his ears. He wanted to hear it all the time.

This was his little secret and he would never admit out loud to the boys. Yoongi was never one to take enough interest in a girl like he did with Mina. He never had serious relationships either. One night stands and flings were his go to choice.

He watched Mina walk off with Ami, his eyes trailing over her figure before lingering on what little of her face he could see that was currently hidden behind her hair. He was absolutely smitten with her to be honest.

"I made eye contact with Yoongi." Mina immediately whispered to Ami once they were in their common room, her eyes scanning the room to make sure no one was listening. It's not like it was a big deal to be honest, but they had a huge fan base and if any of them overheard her conversation, it would cause a lot of problems.

"What? No way?" Ami said in surprise before a smirk crept up onto her lips, her brows wiggling suggestively as she grinned at Mina. Ami was just as infatuated as Mina was with the Band of Seven. Taehyung being her favorite.

"It was quick though so I doubt he even noticed it actually happened. He'd never pay attention to someone like me to begin with. Also, Serena was close by as well so he was probably looking at her." Mina said softly.

Serena was a seventh year as well and just so happened to be Yoongi's ex girlfriend as she claims. Yoongi had said they were just friends with benefits and Serena had become obsessed. Either way, any girl that looked or tried to talk to Yoongi was a threat.

"Talk about desperate. Yoongi embarrassed her in front of the entire student body and she still thinks they're meant to be. Tragic. Don't even worry about her. If she messes with you, she has another thing coming." Ami said with a smile as she patted Mina's shoulder gently.

"Easy for you to say. At least you've actually talked to one of them before." Mina said with a pout. Ami had the most wonderful pleasure of talking to none other than the heartthrob of the group. Kim Taehyung. Ami had a habit of talking to herself no matter where she was and didn't care if others looked at her weird because of it.

It was totally random and unexpected. Ami was in the study hall, the place being completely empty for once. It gave her time to study without being bothered by the others. She was in the middle of a rant, mumbling under her breath about how Professor Snape was a jerk and had his favorites in the class when she heard a deep chuckle come from above her.

There before her stood Taehyung in all his glory, looking flawless and ethereal as always. Ami had to blink multiple times to make sure he was actually here and this was happening. When he didn't disappear, she knew this was real. Sitting up straight in her seat, she eyed him carefully as he took a seat in front of her, his adorable box smile revealing itself.

And that was it. They spent the next three hours talking about anything and everything they could. Laughter echoed throughout the hall that only the two of them could hear. Ami felt like she knew Taehyung all her life and surprisingly they had so much in common. There was a connection between the two that neither could deny.

Unfortunately that was a year ago and they hadn't spoken since then. It made Ami sad but she knew where she stood with him and wasn't going to fight for his attention if that was how it was going to be.

"Yah. That was a year ago and in the past already. It was definitely nice talking to him and he smelt so good too. His looks are on another level as well." Ami sighed out dreamily before shaking her head as she just laughed.

Mina couldn't help giggle softly, shaking her head at how silly her friend was being as the two of them headed up to their room. They spent the next hour or so unpacking, setting up the room how they wanted it. It was just the two of them so they had plenty of space to do as they pleased with it.

Pretty soon it was dinner time and everyone had gathered in the dining hall once more to eat. Each house was sitting at their designed table. The food was delicious as always and everyone was enjoying themselves. Slytherin table was currently pranking one another. Ravenclaw was a little more quiet and serious. Gryffindor was loud and rambunctious, food being tossed back and forth. And Hufflepuff was just being themselves as always. Silly and happy.

Dinner was over and it was now time for lights out except for fifth, sixth and seventh years. They had more free range over their bed time and were allowed a little bit more freedom than other classes.

Mina and Ami parted ways, each going to their own secret hideaway to get a little alone time. Mina, making sure she was covered and hidden, snuck off to the forbidden forest to go visit her favorite creature in the entire world. She knew it was dangerous to be out here alone let even step foot into the forest but she knew her way around.

When she spotted the creature resting under a tree, she smiled brightly as she approached it while pulling out a little bag of treats for him. "Hey there buddy. I missed you. Did you miss me? I know it's been a long time but I'm here now." She said softly as she fed him, petting his head and earning a soft purr of approval from him.

"And what's this?" Came the voice of none other than Min Yoongi.

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