
Hoseok's New Job

Hoseok didn't know where he was gonna go. He couldn't rap,sing,or dance for money or everyone would recognize him. He also had a big dilemma. Where was he gonna get hired? He couldn't use his name. That would be to obvious if he used his real name, but how was he gonna get it changed without someone find out? This was gonna be difficult. Would hoseok be able to do it? Will he go crawling back to the entertainment.

The answer is no. First thing he did in the morning was get his name changed. He knew it was wrong but he paid the worker to look away while he signed all the documents with his "New Name" and not even she would know his new name. He talked to her over the phone so she doesn't even know what he looks like.

Hoseok has decided that going with the name "Daniel" was the best name for him. Nobody would suspect that he would pick a name like that if he had to change it. "Daniel" set up a job interview officially as Daniel Hope. Of course he missed the other band mates and his life with all his loving fans that he adored but he can't let the entertainment treat him that ways

~ 3 weeks from when he ran away~

"Daniel Got a job at "Hyolyn's stock and Go" he was really excited to see what life was outside being famous. He joined Bts when he was so young so he never really got to experience the outside world. " I am so ready for this!" Screamed "Daniel" excitedly.

As another week went on "Daniel" was prompted from "Stocker" to "tech guy" now instead of stocking things in the cold rain into the building he would be fixing everyone computer viruses and other issues. All he could think of was one day having his own office and computer to work from. A dream that he couldn't have guessed would come true very soon.

As Daniel walked into the room he would over to a desk that had a paper on it addressed to "Daniel." As he picked it up he noticed the cupcake on the desk with a little snowflake design on top. The letter read

"Danielle you have only been here for one month and you have changed everybody's lives. One day you were a stocker next the tech guy. Although you still helped the stockers unload their truck when it was your job. You were always on time or even early and no matter what the problem you could always fix the computer issues we were having. We would like to thank you to the team! You now have your own office. Please enjoy your new desk and your snack~ Your coworkers

Back at the entertainment things were beginning to fall. the boys were reusing to do fanmeets and concerts. They were always arguing with their staff. They believe it was their fault that Hoseok was gone. They believe if the staff wasn't so hard on him he wouldn't have left. Maybe he would've just calmed down and not have left. It's been a whole months without him thought Namjoon. When Jimin finally fell asleep he almost immediately woke up. He kept having a bad dream since Hoseok left. Hoseok use to tell him a story and stay with him till he was asleep. Hoseok had always been there for Jimin and it wasnt that he needed him it's that he didn't want to live without his best friend.

Hoseok Felt great about his new promotion. He walked into his apartment doing a minidance of accomplishment and jump and screamed "WooHoo" he was living a life out of the spotlight. He loved it, Nobody was bugging him 24/7 with demands. He did miss one thing though... His fans. Sometimes he Would lay awake at night thinking about how it would be if he just sucked it up and never left. His fans must hate him. They must resent him for giving up so easily. Sometimes he just hated himself.

Hoseok woke up the next morning and couldn't get it out of his mind. " its been 6 Damn Weeks why can't i get over this" Hoseok decided to look online to see what fans were saying about their most recently dropped album "Persona" he began to read some of the comments

User 19875-Hobi we love please come back

I love Hobi 1985-Hoseok where are you? Why did you leave? Please come back Hobi :(

User 20189-Hobi if your out there please come back i can't stop crying myself to bed hoping your okay.

HobiComeback-I hope Hobi is okay. Why did he leave

ImJHopesHope-Jhope I miss you please come back safely.

Hoseok Slid down his bedroom door slowly as the tears began to fall. "I've let them down","They hate me now" "They don't need me" "it's better if I'm gone i only cause trouble." "I am a complete and Utter Failure"

At that moment he decided he was gonna release one last song to let everyone know he was okay. Every including the entertainment,the boys, his friends, Fans, and family. He knew he would have to buy a new laptop if he uploaded it off his so after he recorded his put it on a hard drive went to the library and made a new YouTube account. Of course he went two towns away to do this because he didn't want it traced to the area he was in. He was making sure no one could find him. On this account he posted the video. He decided to Do "okay" By Jackson Wang. He thought this would show his struggle but how he was still okay. In the video he talked about not wanting to be found and that he was happy now. Of course it was only a voice upload he couldn't let people see what he looked like people everywhere has seen him looking like this. He didn't want to be found and he was being careful not to be.

Even though he knew it was a huge risk and they might be able to find him he still wanted to do it for his fans,friends,and family. He didn't care if running away made him seem weak. Of course he missed the life but he wanted to be a normal person to and he wasn't being treated like one, he was being treated like a slave and like he was absolutely nothing. "I miss everyone but i think this is for the best" he said while sighing as he walked down to the bus stop to go home.

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