
Chapter 2

Anastasia Greg. Middle school bully. Here. Her. Now! I felt blind with panic, my vision blury and my head dizzy. I stayed silent. After all, silence is powerful. Yet, she noticed me. Silence had not work.

"Hey. Christine! Nice to see you again! Where's your friends? Oh, I forgot, you don't have any!" She jeered as she purposefully pushed me to the ground. As my books flew out of my arms, I sat on the cold floor. Blinking rapidly, I fought back tears emerging in my eyes. I felt anger bubble yet I knew what she said was true.

I had no friends. I have no friends. I will have no friends. No one will befriend a freak like me.

As people stared and muttered at me, their voices all muffled into one sound. I slowly pocked myself up and felt something new wash over me. It was a silent calmness. Like a soft breeze sending the salt from the swaying ocean flying, dancing towards me. It was the first time I experienced a happy silence.

My body suddenly felt more energized. With a smile, I strode into the school.

Silence followed. However, nothing good lasts forever. Mine only lasted a matter of seconds...
