
Signs and Some words

I don't compare anyone's love with my mother's love. Because mother is like, mother cannot be. Likewise, I do not find anyone's love matching my love. Every person's thoughts and thoughts are directed from two directions. His thoughts are like his actions. His judgment is based on knowledge, intelligence, consideration. Signs and Some words of social creativity. I hope you will look at the mistakes with forgiveness.

DaoistpQfxaP · Urban
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105 Chs

Refuse to mix

The day I first saw you

I stopped for a while on the way.

The eyes of the two fell,

I dream if I go to bed.

I don't know when that became love,

Bring the heart closer to the wire.

I would fill her feet with swelling,

I will go back if death.

That's why I gave my heart and soul to everything.

Every morning, I would look at her face

I used to say that luck helps me today.

I ran to her with unsatisfied desire

That's why I say love, I stay.

She would rejoice that when the mind went to her,

The mind would be dirty if it did not see.

I sit at her door all day,

I'll take her to the red pig

Blood cells flow across the heart in trauma,

When I hear her refuse to mix with me.