
Chapter 3: 3 Years Later and Start Of Canon

~Joseph POV~

It's been 3 full years this is the last day I have to do that elementary level workout. I asked the system if I can increase the intensity and

Surprisingly the system said yes I can.

1st Year I Did 1000 push ups, sit ups and squats followed by a 10mile run this made it quite difficult for the start but after a while it got too easy

2nd Year I increased my workout to 5000 push ups, sit ups, squats followed by a 25mile run. It may of been Difficult on the first day but due to Superior adaptation it made it too simple.

3rd Year This was the last year up until this day I have Increased the training every month by a huge margin. 100,000 push ups, sit ups, squats and 100mile run it wasn't as intense as the 1st and 2nd year but it was quite difficult.

And now we're here the last day of this training until my limiter is broken, apparently the system can keep track of everything which was convenient. I also asked the System if I will lose my hair, let's be honest no one wants to be bald, unless you're a certain doctor/delivery driver/plumber. I was hoping to not lose my hair, I love my hair I wouldn't want to lose it for power. And I got The answer I wanted to hear. [No you Will not Lose your hair, master] Akeno spoke the words I wanted to hear.

"Thank You Akeno"

[Ara Ara Its my duty Master]

~No One POV~

Joseph was on his 1st mile run in the park when he stumbled upon His friend or The person he talks to when running. "Yo Saitama, you running again today?" Joseph asked his friend. "yes I am, how are you today Joseph" Saitama Spoke "I'm good, How are you?" Joseph replied asking about Saitama's Day. "Good, just the usual fighting monsters and Doing this workout" Saitama Replied.

{Just to make it clear at this time Saitama still has his emotions, and isn't as Calm as his OP version}

After running for sometime Joseph was by himself now, he was running at the same speed as Saitama to have a chat. But since Saitama Was gone he started to speed up his running, he was now running at the Speed of sound and finished his run in 2 seconds.

After the run he felt his body warmup and his muscles became very sore, he collapsed to the ground and started breathing heavily, until Akeno notified him. [Master, Your Limiter is breaking and every cell in your body is adapting instantly.] After hearing Akeno tell him his body condition he laid on the ground and close his eyes for a few minutes to let the pain subside.

Soon he stood up and felt power surging through his body, this power is nothing he's ever experienced before. He swung his arm in the air just to limit the damage around him, but the wind generated from the punch blasted the trees in front of him. When he realized the damage of his punch Joseph teleported away from the scene he doesn't want attention this early on. He teleported to his apartment and went straight to sleep as it was already 10pm

He got Teleportation from Akeno after singing in 3 years ago when he first begun his training


Joseph was heading to the park to train, but soon Akeno alerted him [You Can Sign-in Here Master only once a year though] "Ok Sign In Akeno" Joseph Replied excited to see his reward.

[Sign In Success

Reward: Instant Transmission + $900 = 114385 Japanese Yen]

"Instant Transmission! If I recall that's the ability that Goku uses, it allows him to teleport" Joseph Exclaimed happily.

[Yes this is Goku's Teleportation ability but I removed the use of KI part] "Thank You Akeno"

~Flashback End~

After that Year he got 2 more rewards until now, the first ability was

Hit's TimeSkip -Time-Skip is a technique where the user skips time for a tenth of a second, and in that limited time, they are able to move

The other ability was Infinity which was good but again a bit too OP.

~The Next Day~

Joseph woke up like normal, he put on the News Channel while he was getting ready to go shopping for groceries. Until he heard the news channel "Breaking News a New Monster has Appeared, the Threat Level has been raised to Demon." News Announcer said.

'Hmm it seems that there is a monster, I guess I'll go'

~Whilst In City A~

Every Citizen was running for their lives screaming, as there were explosions all around them it seemed as if a monster was wrecking havoc everywhere within the City.

The Monster Jumped into the air and launched 6 energy blasts resulting in Huge Explosions, with the Majority of the buildings in the area collapsing.

The area was turned to rubble in seconds, the Monster was stood on the rubble with a Huge Grin on his face.

"Waaah!….Mommy!….Daddy!" A girl screamed, the Monster stretched out his hand until it became the size of a bus, he was going to squash the girl with his hand.

'Oh it seems the monster is here' Joseph thought until he saw what the Monster was aiming to do. 'Fuck, I'm not letting him do that' He Sped off and picked up the small girl on the way, he then placed the girl on the ground softly so she doesn't sustain any injury.

"You're a fast one, who are you?" The Monster Looked at Joseph and asked. "I'm just a civilian who saw a monster and decided to get rid of it" Joseph responded with a poker face. "What type of half assed backstory is that?" The monster proceeded to raise his voice "I exist because of humankind's constant pollution of the Earth… I am Vaccine Man!" The Monster started to Yell "You humans are the disease killing this single living organism earth, the will of the earth gave birth to me and destroy humanity and their insidious civilization"

Before the Monster could speak further "Blah Blah Blah, Stop your blabbering I've got shopping to do. You look more like a pesky germ than humans" Joseph got annoyed and spoke ending the Vaccine Man's dialogue.

This made Vaccine Man infuriated! He started to get bigger in size but it was all too late Joseph simply finger flicked putting some force behind the flick and Vaccine Man was no more. "Tch, he was such a loud ass but weak"

"Joseph?" Joseph heard a voice behind him, he turned around and saw a man dressed in Yellow with a White cape and red Gloves. "Sup Saitama" Joseph responded "You decided to become a hero too?" Saitama asked. "Nah, I just saw the monster and decided to test my strength you know" Joseph Replied.

After Joseph said goodbye to Saitama he carried on with his shopping, you may be asking why he is physically shopping when he can buy things from the system. Well it's because he enjoys exploring the different cities in this new world.

On his Shopping Trip he bought - A new Phone, A Gaming PC, and Food for his Apartment as he was running short.

Next chapter