
in Douluo Dalu.

Wanna read a story full of epic fights, trolling and beauties chasing MC as well as of heartfelt comradeship, then my friend this story is just for you. Also this is a translation of a Chinese fan fiction, I am not the author. But rest assured that the translation will be very good not like MTL poison. I do not own this fan fiction as well as Douluo Dalu novel as it belong to it's respective author.

PrimorDious · Anime & Comics
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293 Chs

Chapter 207.

Chapter 207.

A peculiar glint flickered in Wang Feng's eyes. Indeed, Blazing Academy proved significantly more formidable than Elephant Armored Academy. Even facing the Elephant Armored Academy's seven members, including their captain with a mutant martial soul, would likely not suffice to overcome Blazing Academy's prowess.

However, this was merely the beginning. As the two Fire Sparks martial soul auxiliary soul masters enacted their skills once more, Wang Feng observed keenly. The purple spirit rings adorning their bodies ignited, and several sparks surged forth, hurtling into the fiery circles already ablaze.

The flames once again surged, fueled by the added spark, growing exponentially more formidable. What was once a modest flame of less than a meter now soared to a height of at least two to three meters, with temperatures soaring to extreme levels. The inferno became an inescapable trap, a terrifying flame hell where none could emerge unscathed from atleast at their level. Even venturing outside meant enduring severe burns.

Furthermore, they maximized the terrain's lethality by leveraging the Fire Spark boost from the two auxiliary soul masters.

As other teams observed this spectacle, a sense of dread crept over them. Dealing with such a formidable opponent seemed insurmountable.

Utilizing two strong attack-type soul masters for containment, two agility attack-system soul masters to alter the terrain, and employing two auxiliary-type soul masters to enhance the terrain, Blazing Academy effectively entrapped almost the entire opposing team within the inferno.

For a team of seven, even if complete confinement wasn't achievable, separating the opponents and restricting more than four individuals was well within reach. 

And with only one member present from the Purple Star Acadmey, the odds were dire.

As the flames engulfed the arena, the spectators' expressions shifted in alarm. It was evident that Jiu Yikai was now at a severe disadvantage. While the previous attacks from Huo Wushuang and the Flame Leopard soul master were aimed at containment, it was clear that Jiu Yikai was now on the brink of defeat.

At this juncture, unless Jiu Yikai possessed the ability to fly and evade the blazing inferno, victory seemed improbable. Even if airborne, navigating the scorching hot air currents would prove challenging for a flying soul master, risking vulnerability to enemy attacks should they lose balance.

The fiery terrain, covering most of the ring, rivaled the ice crystal ground conjured by Zhu Zhuqing moments earlier, if not surpassing it in strength and threat.

"Such power!" Tang San remarked from the audience stage, his gaze fixed upon the seven members of Blazing Academy with utmost seriousness.

Fortunately, they had witnessed this match. In the future, if they were to encounter a similar situation, where the opposing team unleashes a flame hell, they would immediately need to alter the ring's terrain to avoid imminent danger for their Shrek Academy team.

Tang San was aware that his Blue Silver Grass conferred immunity to flames, rendering him impervious to the inferno's burning. However, the same couldn't be said for the rest of the team. If faced with such a flame hell like environment, their team of seven would swiftly become divided, leaving them vulnerable to being picked off one by one.

"Brother, what do you think he'll do?" Xiao Wu inquired, curiosity gleaming in her eyes. "He hasn't utilized his special weapon yet. How will he escape this blazing hell? Even with mushroom sausages, flying over doesn't seem easy."

Mushroom sausages granted them wings for flight, but navigating the turbulent airflow caused by the raging fire posed a significant challenge. Moreover, flying made them conspicuous targets, especially considering Blazing Academy's long-range attacks and the unutilized abilities of the control system soul master, Huo Wu.

"The Five Elements Academy symbolizes the might of the Heaven Dou Empire," Grandmaster remarked, noting the seriousness in their expressions. "You've witnessed the Elephant Armored Academy's power, and the subsequent elemental academies will undoubtedly showcase their prowess. There's no room for complacency."

Tang San nodded in agreement, understanding the gravity of the situation, and fell silent.

At that moment, inside the ring, Huo Wu's gaze fixated on Jiu Yikai amidst the flames, a faint smile gracing her lips. She waited, observing, contemplating the next move against him.

Beside her, Huo Wushuang rose to his feet, his expression dark and brooding. The scales covering his arms still tingled, his strength sapped by the recent encounter. 

"He must possess a Soul Bone in his chest," he asserted solemnly. "Otherwise, I wouldn't have been repelled by such formidable force. The defensive capabilities it bestows are unknown, but clearly potent enough to prevent any injury."

"Even if he can fly, I can ensure he's grounded," Huo Wu declared crisply. "With my control, he'll find no respite in mid-air. We can then rain down long-range attacks like fire clouds and fire rain to subdue him. It's not so simple for him to break through alone! And he hasn't even released his martial soul yet. Does he underestimate us?"

Indeed, not even his martial soul had not been unleashed. "Even if he activates it now, it won't alter the outcome," Huo Wushuang remarked. "The Axe martial soul is a weapon martial soul. It won't aid him in his current predicament. We just need to wait a little longer, and victory will be ours."

But in that moment, as Huo Wushuang's words trailed off, Wang Feng stirred in the distance. Suddenly, everyone's eyes widened in astonishment.

Eyes widened across the VIP seats and the audience on the viewing platform as they witnessed the spectacle unfold. A cluster of black lights like particles swiftly coalesced at Wang Feng's feet, causing him to ascend gradually, rising once more.–

In a moment of revelation, two slender sticks emerged beneath Wang Feng's feet, each at least four meters tall. From a distance, it appeared as –though Wang Feng was standing atop two black rods, effortlessly navigating through the surrounding inferno.

With measured steps, Wang Feng traversed the arena, neither hastening nor slowing his pace. These mysterious black sticks seemed impervious to the scorching flames, unaffected by the extreme temperatures.

Wang Feng understood the peril of the situation. While his body possessed the immunity to the flames, it was only a partial manifestation. Without complete mastery over it, he hesitated to charge headlong into the flames.

The amplified temperature of the inferno posed a formidable challenge, and ordinary means would prove futile in extinguishing it. Moreover, Wang Feng's stature was too conspicuous. A direct approach would result in his robes and mask being incinerated instantly.

Under the scrutiny of the crowd, Wang Feng weighed his options. He sought to avoid direct exposure while preserving his disguise, unwilling to reveal his true identity or risk overt damage.

"Though Blazing Academy appears unchanged, they have certainly grown stronger," Wang Feng mused. The fiery terrain proved to be a formidable strategy, a potent threat even for formidable opponents like Tang San and his comrades.

Wang Feng inwardly acknowledged the potency of the fiery terrain, recognizing it as a significant strategic asset. Even if Tang San and his companions encountered it, Tang San's martial soul conferred immunity to fire. However, the likelihood of defeat remained high, as this fiery terrain exerted a considerable impact on his team.

While the fiery terrain posed a formidable threat to individuals, Wang Feng realized that his team's cohesion would be their greatest challenge. Stepping out alone offered him an escape route, but for a team, division would be inevitable. Even if they managed to avoid the flames, they would be vulnerable to being picked off one by one by the opponent.

Fortunately, before Wang Feng proceeded, he utilized his ability to control thousands of Armored Black thorns, shaping them into two distinct forms. Much like now, he fashioned two specialized thorn sticks and deftly maneuvered them to extricate himself from the fiery inferno.

Without this capability, Wang Feng would have been forced to activate his second tier of strength and charge forth recklessly, or resort to the God Killing Spear, employing the [Devouring Blood Wing] to escape. However, such methods would have exposed him unnecessarily, especially considering the stakes of the qualifier.

Moreover, Wang Feng had resolved to rely solely on the power of Black thorns Armor, abstaining from utilizing any other abilities unless absolutely necessary–. The versatility of this dual-purpose mindset and able to control the two forms of Armored Black Thorns proved invaluable, allowing him to devise various tactical solutions beyond mere offense.

As Wang Feng effortlessly emerged from the fiery terrain, the audience watched in utter disbelief. "How is this possible? What are those two black sticks? Is it a soul bone? What kind of soul bone?" 

Huo Wu echoed the sentiment, equally stunned by Wang Feng's unexpected method of traversal, bypassing flight altogether.

Still emerging so effortlessly?

On the audience stage, Tang San and the others remained frozen for a prolonged moment, observing Jiu Yi Kai as he strode out of the flames atop two elongated sticks, seemingly increased by several meters.

"That must be his special weapon!" Ma Hongjun's eyes gleamed with intrigue. "What kind of weapon is this? Not only can it vanquish enemies, but it can also facilitate such feats? Isn't it incredibly powerful? Is it all-encompassing?"

The group lapsed into silence, reflecting the astonishment shared by many in the audience. Even those seated at the VIP table were rendered speechless by the spectacle.

"It must be some kind of unique Soul Bone, but I wonder what kind of Soul Bone could enable such capabilities?" Gu Rong mused with interest.

Ning Fengzhi interjected, brow furrowed in contemplation. "It's possible that various specialized mechanisms could achieve similar effects. Take Tang San's hidden weapons, for example. –They possess immense power despite their compact size. While employing specialized mechanisms may not be impossible, it's unlikely given the competition's restrictions. He wouldn't risk breaking the rules. Hence, this is likely a Soul Bone, maybe an external soul bone..."

Soul Bones had long been coveted by countless Soul Masters, yet their true nature remained elusive.

Various types of unusual Soul Bones are within the realm of possibility for Soul Masters. Nearly everyone speculated that it was indeed a Soul Bone, a deduction that proved correct.

But what exactly could it do? Wang Feng's Black Thorns Armor boasted numerous abilities, with the Armored Black Thorns versatility alone leaving many scratching their heads in wonder.

Emerging from the flames, Wang Feng surveyed the strength of Blazing Academy and wasted no time in making his move towards Huo Wu. The iron rod formed by the Armored Black Thorns beneath his feet dissolved into countless black lights in an instant.


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