
"Battle of the Pernicious"

The wicked demons that worshipped the occult of the Baphomet perform rituals to give their deity the power to be able to reincarnate into the world where two entities reside, which are the angels and the demons. The demons always had been living underground where most dire rituals were made to empower themselves. On the other hand, the angels thrive outside on the surface.

The day when the demons had conquered the land above ground where angels had been living peacefully was the day when two races clashed with one another. While occupying the land above ground, the demons were killing and mercilessly doing actions that are unpleasant and horrific towards the angels. At that time, the angels were forced to live in fear and awareness.

Until one day, a regiment was established from the angels. The regiment stands by 4 divisions, each having its own specifications. The regiment was lead by a saint amongst the angels, known as the Seraphim. The Seraphim angels were one of the most powerful angels amongst them. Until came a day when the Seraphims had fallen on the hands of the Dark Prince of the Underworld, known as Lucifer. Lucifer was a wicked demon lord that had been in the shadows for a time. Unlike other demons, Lucifer features an angelic feature such as a pair of wings that is the same as the angels, a halo that was half broken, and facial features that might deceive anyone that glances at him. There exists occult worshippers of the demons, Sigil of Lucifer, Sigil of Baphomet, and the deity known as the Eye of Providence.

The Battle between the two races of Abrahamic entities ended in chaos, that had struck both sides with a large scale of casualties. And without a doubt, the demon occults had won over the battle but was then struck by the reborn angels of Seraphim which led them to their fall.

Peace had once again been returned to itself. The realm was back to its normal state and the angels thrive on the surface while the demons dwell in the dark and the underground. The Dark Prince remained wounded in the underground. There might come a day when he returns to attack the surface where the angels live peacefully.

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