
Chapter 1: The Escape

Chapter 1: The Escape

I sit infront of the fireplace eating my first ready made meal behind the waterfalls to recover my strength. Realizing I am alone and my friends died in the first encounter. My tears run down my cheeks towards the ground like rain drops.

I started to cry covering my face, grieving for the loses.

"Joy, Felice, Michelle, Johnny and Marco...i'm gonna miss you all" I talked to the photo I took our from my wet wallet. My tears fall at the photo.

Then suddenly I remembered how they were killed that time. Murdered by the Hunter that chased us all away. I still clearly remembered the way they died....specially Felice who was stabbed infront of me. I remember also the armoured woman who saved me, but later on chased me for a kill.

What makes me wondering is how I survived, I remember falling in the waterfalls, drowning and what I thought I am dying.

The question runs in my mind... Who saved me?

How did I come here?

Is this a miracle why I am still alive?

Looking around it's a deep cave leading to unknown depts. I look around for any useful items. A piece of wood, fire and my handkerchief. I wrapped my handkerchief around the tip of the wood, set it on fire to make a torch.

I took a bag laying beside me then took some biscuits, a bottle of water and some packed meals wrapped in plastic. I started to walk deeper into the cave, exploring what lies deep in this unknown tunnel.

I walk deeper inside lighting the way infront of me. At the same time being vigilant for any signs of threat. The cave is awfully silent as I went deeper and deeper.

Darker and darker...

Until I reached a cross road, 2 paths leading to 2 unexplored places. I raised my torch to check if there is wind in one of the paths. There was no wind at the left, but at the right my flame moved backwards, it meant there is wind. I decided to walk to the right.

As I went deeper and deeper the right tunnel. The place went so awfully silent and dark that I can only see my light.

(This isn't a good, I"d better find the exit fast, as to where I come from... That Hunter might chase me from that waterfall entrance) I analyse my situation as I walk deeper.


A heard footsteps...steps that are big like giant feet. Each step made the ground shake. As it gets louder and louder the ground quakes get intense.

I listened first for which direction the sound originates. It came from behind me, but far away. It must have come from the crossroads or at the waterfall entrance.

I heard growling wolf like sounds as I hear it's steps getting closer. I smell also blood from that direction.

Realizing the danger, the First thing I need to do to Survive is to RUN.

I run away from an unknown monster lurking far behind me. I quickly run following the path this tunnel leads me. Until I see 3 paths...this time there are skeletons and 3 knight statues in each path.

1st path is a bear eating a human...

2nd is a knight standing with a sword...

3rd is a nurse leading a way.

I checked the 3 paths first with my torch for any signs of wind.

The 2nd path has wind from it...it means the exit is in this path. I analized it for awhile until I heard the steps getting louder. I run the 2nd path leading to an unknown corridors with iron doors in each side.

Sound of it's steps are now faster and louder, making the shake intensely at each step. Thinking it might have sensed me,.I quickly check one door to another.

Off all times...

All doors I checked are locked...

Until I checked the last door at the right wall.

It's open... The Second thing to do is to HIDE.

I hide in one of the rooms, I look on the items inside. Only to find a cabinet, some trashes a flashlight and an iron rod.

I barricaded the door with the cabinet and placed trash inside it to make it heavy. Then I sit in the floor behind the wall. Listening to the steps as it get louder.

I heard loud steps so near me, the ground shakes terribly. My heart beats so fast and loud as adrenaline shots through my body. Thinking of flight or fight decision.

I found a hole in the door.

I decided to take a peak out of curiosity...

I peaked...

The source of the sounds...

It is a black giant, with an armoured left arm and a bare right arm with an axe in it's hand.

It uses a black vest with armoured legs and Boots.

I only see his back with an armoured spine. I don't wanna look at its face so I sit down then hope it passes me by.

The sound gets lesser and lesser as it walks far passed my position. Great to thing I hid this time. I can't fight it with just a knife.

Realizing I am safe, I looked around for more usefiul items. A bag of gas, empty bottles, used clothes and matches.

I created 5 Molotov by filling gas to the bottles, placing a used teared cloth at the opening and making a tight cover.

I peaked through the hole to check if it is safe. Seeing there is no danger, I opened the door then explored the tunnels deeper. Going through the series of tunnels following the cold breeze through these paths.

Out of nowhere....

I heard sounds of footsteps again...

This time is from my front, I decided to find a room to hide through the series of corridors.

It makes me wonder what is this place doing in a cave. I run one corridor unto another searching for a room. Until finally I found a door, an only door at the last tunnel.

The sound is still far off but I opened the iron door and hide inside it. It's a storage room, and the boxes are empty. It must have been looted during the conflict.

(This is the only room in this tunnels, therefore there is a higher risk of finding me...I might need to prepare for the worst.) I though while hiding and preparing molotovs.

Just as I though... The sounds of footsteps are getting louder. It meant he is searching me all this time. I hid at the side of the door while it's locked. Hoping he would not see me while he enters.

I prepared my iron rod, a knife and molotovs just incase I need them. The steps stopped, the door though locked it opened by some mechanism sounds. The door covered me as I lean my back into the wall.

The monster...

Now in this room, searches for any signs of life. I didn't move a muscle, I hold my breathe. I hear no sounds at all, this is what I feared....he must have found me.

There is no other way out though. I begin to hold my weapon at hand. The door moved, and now I see him...

Face to face....

His left eye has a red camera lens and the right fierce red eye. Its mouth is like a shark with sharp teeth. It only looked at me for a moment


He swing his axe towards my head, fortunately I ducked out of instinct just in time. Avoiding the glowing lava edge burning the wall.

The Third yet LAST RESORT to do is to FIGHT.

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