
Chapter 1: Death and Rebirth

With a darkness that seemed to eat away at everything, this devastated land has been swept away.

The raging flames gave Yu Qingqian's beautiful eyes a dark red hue, giving her an air of agility above the base.

Several exposed skins were covered in bloodstains beneath her ragged clothing.

She noticed that the ground had already turned red from blood and that there were broken walls everywhere when she looked down.

The last line of defense for humans is about to be breached by the zombies, despite the fact that vibrant abilities are constantly blooming outside the base.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

One after another, mournful shouts of killing resounded throughout the base, each with a firm determination to die.

Everyone who was still alive in the base, ordinary people or those with supernatural abilities, rushed to the gate where the zombies were launching their main assault.

Let's all die together because you can't defend the base!

When Yu Qingqian opened her eyes once more, she did so with a little bit more resolve, and the long sword flashed in her hand, cutting through the night sky right away.

On the other side, the Zombie King in the distance was also calmly suspended in midair, and his stiff face gave the impression of making fun of people.

His hazy eyes became humanised with disdain when he saw Yu Qingqian hurry over. However, he had no idea that Yu Qingqian, who had just been elevated to the rank of king, possessed the ability to cut through the bamboo and kill him in front of him!

"Go to hell, dirty things!" As if she were a hellish soul seeker, her voice was clear and cold.

Her abilities were blazing hot, and the shattered death light shone brightly across the sky. The zombie king was engulfed in the violent turbulence of the surrounding air as he stared in horror at her ravishing smile.


The crimson fire spread across the entire planet, instantly engulfing a large number of zombies.

"Leader..." The woman, who was in perfect shape, vanished forever in the sky's sea of fire, but sounds of grief echoed through the sky.


The Dayan Kingdom's King Jin Mansion

Heavy rain kept beating on the windows, and the night wind swept the dead leaves in the air, knocking a few birds withering and falling.

The orange candle-lit room was shaken by a scream when a green light beam fell from the sky.


The sluggish cries suggested that he was about to pass away instantly.

The beautiful young woman in the room got up from the bed and stared with complicated eyes at the weak baby in the arms of the elderly woman opposite her.

"Madam, I have already taken the blood essence and umbilical cord." The old woman naturally caught the look in the woman's eyes; her voice was hoarse and somewhat calm.

The stunning woman gave a slight nod but didn't say anything. From her wrists, a hazy yellow light surrounded her body as soon as her mind moved.

The woman's yellow light went out after half an hour. The body, which had been sweating and looking a little embarrassed, had been greatly refreshed, and it was no longer apparent that it had just given birth.

"Let's go; put her on the bed." The stunning woman finally stood up, got out of bed, and spoke slowly.

"Madam, I'm afraid she won't live long with such a physique," the elderly woman said as she placed the infant in her arms on the bed with a hint of regret in her eyes. Today's talent as a spiritual planter is unfortunate.

The pretty woman frowned and reached out to touch the baby's face, but she immediately retreated.

The colour of determination quickly replaced the haze of pain that had stained her beautiful eyes.

"Yu Ming is coming back soon; he may be able to save her life." "Even though I lied to him, used him, and lost him, according to his temperament, he will not leave our daughter alone," the stunning woman sighed, her face displaying sadness and unspeakable complexity.

She got up and quickly used the pen and ink in the room to write a letter, and as she pressed a silver bracelet with a streamer pattern on it to the paper, her eyes quickly calmed down.

Finally, she gave the infant, who was so fragile that she could die at any time, a serious look. "Let's go; Ran'er is still waiting for the umbilical cord and blood to continue their lives," she said to the elderly woman as she turned her head.

"Indeed, ma'am." A translucent plant appeared behind the elderly woman after she gave her nod.

When the beautiful woman and the elderly woman walked in front of the plant, the plant quickly wrapped them in its translucent branches and leaves. Together with the plants, they soon vanished from the room.

Before the plants were about to disappear, they didn't realise that the little baby who was lying on the bed with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

A strange scarlet flashed in her eyes, and after a while, it gradually faded and returned to normal.

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