
A hectic day (updated)

- Next day, Thesus company headquarters -

"What do you mean numerous scandals were released!?" shouted the man angrily.

"Sir, I have no idea how those people got their hands on this information. It was secured by us and no one but a few trusted top managers of the company and the involved stars knew about those. Our teams are currently trying to find the source of the leak," answered the assistant nervously.

Her boss was usually so easy-going, but here he was without any ounce of that carefree attitude. Instead stood a man with a darkened expression and a bursting anger that looked like a ticking bomb that was going to destroy everyone around him at any moment. She couldn't remember ever seeing him so enraged.

The man took a deep breath while his assistant stood there afraid to even take a breath. Understanding that losing his temper was not the best choice now Ren said with a calm, but assertive tone,

"The source is not what's important now. Call for an emergency meeting in 10minutes. I want everyone from the top management to be present. Make sure the artists involved in the scandals are also there together with their managers. Now, go."

Ren collapsed in his seat and after taking few minutes to compose himself, stood up and headed towards the conference room.

- At the same time, Harding corps headquarters -

In the silent office, Will was working on his laptop, when suddenly the silence was broken by the sound of the door opening. He furrowed his brows, but the next moment, upon seeing the old man at the door, he quickly stood up and walked to his grandfather.

William Harding Sr. man was in his 70s but filled with vigour nevertheless. His head of white was held in a proud and authoritative manner. His expression though was a bit out of usual: his face, that told a story of countless experiences, now held a happy smile on it. His eyes, that were hardened by years of battles and struggles, were now shining like the stars in the sky.

'Seems like I am in deep trouble,' Will thought to himself as he gave a handshake to the old man and helped him settle down.

"Boy, I have such good news for you that I could not help but come here personally," the old man chided like a child.

"Hmm?" Will just raised his brows waiting for him to start. Somehow he didn't have a good premonition, but he still waited for his grandfather to talk.

The next moment the old man started with his eyes turned into crescents and a beaming smile plastered on his face,

"Princess Carla of the Silverine kingdom is celebrating her 25th birthday in two days. According to their traditions the princess should tour the country for 3 days to meet her people and fulfil their wishes as she is considered a servant of her nation. However, traditionally, she has to invite a male companion from another country. He should accompany her to ensure her safety and also to get to know the people in hopes of strengthening the relationship between the two countries," the old man paused and the next moment in his excitement stood up and continued,

"William Harding Jr.! She has actually chosen you!"

Will couldn't believe what he just heard. No, correctly speaking, he didn't want to believe it.

Of course he knew about this weird tradition of Silverine, but he also knew that the men who accompanied the princess were seen as her marriage prospects.

Humans were imaginative creatures: him going there would surely spread a word about his nonexistent feelings towards the princess. That was the last thing he wanted.

What if Sia also misunderstood? The thought gave him shudders.

"What if I refuse?

"You cannot! Your refusal could potentially worsen the relationship between our countries and you would be branded a traitor to your nation! Moreover, instead of idling around here you should quickly get ready as your plane is taking off in 2 hours."

Will fell into a stupor. What the heck was going on? Did he really not have a choice?

"Gramps, I don' want to ..." he tried to explain but was immediately interrupted by his grandfather.

"No young man. It's not about what you want. It's a duty you must fulfil. You have to go!" the old man said strictly.

As if to add salt to his wounds, the old Harding continued, "Moreover, she is one of the most beautiful women in the world. The two of you might..."

"Stop! I understand, I will go. But there is no way in hell there will be anything between us."

The old man remained silent and then left the room with an all-knowing smile.

'The matters of the heart cannot be reasoned: if you feel then you feel,' he thought.

After being left alone Will robotically turned and started walking towards his desk-chair. However, the next moment he made a sharp turn and punched the wall on his side with all his might. He continued punching it despite his bleeding knuckles.

Whatever, he didn't care.

"F*ck!" he punched for the last time and slowly slid onto the floor with his back on the wall.


- Avalta company headquarters -

Alex was sitting at his table with a worried expression. He was looking at his phone screen when it suddenly rang. Seeing the caller ID he quickly picked up the call and said worriedly,

"Hi Mary! I was actually trying to contact you. Is everything alright? ... Oh, okay... got it, no worries. Yeah, I was just worried... The meeting can wait ... Yeah, yeah don't worry and grab the opportunity... a week? .. Sure, that's fine. We will just postpone the meeting until next Monday. ... take care."

After disconnecting the call a big smile bloomed on his face.

'This is the best thing that could have happened! I can now spend much more time with the troublemaker and get to know her better!' he thought to himself with a smile plastered on his face.

Suddenly, a knock came on the door. He knew it was his PA Tom, who was the only person who would directly knock instead of calling first.

"Come in!"

"Hello sir. I have good news and bad new which should I start with?"

Alex was surprised at the statement but analysing the expression on his PA's face he could guess that something serious had happened. So without any further ado he answered,

"Bad first."

"Sir, numerous scandals are being released involving Thesus' signed artists. The company is in a chaos now. Mr Ren has already met with his team to implement prevention strategies but so far they cannot do anything. Whoever published the videos has a top-notch hacker on their side."

He stopped for a moment letting his words sink into Alex. Taking a breath he then continued with a smile,

"On the other hand, your friend Mr William was chosen last minute as the partner of the Silverinean Princess Carla on her birthday so he should already be on his way there."

Alex stared dumbfounded at his PA. Of course he knew why the latter considered this as good news, but knowing Will he knew that for his friend this was nothing but pain in the a**. And that guy had such an obvious crush on Sia that he actually pitied him now.

As for Ren, they had continuously warned him against keeping those 'dangerous' artists, but he still insisted on keeping them. So, this was his retribution for his mistakes. He wasn't too worried though, because he knew that with time and with the right measures taken everything will fall into places.

The only thing that was needed was time.

'This all seems so strange. Everything was fine yesterday, why did everything escalate so fast in just a day?'


- In an unknown location, in a car -

A phone rang. The man picked it up. In the silence of the car one could clearly hear the voice coming through the speakers:

"Everything was done as instructed. All three targets successfully entered the traps."

"Good. Make sure they stay trapped for minimum a week," the man said with a slight smile on his face.

"Will do!"

"What about the Lion-slayer operation?" his tone became solemn and cold.

"Phase one is being finalised now!"

"Okay, inform me on the lion's response," he commanded and disconnected the call.

'I am sorry, I can't show myself now. Just wait a bit more until I get rid of all the dangers, and I promise, I will come to you.'


- At the same time in a secret base in a certain city -

"Sir, we are under attack! The enemy has infil..."

A shot on his forehead stopped his conversation on the phone. Minutes later the building was engulfed in a fire that knew no salvation.

The man on the other end of the line smiled deviously, his smile accentuating his chiseled jawline. He then looked ahead and leisurely said through the phone as if addressing a particular person,

"Isn't this mean? I just killed a few of your men and you instead destroyed a whole base of mine. I wouldn't be a nice guy if I didn't return the favour with an appropriate gift, would I?"

The man then laughed thinking of something. He then stood up and turning to the other men in the room said,

"Let the Dragon hunt begin!"

Next chapter