
Priceless Gift

Times runs so fast, the school year is about to end. Macy can't understand her feeling because in the past years; vacation is the best part of her life. She promised herself to study harder in the remaining one month. So, she focuses on complying her projects and other school activities.

From the day that she blushed in front of her crush. She begun to cool down a little bit. She tries to hide her feelings and remain simply one of his friend.

But every time Marco shows her any form of kindness. She can't deny the fact that her heart flutters and bump in with excitement.

Without her knowledge, Marco is feeling uneasy too every time they talk. He becomes speechless and timid in front of Macy. But the thought that she is just sitting behind him makes him so happy. For the mean time, he will be contented in treasuring every moments with Macy. But he promisef himself, he will work hard to be the perfect man for her. He will prepare for the right time to admit his feelings for her.

While at home, he makes a masterpiece for her. This will be his first gift for her. He exert much effort in finishing this; despite of his hectic schedule in managing some school, family and church related events.

After few days of doing some labor, "Finally, it's done." He smiles as he looks contented in his output.

"Why lonely one?" This is his brother comment from behind. "Is this your project? Can I have it later when your teacher will return this?"

"Nope! .... because it will not be return." (he stated straighforwardly to his brother)

He can't tell him yet, because his plan might be reveal so early. Plus his brother is so talkative enough to be shared some boys talk. He can't let anyone spoils his first step towards expressing his love for his special girl.

He can't wait to give the gift to Macy. But he was thinking, how can I make it? He has no courage to talk to her about giving a gift. He can't predict the outcome. "Will Macy accept my gift? Maybe yes, she is so kind enough not to appreciate his effort." Then he thinks again. "What if I'll just send it to her thru Hazel?" Some sort of thought makes him extra bit of excited and he can't sleep until 12:39 am. He decided to drink a fresh milk and try to return back in his bed. As his sleepy eyes begun to close, he saw a girl so happy in front of him. She gaze at him with a beautiful smile, a random of smiles and laughter filled her countenance. She offers three cup cakes and waiting for him to take it. He then, take it.. And finally, he says to her "Thanks Mace." He tasted it and it was so delicious. "This is my favorite banana cup cake! Would you like to eat with me. I know this is also your favorite. How come you gave it all to me.

"I already ate seven cup cakes a while a ago." He smiles at her direct answer. He didn't know that she is so foody too. It wasn't obvious because of her thin body. He begun to listen to her and every words that comes out of her lips is like a sweetest cup cake he is tasting right now. He can't imagine that they are talking this close without any awkwardness. He is so happy at this moment. His joy is beyond explanation.

His favorite rock music plays so loud 6:00 am in the morning. He woke up lazily because he was still so sleepy. But his plans for the day suddenly energized his thought and prompt him to get up now.. or else, he'll missed his plan for this day. Realizing he'd dream of Macy makes him extra zestful that he even prepare himself for school right away.

He can't wait for this day to come. He'll say to Macy, "You are like the banana in my favorite banana cup cakes, 'so sweet.. your presence in my life energizes me instantly. I want you to be a special part of my daily life, please stay near me and just wait for a little bit. This is for you, I made it specially for the first girl in the history of my whole love life."

"Hey man!" Is this your project in Art? He grab the beautiful painting Marco is holding in both of his hands. "I thought the deadline will be on Monday. Why so early? ...and woah wow. this is so cool, can I have it later when Ms Xz return it soon?"

"I can't, sorry but it's for my crush. He stated calmly, grab the thing from Bryan and walk faster ahead of him.

But he can hear from behind. "Macy, have you seen Marco?"

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