

Ryan, a 15-year-old teased for his weight and for acting like a bread shuttle, was startled by a shuttlecock that was flying so quickly toward him when a guy named Rick came after it and apologized. This is when his life starts to change.

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Fateful Encounter

Fatty.. Fatty.. (gossips)

I've always been the loser that everyone bullies, and during my time in high school, I was called the "bread shuttle" because of my weight.

Ryan, are my snacks here? You do realize what happens if you keep me waiting, don't you?

I would never forget to bring you your favorite vanilla ice cream and Lay chips, Isaac, so don't worry.

This is why you're my favorite bread shuttle because you're always prepared, unlike these two here. Now, behave yourselves so that I don't kick you're ass.

Isaac said

This is Isaac, a delinquent and the leader of our school's basketball team. He began tormenting me during my first year here and would beat me up without cause or if I failed to bring him snacks.

Dwayne and Aiden, two of my pals who are also losers like me, are the two that he is currently bullying. I want to protect them, but I already knew what would happen if I attempted.

(A year ago)

I won't allow you to harass my friends any longer, Isaac, so stop that immediately!

Hey Ryan, what are you thinking? We can manage this; apologize to Isaac right away and maybe he'll accept your apology. Don't worry; we've got this.

No, we've endured much too much at his hands.

Ryan, it seems like you struck your head, or perhaps you weren't pounded hard enough. Rough him up, guys.

After that, Isaac and his pals continued to assault me for a full week. I tried talking to the instructors about it, but even they were powerless to intervene because Isaac's parents had bought off the school principal with a sizable bribe.

I was so helpless that I just followed his instructions, bought him free snacks, and served as his personal punching bag.

(The present)

as I was walking through the school's grounds to buy snacks for Isaac, When a shuttlecock flew in my direction, I suddenly began to react as if time were slowing down, and I managed to catch it.

I was approached by a man in a white jersey who apologized for the inconvenience and expressed surprise at my reaction time because, despite having little to no time, I still managed to catch it.

Hey! My name is Rik, and I'm the captain of Roxa's badminton team. I was wondering if you'd like to join; your speed right there really impressed me. By the way, what's your name?

Isaac appeared and yelled at me before I had chance to answer.

Hey Ryan, don't keep me waiting or I'll hit you.

I ran and pleaded, "Isaac, please don't be angry. I'm coming."

What a weird kid.

Rik states..

"The two of them had no idea that this experience would have a lasting impact on their lives."