

This is the story of 3 intertwining destines between The Creator,Zero and his creations Leonardo and Magnus. What happens when these characters become self aware? What happens when 1 man has all that power?!

Gregorio_porter · Urban
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10 Chs

It's Showtime!!! #2


Page 1 


         3 days later 


                                                                                          Artist note: Showtime will be wearing shades,a number 4 hat and runner's outfit

           1.(wide panel) *Scene open with Showtime running along a roof* Leo: after a couple days of everyone freaking out about how I'm awake. Big deal,apparently.* chuckles* I decided to try this hero thing out. 

           2. Leo:*Jumps off roof, grabs flagpole and spins to land on top*Unfortunately, unlike in comics bad guys just don't appear. 

           3.Leo: *Stares at the sky*Would be really nice if a certain someone,nudge,nudge. Would help a brotha out ?!

          4. Random homeless person: Can you help a brotha out?!

          5. Leo: *Jumps off flagpole and into a superhero landing* I'm getting better at those. Here ya go,man. *hands over some cash*

           6. Random homeless person: Thanks.Now I'm gonna go buy some beer!

          7. Leo:*Superhero pose* Tell everyone,Showtime bought you that beer!!

Page 2 

Leo*Walking home and hears a scream*:  Zero,you're the fucking best!

Leo*Running and leaping over cars towards the scream* 

Leo*Arrives and sees a cat stuck in the tree*:

Old lady: can you be a dear and grab my precious Charlotte from up there?! 

             5.Leo*Leaps up and quickly grabs the cat*: Fuck you,Zero. You trolling bast..

             6.Old lady: excuse me?!

              7. Leo:Oh,you're welcome,m'am. Have a day night.Bye Charlotte *Whispers* dumbass cat. I'm Showtime by the way!

Page 3 

             1.Leo*Bursts through the door* Honey,I'm home!! 

             2. Leo *Sits on the couch,cuts on the tv* 

             3. (Wide panel) * the tv screens show Sergeant Soul stopping the Ferris wheel*

   4.Leo *Throws glasses * Why the hell am I not as epic as Soul?!

 Page 4 

Sasha: *walks in* Because you're a lame ass nigga!

Leo: Damnit,Sash! I'm just trying to be a really dope superhero! *Points at tv*

Sasha: Powers,nigga.Do you got em ?! 

Leo:  *chuckles* 

                 Page 5 


                               1.Leo *Begins walking up the wall towards the ceiling*

                              2.Leo * flips,superhero lands with 2 swords forming in his hands*

                               3. Leo: Fuck yeah! I've been working on that for days now! 

                              Four(4).Sasha: Sergeant Soul stopped a Ferris wheel,though!!

          Page 6

                            1.Leo: I can do more than stop a damn Ferris wheel!I have the power to manipulate reality itself….but I'm still learning how.Damn!

                          2.Sasha: To be honest with you,that's sounds like bullshit. Wanna go spark up and get some studying done?!

                       3. Leo: *starts concentrating and posing like a Dbz character* 

                               Four(4). Sasha: *begins to live room*so….. I'm gonna go spark up and you keep screaming like an idiot.

Leo: * eyes and mouth begin emitting a white light as Sasha turns back in awe*

Page 7 

                 1.  Leo: *Beginning to reaches out and grabs the comic bubble from the last page* 

               2.  Sasha: *in awe,pointing * That's…

               3. Leo: Yeah, I'm the shit! *bubble disappears* 

               Four(4). Leo: And I'll be even be better when I master all of these powers. With extreme concentration and will,I can do some real advanced shit,too.

                Five(5).Sasha: You learned all of this by yourself ?

Leo: Yeah,kinda. Let's say,I've had some help. *Chuckles*

Page 8 

Leo: I've been using the past couple days I've spent with mom and the guys to adjust my eyes. 

Sasha:*looking confused*

Leo: So,I can see the world like a co…differently. (Inner monologue : If I revealed that that this is a comic then shit may hit the fan.)  

Leo: Once my eyes adjusted I could change between the views with ease.

Sasha: Alright…I think I took this well. Let's go get high and get you a better costume. Because this…looks  bummy.

Sasha: " As they're walking in to the next room,turns around* Oh,by the way. I'm your partner in this superhero shit. 

Page 9

Sasha *Sitting at the desk rolling a blunt* You got a name?! 

Sasha: It better not be what you're scared of -- with man added at the end. Pussy-Man just isn't appropriate for the kids,you know.

Leo:*Gives her the middle finger* It's Showtime!

Sasha *Licking blunt* fitting. Now,let's do something about your look,man.

Leo: It's not like I can afford much. I'm on the college student budget which is ramen and whatever my mom gives me. 

Sasha: *Lights blunts*  A)You need a fucking job and B) you can make a fucking suit…idiot! 

Sasha:*Passes the blunt* hit that!

     Page 10 

               1.Leo:*Hits blunt*: I hate when you're right. * passes it back to Sasha*

               2. Leo: Well,here goes something!! * Transforms into a reject Batman suit* 

              3. Sasha:Nah,playboy.

               Four(4). Leo: Zero,let's get it right this time!!


Sasha:*coughs* who ?! 

Leo: *Poses* It's Morphin' Time!!!! 

Page 11 

 *Splash page of Showtime in his final costume* 

             2.   Sasha: Yo!!!!!!! 

Page 12

Leo: *Looks into mirror* Yeah,this suit is clean!!

2.Sasha: *puts blunt out*Ready to go back out there and kick some ass?

             3. Leo: It's not as easy at it is in movies. Mothafuckas just don't pop up and if they do it's because they need their cat saved. *Stares at audience* 

            4. Sasha: This isn't The Office. Stop doing that! 

            5.Sasha:Look,I'll give you a ear piece and I'll use this crime tracker app to give you a general idea on where to go. 

            6. Leo: Google is so clutch! And…you,too! 

Sasha *Tosses ear piece towards Leo who's walking to towards the window* Smart enough to not use the front door,huh,Pussy-Man?!

Leo:*Puts on head piece and smiles* It's Showtime,baby!!!

 Page 13


              1.   (Wide panel) * Leo jumps and begins backflipping towards the top of the roof* 

Sasha:*runs towards the window and looks up in awe* Shit!

Leo: You hear me,Sash?!

Sasha:Call me Diaspora! 

Leo:Diaspora?! I dig it. What's the move?

Sasha:There were was a gang related robbery on 47th and Pershing. Black Van,license plate number 233 G4N5

Leo: *Leaps to the next building* 

Page 14 

              1.(2 panels  of Leo flipping and leaping) Leo:* lands on corner of building and see* The van of gangbangers : I see em, Diaspora! I'm going in! 

Sasha:Be smooth,Showtime!

Leo*Runs to the next set of buildings and leaps* 

*Leo lands on on van and the van breaks*

*Leo falls forward and in front of the van* Leo: Shit!!

Gang member 1: Nigga,who the fuck is you ?! 

Page 15 

*All 8 gang members leap out van * Gang member 1: I said *Cocks gun* who the Fuck is you?!

Leo: *Gets up* Look,man. It's my first time on the time job well second I did help this lady with her cat. I'm just trying to get back the shit you stole.

*All the gang members raise their guns* 

Sasha: Leo,you idiot! You're gonna get killed!!!

Leo *Raises arms in a cocky manner* No way am I allowed to die this early!

Page 16

Leo:*Speeds in,grabs the first gang member's gun and hits him with a right hook*

Gang member 2: Oh,shit!! Light this clown up,y'all!! 

Leo: *Speedblitzes again and disables the gun while simultaneously using the gang member as shield* 

             4.Leo: *Using the gun he just disabled and curves the bullet into the legs of 5 of the gang members* 

Page 17 

Gang member 7: * Rushes Leo with with haymakers and Leo swiftly dodges* Fuck you!!!

Leo: *Throws a straight punch * Get good! 

Gang member 8 * Shoots* 

*Leo spins and catches the bullet. Falling to the ground* 

Gang member 8: *Walks over* You a little Bit…

Leo: *Leaps back and uppercuts the gang member* Shoryuken!! 

Page 18 

Splash page of all the bodies on the ground surrounding Leo*

Leo:*With blood dripping from his hand he drops bullet.Panting* Disapora,we did it!

Sasha: I had to hit the bong because shit sounded so intense.Get out of there,though. The police are on their way.

Page 19

*Police sirens blare as they arrive*Leo: Too late!

Police Officer 1: Hands up!

Leo:*Waves* Hi,I'm Showtime! I'm the new hero here around these parts. I'm glad I could help stop these guys but I have a curfew so I'll see you later.

(2 panels) *Leo darts off with the officers chasing after him. Leo disappears into the alley* Officer 2: Who or what the hell was that ?! 

Leo: *Walking home* That was so damn awesome!! *leaps into air *

                              Artist note:Leo will be in civilian clothes