
Um... how?

When Shouto woke up he was holding something soft. He realizes that he's in a bed that's not his own. How? Well, one the sun is shining on him through open curtains, something that is impossible to happen in his own room.

Shouto tries to get up and leave. As he does so he noticed that his entire right arm covered by silky black hair. Upon closer inspection, Shouto identified the person occupying his right arm to be Momo Yaoyorozu.

Shouto felt his face flush as he noticed the compromising situation he's in. He looked down at his bare chest and blushed further. It was a sight to see the normally stoic man grimace in embarrassment.

"What did I even- last night.." Shouto felt his head pound when he tried to recall the festivities of the night prior. He remembers drinking with his friends, blacking out, almost fighting some dudes who were harassing... OH. With a groan, Shouto roughly rubbed his handsome face as he tried to come to terms with what he may or may not have done to his old classmate.

"Was it even consensual?" He muttered softly as his heterochromatic eyes strayed to the inky black-haired beauty under the duvet. Shifting his gaze back to the gray ceiling Shouto felt guilty for some reason. Uncertain as to what exactly he felt guilty about, but he presumed that it was for taking advantage of someone in that way.

Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, Shouto decided to get up and wash. He lifted his hand to lift Momo's head from off his arm. Just as he was about to touch her head he paused. What if she's a light sleeper?

He truly didn't want to deal with this awkward situation, where they both would have to face... well this soberly. Although it was the lack of sobriety that got Shouto in this mess. Shaking his head, Shouto came to the decision to move her off his arm. Gently Shouto slipped his fingers into her hair and for a moment marveled at the texture. It looked like ink with midnight hues but was as soft as duck feathers. Perhaps it was the shampoo she used, Shouto mused to himself. "Gosh," he muttered chastising himself for getting entranced by her hair. Refocusing on his task of freeing his arm and bolting Shouto lifted Momo's head and placed it on a pillow with a tenderness that even he did not notice.

Looking at her sleeping figure lying peacefully on the pillow. Shouto let out a sigh, his body relaxing. With his right arm now free from the confines of Momo's head Shouto was able to sit up, albeit slowly in fear of waking her up, and stretched his tense muscles.

Shouto sighed inwardly and searched for his clothes. Surprisingly they were neatly folded in a corner of the room in his pant pocket, he found his phone. There were no miscalls or any of the sort. Grabbing his clothes Shouto made his way to the bathroom connected to the master bedroom. Walking in the nude comfortably like it was his own house Shouto looked for spare towels and a toothbrush.

While taking a quick shower he saw some faint red marks on his torso and shoulders. He's not ignorant Shouto knows what they implied. With a sigh, he exited the bathroom. He looked at his clothes and regretting not washing them before he got in the shower. With a shrug of his shoulders, he simply wrapped his lower half with a towel and went to search for a machine to wash his clothes.

In the end, he found it and tossed his clothes in.

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