
Shoutmon's Retirement Plans for King

Takeshi Otokita, a college student who feels like his life just brings trouble, got sent into another world as a Shoutmon. After one hell of a traumatizing adventure, he returns to his homeworld and was a complete mess. Join him in this story of how he goes through his daily life as a former king of digital world.

Wilson_Farrell · Others
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11 Chs

Chapter 1 - A New Chapter

I blankly look on my mic, which is a hybrid of Shoutmon's mic, D-Tector from Digimon Frontier, and Xros Loader from Digimon Xros War. It wasn't the best thing in the world but when I was being chosen to be a King of Digimon without asking and being powerless, it was the only reminder that I can fight more than just spamming Rock and Roller.

Using my Shoutmon's claw, I gingerly touch the Digivice, smiling sadly as flashes of memories of my time with my fellow Digimons. I'll be honest, I took their presences for granted. I simply let them join them because I have no power to actually get rid of them and didn't want to be rude.

But, over time, they become my friends, they were loyal to me, they become more than just friends. They were family.

It really hurts just to remember them over and over again, similar memories continue to play in my head as I watch my digivice. I can't stop the tears escaping my eyes. I numbly press a button and a recording logo appears on the screen.

"Log...3762, day 461, this is Shoutmon. It will be my final recording about my life in Digital World." I mutter as I grab my no longer missing arm. "We....lost our armies...we lost all of our....brothers and sisters. We won against them...but at what cost."

I look at the ceiling, lips trembling as I adjust my headphone.

"I, King Shoutmon,.....land the final blow....on Bagramon. But, at the same time

....the Digital World is no more...all that's left is...nothing..." I said, wiping the tears off my face. "We defeat them....but the risks are not worth it....It's a complete defeat.....a complete defeat....caused by me, the king, for being incompetence."

Right now, I just stop bother to wipe the tears off my eyes while holding my mic shakily.

"I'm sorry guys...I'm sorry...because of this foolish king.....for having me....to lead you to your death....." I cried as I hold the mic, unable to say anymore as I turn off the recording. I'm just too tired, not bothered to do anything.

"Why.....why did you let me live...?" I mutter while continue to hold my mic. Suddenly, a bright light emits from my body. To my shock, an SD Card with the golden light suddenly floats right in front of me.

Wait, isn't that.....a Code Crown?

Before I could do anything, it insert itself into my mic. This causes my mic to float off my hand as it starts to glow, a holographic image of a floating island starts to appear. I could only stare in shock as out of nowhere, bazillions of DigiEggs popped out of nowhere.

I could do nothing but soften the landing, placing them all on my bed to prevent any possibke cracks. As the Digivice stops glowing, it fall into the ground. I sigh in relief as I place down the final Digi-Eggs on the bed, and I can't help but to sweatdrop at the tons of eggs I somehow got.


I froze as I heard that familiar melody. I shakily turn towards the pile of eggs on the bed before slowly and shakily look around, before finding 4 familiar eggs. I touch them and that familiar melody plays again.

I was at first a bit happy but I stop myself, remembering what Jijimon said to me when I first arrived at Digital World.

"When Digimon dies, they will be reborn as a Digi-Egg and starts as a new Digimon. Unless if their bond was strong enough, that Digimon won't remember anything about their past lives."

I stop myself, remembering how I took their presences for granted. If they hatch, they won't remember anything.

Damn it, Shoutmon, stop crying! You reap what you sow! There's nothing I can do about it!

But....I can't stop feeling so frustrated. Feeling so angry at myself. I want to go back to the past and slaps the shit out of my past self for being an idiot.

Out of the sudden, the egg starts to glow without any warning. I panicked before I calm myself down, which is so not working as my heart feels like a speaker volume amped up to 11.

As I watch them hatches into a smaller version of Dorulumon, looks like a puppy with an oversized drill helmet and drill tail, Ballistamon, looks like a robot caterpillar with a mic on its abdomen, and a Chibickmon.

No matter how I look, it's like watching them staring at me while waiting for me to lead them. It can't be them, because I wasn't close to them. They definitely won't remember me.

But.....for some reason, my mouth moves on its own.

"I'm sorry...." I said before kneeling at them. "I'm sorry.....for being a failure of a king.....because of me....I lead you to your death...because of me.....you don't have home to return...I'm sorry. I'm sorry I made you all over confident....I'm sorry for breaking my promises....I'm sorry.....because of me.....you all die....." I continue to bow my head. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

I continue to say those words without noticing my surrounding and ignoring the time passes. So, when I felt someone bit my tail and lift me up to the air, I panicked before stopping myself out of shock.

The digimons who were just babies.....they're now grown. I don't know how, but they're here. Dorulumon looks like he's back when we met at the first time. Ballistamon looks like after he was transform from Dark Volumon. Even Chibickmon is now back as Starmon.

"My king ....." I snaps out of my shock as Dorulumon growls. "please.....stop kneeling at us....."

"Shoutmon...you can stop....you can stop apologizing....please.." Ballistamon said in a sad tone.

"Aniki....please....." Starmon begged as I just lower my head.

"How can I....? I failed....." I said as Dorulumon puts me back in the ground. "You all face the consequences of my failure...I can't....stop....."

"No.....it's not your fault." I look back at Dorulumon as he places his muzzle on my head. "You shouldn't lift this burden alone.....our failure....it's meant for all of us to carry together.....not by a Digimon alone...."

"We all have gone through together.....you should at least know.....no matter what situation it is.....whether if it's your burden, your victory, your pain.....we all share those...." Ballistamon said.

"So, Aniki....please.....don't blame yourself.....it's all our fault as well....." I lower my head in shame before shakily pull all of them into hug.

"I....I'm sorry.....for taking you all for granted....." I said as I tighten my hug. "Forgive this foolish king...."

They didn't say a word but they return my gesture.

To be continued