
Should People be Able to Profit Off of Controversy

Everyone has the freedom of speech, but no one should choose to profit off of controversy. That is just gross. Hateful. Some people are obbessive over drama. At that point, they are undeserving. Once they are proven guilty, I would bet it would be against the rules in their job contract or against the law. When someone commits a crime of course they should be held accountable. Otherwise, there is no reason to stick your nose into other people's personal business thar you may not even fully understand! If they are not punished, they will just continue.

Many people would lose respect for others who behave so poorly. People should not get by just because they are a celebrity and they are liked. Someone who is irresponsible for their actions will most likely not be smart with their money.

Be kind. You have a freedom of speech and you should share the kindness in it.

LpsCalicoCatscreators' thoughts