
Potential (1)

Sitting in front of a mirror, Jing Ling is finally able to get a good look at her face. Delicate pink lips, perfectly arched eyebrows, clear black eyes, flawless pale skin, and long silky hair, Jing Ling is definitely pretty. One could only imagine how beautiful she would become once she has fully matured.

Yun was helping her get dressed for the day, and when she was ready, Jing Ling headed over to eat breakfast with her family. As Jing Ling entered the main dining room, she saw her parents and brothers present at the table. "Jing Ling greets, Father, Mother, Elder Brother Cheng, and Elder Brother Zheng".

"There's no need to be so formal Xiao Ling, quickly come, take a seat next to your elder brothers."

"Hmph, what do you know, Jing Ling is a filial daughter, unlike you two monkeys. Ling'er, come and sit next to your father, you must be tired from walking here."

Jing Ling sits next to her father while her brothers sulk and her mother chuckles at her husband and sons' interactions.

As the family continues to chat, the servants begin to bring out sweetened soy bean milk, youtiao (deep-fried dough sticks), and congee (rice porridge). The deep-fried dough sticks were freshly made and fried so as Jing Ling bit into it, the outer layer was crispy while the inside was still light and fluffy. When she tried the congee, she noticed there was plenty of pickled vegetables, peanuts, and scallions inside, making the porridge rich in flavor. She tries to eat elegantly but glanced over at her brothers only to find them stuffing their faces.

"Ling'er, now that you are feeling better, I was hoping we can test your potential. What do you think?" Master Jing Jun hesitantly asked. "Of course the results won't matter and your mother and I will continue to love you as much, so no pressure but we need to do this now that you are 10 years old."

Nodding, Jing Cheng agreed, "yeah, don't worry about it Xiao Ling, Zheng and I both tested and had a potential of blue which is only slightly above average. Yet we are already violet mortals after 5 years of training, hehe, aren't we awesome!"

Jing Zheng added, "Oh, yes, and in a few more years we can surpass father's violet martial status and we won't have to be worried about getting hit again hehe."

Master Jing Jun couldn't hold in his anger anymore and swore at his sons while shaking his finger at them. Meanwhile, Jing Ling was too busy thinking to notice their ridiculousness. "Hmm, should I? But wait, how does this 'potential' thingy work?"

"Father, how do you measure potential and why does it matter?"

"Potential measures the soul's ability to grow and adapt. It is the essences of cultivation. The higher your potential the easier and faster your path to the top will be. Of course, hard work and dedication is needed but the amount of work a cultivator with violet potential needs to put in is 1/1000 of the work a red potential cultivator needs in order to break through into the martial realm as a mortal."

"Violet? Red?"

"Ahh… yes. In between all major realms are seven intermediate levels right? Potential also has seven levels ranging from red (weakest) to violet (strongest). On average, most mortals have yellow potential."

"What about violet, how many people have violet potential?"

"Violet potential is included but it has been centuries since anyone with violet potential has appeared. Anyone who has had violet potential all grew to be legendary figures that reached the pinnacle of god realm. Actually, rumor has it that crown prince Huan Ying was tested and has violent potential, however, no one knows if it's true."

Jing Ling's eyes shined like stars as she listened to her father's explanation. Wow, since I transmigrated here would that mean I have a chance of having violet potential?!. Hehehe, hahahaha, I would be such a cheat, and before I know it I can even reach god realm and travel the world and go to other worlds as well. Kyaaaaaaa, that would so awsommeeeee!!

"FATHER, quickly, I would like to know my potential. Maybe I will be violet potential cultivator who will become an unrivaled genius and have my achievements spread throughout the lands for all to admire."

She was so excited and wrapped up in her delusions that she didn't realize she was now standing on her chair with her hands raised to the sky laughing like a crazy maniac. "Kekekekeke, hahahahaha, I would be undefeated and in every town, I would save beautiful maidens from the clutches of evil perverted men. OR… OR I will even find an inheritance that was untouched for thousands of years by a previous god realm cultivator …"

The rest of the Jing family was so shocked and frightened by Jing Ling's sudden outburst that they slowly backed away from her and huddled together with worried expressions.

"Dear… is … Jing Ling alright? Maybe we should get Doctor Lu to check her head."

"Yes. I agree with mother… Xiao Ling is acting more foolish than Cheng and that's a serious problem."

"Hey, what's that supposed to mean. I'm the smarter brother of the two of us and I never act foolishly. I'm a charming, charismatic gentleman."

"Will you two ever stop? It's alright dearest, I'm sure Ling'er is just excited. Isn't it perfectly normal for girls her age to act like this."

Four pairs of eyes slowly turned and looked at the Jing Ling who was still snickering. Together they sighed and said a small prayer for her in their hearts.

Any guess on what Jing Ling's potential might be :3?

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