
Shoujo Phantasia

Batu, an ordinary man with a passion for all things anime, had been summoned to a Game of Death by The Creator where he has to compete with other players from different world in order to survive. The Creator had given every player unique powers to make his Game of Death more interesting. Batu, however, had been granted an unusual power to summon girls from different animes. Follow Batu as he overcomes The Game of Death!

ASpyFromMars · Anime & Comics
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25 Chs

Shoujo Summoner

Screams echoed all around him as people were shredded apart by demons. The roars of demons drowned out their horrific cries as they indulged their lust to rip and tear.

Bodies were ripped in half and some were eaten whole. Blood spilled the streets as more demons breached into the city.

Batu needed to find somewhere safe, to get away from these monsters. As he looked far out in the distance, he saw the castle which was surrounded by a large moat.

That was definitely the place that he needed to get to. He only have four hours to make it there.

"Fuck, it's so far away."

Would he even be able to make it? He didn't know for sure, but he had no choice. It was either do or die. With his mind focused solely on his own survival, Batu immediately ran towards the direction of the castle. It was his hope to live.


A four-legged demon chased after Batu. Its crimson eyes glimmered with a murderous delight as it spotted a delicious prey.

Shit! Shit! Shit!

Batu ran as fast as his legs could carry him, yet it seemed to be closing in. His breath hitched, and he was getting tired already. Curse this fragile body of his. Adrenaline and fear were the only things that kept him moving.

With a single leap, the demon soared high into the air and landed in front of Batu with a loud boom. Batu stood to a halt as he came face-to-face with this hideous monster of grey flesh and human-like limbs.

"You have to be kidding me."

An overwhelming sense of dread washed over him as Batu stumbled backwards. Was he actually going to die here?

The demon slowly approached him like a cat with its prey. It was ready to pounce him; to eat his flesh and bones.

"SCREEEEE!" the demon cried out in pain as icicles, the size of a human hand, pierced into its grey, rotting flesh. Black filth oozed out from its wounds. The demon's murderous gaze now focused on the perpetrator.

More icicles rained down on the demon as an elf with flowing blonde hair waved her hand out. The demon collapsed with its eyes punctured and its body riddled with more frozen projectiles.

The crimson glow in its eyes faded away as the demon lay lifeless on the ground. The battle had been completely one-sided.

The elf simply glanced at Batu before she made her way towards the castle, leaving Batu behind in complete awe.

'She-she actually saved me,' Batu stared at her distant back as more demons chased after her. It was something she did that he couldn't.

"Oi, Batu!" Chin's voice called out to Batu, snapping him back fo reality. "Ova here!"

Chin waved at him from a wooden cellar door besides a stone and thatched residence.

Without much thinking, Batu quickly rushed towards Chin and entered the cellar. Chin quickly slammed the door shut, hiding themselves from the demons above surface.

"We should be safe here for now," Chin climbed down the steps.

"Man, you don't know how glad I am to see you right now," Batu laid back against the wall, trying to calm his rapid breathing.

"No kiddin, you look like you've seen some shit."

"You think?" Batu asked sarcastically. "I almost became food for whatever that thing was up there!"

A vivid flashback of the girl being slaughtered by that monster played inside his head like a horror movie. Batu suddenly clutched his stomach and vomited all over the floor.

"Fuck..." Batu wiped his mouth.

"You alright there?" Chin had his hand on Batu's back.

"Yeah...I'm fine. I just need some time to calm down," Batu slumped down onto the floor, brushing his black hair back. He needed some time to think for a way out of here.

"This Azrael guy's a real bastard," Chin spat on the ground. "Throwin' us in a place like this. Who the fuck does that?"

Batu quickly opened his status window. He didn't have time to look through it after that whole fiasco back there. He was surprised to see a list of new information presented.


[Name: Batu | Level: 1]

[Mana: 100/100] - Due to the nature of your class, you have unlocked a new energy source.

[Points: 0]

[Class: Shoujo Summoner] - A unique class befitting for a degenerate with a passion for 2D women. You would be able to summon girls from various animes and will them to your command!


(Growth | LVL.MAX): Your summons have the ability to grow stronger with each battle.

(Skill Acquirement | LVL.1): You can select a skill from a summon of your choosing. However, your skill will be comparatively weaker to the original. Only 1 skill can be obtain currently.

(Summon | LVL.1): Summon a permanent random shoujo! Be warned, once a summon dies, she cannot be revived. Max summons: 1


"I'm a what now?" Batu couldn't believe what he was seeing. He couldn't help but feel excited.

To be able to summon an anime character, this had to be a dream come true! However, why did the status window really have to insult him like that?

"Hey, Chin, what class did ya get?" Batu asked.

"Class?" he raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, from the status window."

"Huh? Oh!" Chin suddenly realized what he was saying. He quickly opened up his status window and checked its contents.

Chin's eyes widened, and he suddenly bursted out with joyful laughter, "Says that I'm a Warrior! Damn right I am!"

"Warrior, huh? Not bad," Batu rubbed his chin in thought. If the status window was like any other RPG, than a Warrior would be considered a generic class.the

"What do ya mean not bad? A warrior is probably the best class out there!" Chin haughtily said with arms akimbo.

Batu checked his status window again and focused on the [Summon] skill. If he wanted to survive, then he would have to place his biggest bet on this. He would really need luck on his side to pull out an OP summon.

'Man, it would be awesome if I could summon Erza or Ophis,' they were two overpowered characters that could really help him out.

"Hey, Chin, stand back a bit, "Batu raised a hand towards the ground. "I'm gonna try somethin' out real quick."

"Just what are you planning now, boy?"

"Getting us a one way ticket out of this shit hole," Batu answered. With his eyes closed, he recited the skill name in his mind.

"I still don't get what you are- WOAH!"

A bright circle of light suddenly encompassed a small portion of the ground. Strange runic symbols etched the magic circle, rotating along its circumference.

"Come on, give me someone good!" Batu's eyes gleamed with excitement.

i updated last chapter, specifically with the event.

I forgot to add a failure option

also changed the name system to status window!

ASpyFromMarscreators' thoughts