
Golden Darkness: Part Three

Batu nearly coughed out a mouthful of blood when he read that. In order to form a pact with Yami, he had to kiss her.

There's just one slight problem with that.

"How the fuck do I do that?!" Batu cried out to the heavens. He wanted to rip all of his hair off.

There was absolutely no way that the cute, space assassin would allow him to kiss her right on the lips. Batu would be sent to the afterlife before he even had a chance to get close to Yami.

Wait... on second thought, there might be a way. Just barely. Batu didn't know if this might work or not, but he had to give it a shot.

Wings appeared behind Yami's back, and she quickly took to the skies.

"Stop running already," she said. It was the second time today that one of her targets was running away from her.

"Sure, if ya stop trying to kill me!" Batu shouted back.

"That's highly unlikely; unless you know of another method to send me back. For now, your death is the only answer."

Louise and Batu took a sharp left, making their way through the crowded streets. Some of the onlookers stared in surprise as they noticed a flying, blonde girl in pursuit.

"Damn, poor guy," an onlooker said with pity.

"Yeah, no kidding," a buddy next to him shook his head. "I used to have women problems as well back in the day."

"I thought you said you were gay?"


Meanwhile, Louise and Batu tried their best to avoid Yami's attacks.

"Explosion!" With a wave of her wand, Louise casted [Explosion] at Yami. It was relatively small in size since she used the minimum casting time which was 5 seconds.

Yami's eyes widened with surprise as a white, glowing orb shot towards her like a missile. She knew she had to dodge it.

The orb exploded behind Yami, staining her clothes in ashy smoke. Yami was slightly impressed that a little girl like Louise was able to wield that kind of power.

However, she came out relatively unscathed and continued to chase them, diving down like a hawk catching its prey.

"Oh my~" Jack looked up at the sky in a dark alleyway. Beneath his feet were two men that were beaten, and their faces cut up. "How interesting."

He watched as Yami flew over him.

Jack then look back down at two men who were groaning in pain. They were thieves that tried to threaten Jack to hand over his points to them.

"It's unfortunate that I can't kill the both of you, but~ I guess I have to make due with your generous offering," he smiled at them.

Jack walked over their bodies before he made his way out of the alley. He continued along his stroll down the street without a care in the world.

Not too far away from the explosion, Lyra sat on top of a boulder in a meditative pose as sweat poured down her forehead. Faint, tiny wisps of mana orbited around her as she tried to absorb them into her body.


Lyra was shook awake from her meditation as the echoes of Louise's explosion blew through her ears. The mana wisps suddenly disappeared around her as Lyra looked up at the sky.

"Which asshole did that?" Lyra gnashed her teeth in anger. It took her hours just to attract that much mana to her.

Now, all that effort had gone to waste.

Meanwhile, Batu was in panic mode as Yami came swooping down from the skies. The blinding sunlight gleamed off of her massive blade, ready to kill.

His instincts suddenly kicked in, and Batu whipped Broken Fable out from its sheath. He was going to stand his ground.


Sparks flew as metal collided against one another in a battle of swords. Batu could feel her overwhelming strength behind her attack.

But, he was surprised how his seemingly trash weapon was able to hold out against the space assassin.

Alas, it was only for a brief moment.

Yami quickly overpowered him, sending Batu flying across the street. Batu bounced across the pavement a few times before he came rolling to a stop.

"Batu!" Louise quickly ran up to him and helped him off the ground. "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll live."

"Your resistance is pretty remarkable, but you're still no match for me," Yami said, slowly walking towards them.

Batu knew from that exchange alone that he wouldn't last ten seconds against her. Maybe with [Willpower] he could hold out for another ten seconds.

Then, Batu noticed a park nearby that was surrounded by woodlands. This might be his only chance, and he needed Louise's help.

"Louise, I got an idea, but I'm gonna need your help again," Batu quietly said.

"Hah..." Louise sighed. "Seems like I have to do charity work for you again."

Batu whispered his plans in her ears while Yami steadily approached them.

"No matter plans you come up with, I'll be the one to thoroughly dismantle them," Yami stated.

"If ya wanna reverse the summon, then ya better try and catch me if you can," Batu said with confidence.

"Bleh~!" Louise stuck her tongue out at Yami, taunting her to chase them.

He and Louise immediately spun around and sped off towards the park. Yami's eye twitched in agitation as she watched the duo flee from her yet again.

Yami quickly chased after them. But this time, she was done playing games.

As they reached the park, Batu and Louise both split up and ran in different directions into the woods.

Yami didn't pay any mind to Louise. After all, she only needed to kill the summoner. So, she chased after Batu instead. In seconds, she had already caught up to Batu.

'Fuck, Yami's so fast!'

Her sword quickly came down upon him. Batu went to block it again. Yet, he was easily overpowered, and he crashed face first onto the ground.

"It's miraculous how that broken piece of weapon is able to withstand two of my strikes," Yami said. "Give it up. You're no match for me."

"Like hell I will," Batu answered with defiance. He activated [Willpower], greatly increasing his body's durability and speed.

Instead of running away, Batu charged at Yami, striking her with every once of strength that he had.

It was Strength against strength.

Speed against speed.

And blade against blade.

They lunged, parried and dodged, trying to get the upper hand on one another. It was thanks to [Sword Mastery] that Batu was able to pull off these basic techniques.

Their swords clashed into each other again. This time, it was a stalemate.

Their eyes gazed into each other; one of vigor and defiance, and the other of cold and emptiness.

"How did you suddenly increase your power?" Yami asked.

"Heh, not telling ya," Batu grinned at her.

They fought again as sparks flew across the air. Unfortunately, combat experience dictated the battle, and Yami had a lot of it.

Batu was beaten back by overwhelming technique. Small cuts appeared across his body as he was being pushed back.

Suddenly, Batu found himself cornered into a tree. His [Willpower] skill had ended, and he felt pain coursing through his body.

"I commend you for lasting up until now," Yami raised her sword towards his heart. "But, it ends here now."

Then, she pierced his heart.

It was over.

Batu slumped lifeless to the ground in defeat; his sword slowly rolling out of his hand. Yami stood over Batu in victory as she reverted her sword back into a normal hand.

Suddenly, Batu's corpse disappeared.

"Huh, what's going on?" Yami eyes widened in shock. "Why did his corpse vanish?"

"Gotcha!" Batu suddenly appeared out of nowhere. This was the moment that he had planned all along.

He quickly grabbed onto Yami and pulled her into a deep, searing kiss before she had any time to react.

Yami's face flushed red, and her brain turned into a jumbled mess as she tried to compute what the heck just happened.

[Pact successfully formed!]

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