
His Kind Of Love

As I clearly see his silhouette fading, memories of him flooded inside my head..

I still remember the first time he approached me smiling so brightly that almost made me blind.

How he hold my hand asking if I'm interested to join their club that made me blush instantly.

The way he would extend his hand when I needed help.

It might sound so absurb but I can't help myself fantasize that we're an item.

That he's meant to be with me, that we're both in love with each other.

How a smile appeared on my face every time he would call me by the petname he made.

Those gentle smile that tags my heart, just like those flower in full bloom. Charming, innocent, lovely and beautiful.

The way his eyes shone with mishievousness from making silly prank on his best friend.

The way his hand would clasp the broomstick inside their calssroom and make it his microphone and sing to his hearts content.

The melody of his laughter that never fails to make my heart skips its beat.

The way his brow furrowed whenever he's upset.

The way how he bite his pen upon stumbling a hard problem on mathematics.

All of it still etched on my memory..

Those precious moments..

Means nothing..

As his silhouette faded..

My body became numb and slowly succumbing to the darkness as I bath on my own blood with a beautiful knife stuck on my chest as I recall the last words he said..

"You need to die to avoid being a cheater, little angel."

It's my first time writing here so please bear with me..

If you spot any errors kindly inform me..

Thank you

light_snowcreators' thoughts