
Short stories from an alternate Universe

A collection of stories from another word

TheTeller_ · Fantasy
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111 Chs

Chapter 3: The First Kill

With each passing day, John's transformation into the Vanishing Vigilante gained momentum. The city's criminal underbelly lived in fear, knowing that an invisible force was hunting them down. While some hailed him as a hero, others saw him as a menace to be stopped.

In the quiet of his hidden lair, John reviewed the information he had gathered. It was time to take action. The first criminal in his sights was Victor "Viper" Russo, a notorious drug lord responsible for countless lives lost to addiction and violence. John had witnessed firsthand the devastation caused by Viper's empire, and he felt a moral obligation to act.

On a moonless night, John, clad in the mask, infiltrated Viper's heavily guarded compound. The power of invisibility allowed him to bypass guards and security systems, reaching the heart of the criminal empire. As he watched Viper and his henchmen, a moral dilemma gripped him. Should he be judge, jury, and executioner?

The decision was made in a split second. John incapacitated the guards and confronted Viper. The ensuing struggle was brutal, but John's invisibility gave him the upper hand. He managed to subdue Viper, rendering him powerless. In the final moments, he faced a moral crossroads. He could deliver Viper to the authorities and uphold the law, or he could dispense his version of justice.

In the end, John chose the latter. Viper Russo met his end that night, and the news of his demise sent shockwaves through the city. The criminal empire crumbled in his absence, but the Vanishing Vigilante had crossed a line he could never step back from. He had taken a life.

The act haunted John, and the moral weight of his decision pressed upon him. He knew that he had started down a dangerous path. The mask had granted him power, but it had also revealed the darkness within himself. The thin line between hero and villain had grown even thinner.