

my life is complicated but ill skip part of it to save time. my half sister, step mom and dad moved to Colorado. while they were up their they started to grow apart. now mind you my sister was young 3-4. whene they split they had shared coustedy of my sister. my real dad and my ex step mom went separate ways. now we are focusing on my step mom, when they split she dated and met someone she liked. his name was Gary. he also had a daughter from a previous marriage. every thing was really good in the begining, he was nice and really cared for my step mom, or so I thought. turns out he is a narcissist which means he turns everything around on eveyone else, nothing is ever his fault. my step mom of course did not know this at the time. now one day my step mom asked my 6 year old sister if anyone had touched her in any inappropriate places and she said "yes", my step mom was furious as you might know why. she proceeded to call the police and make sure my sister and his daughter were ok. turns out he had been doing it for a long time. he had even been doing it to his own daughter. by this time my dad has already been back home for a year now. my step mom also moved back with my sister. my sister went to court and fought against him. it took two years but he finally is away in prison for the rest of his life. what he did to my family and to my sister is unforgivable. he stole something from my sister that I have no chance of ever giving back to her. he left a deep scar in everyone's hearts that will always be sore. I never knew what true haterid was until he did this. I hate him with everything I have. in prison they also have a system, and child molesters are the worst of the worst. I don't wish death upon him, that would be too good for him.I hope he has a horrible rest of his life.

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