

After reaching home lilica quickly went home, went straight to the bathroom so she can wash herself, she wanted to get rid of any com of his from her secret garden, as she was washing herself, she quickly fall into despair when she remembered that from tomorrow she would be staying with that jerk so, there was no point but still she did her best to clean herself after wiping her body after that she quickly went to her room to took a birth control pill while still being naked because only thing next on her mind was she definitely don't want that sick guys baby to bear.

after that she went to her room to take rest as she didn't felt like eating at all. as soon as she closed her eyes phone rang her mood became very foul because she didn't want to talk to anyone but when she saw it was her husband called her she felt even deeper guilt, at first she hesitated for few seconds to answer the phone but still she answered. when her husband asked what was worng with her why didn't answer the phone, she told her that she was fine she was doing some work at shop that's why she was late, although she wanted to tell her husband everything and felt crying by placing her head on his shoulder but she was afraid if she told him anything he would leave her which she can't even imagine as she loves him too much.

Next day she moved to kazuya house, as she expected as soon as she moved she was forced have to do it with him, and first thing what he wanted her do was give him a blowjob which made lilica extremely mad as she almost lashed out as she told him only one she gonna do is her husband but as soon as he threatened her about those pic also about that they in the shop as he had cctv camera in his office which made lilica scared and eventually she gave him one.

Next day vhan asked lilica for date which she refused at first but forced in the end. although she was forced still she thought he was little bit of nice guy but her thoughts quickly change when she was forced to go to lingerie shop to buy her some new underwear, when she asked why she need new ones only thing he said was her old ones not sexy enough. when they entered the shop everyone thought he was hrasing her but he told everyone they were husband and wife, he wanted to buy some sexy underwear for her but she is very shy so that why she was angry although she wanted to refuse this but she didn't have any choice so she played along with it. after that a lady attendent came and show them few set from them kazuya chose few every thing ither being thong or transparent ones which made even the lady attendent gave little blush as how bold those underwear were, as for lilica it only made her even angrier as much she wanted to slap him and walk out of here but she couldn't. after that she went to trial room to try these underwear as soon as she entered he also entered. when asked anglily what he was doing, he casualy told her he going to help her, although she wanted to argue with him but he didn't gave her anytime just started undressing her. when she started trying the underwear out she found out how bold they were it made her both blush and angry because she was wearing it for someone else. after trying the underwear she was going to wear her dress but vhan didn't let her and started playing with her melons which made lilica moan because sudden pair of hand fondling with her breasts. she gave kazuya a cold glare but he just brush her glare and using his right hand started play with her secret garden. lilica wanted to stop her but she couldn't as sudden attack started to make her moan and stop this moan she was using her hand cover her mouth which made her naked figure open for his attack. after 10 min climaxing once she thought his attack was over and felt relieved but when suddenly she felt his hard member rubbing against her entrance she squink almost, as pleaded stop as she doesn't want to do it here there were too many people outside and she promised him she can do her at his house but not here. for second she thought he won't do it but the sudden entrance made moan loudly which made a nearby attendent to come

Lady: are you ok miss?

poking her head out

Lilica: yes..yes I am fine don't worry

seeing this kazuya started to move which made lilica moan again little

Lady: what happened?

Lilica: nothing...

lilica greeted her teeth and was very angry against kazuya moving so suddenly

Lady: where is your husband?

when lilica heard the lady she wanted refuse that jerk was not her husband and ponding her inside but she couldn't

Lilica: he has some business attend t..

as she was talking kazuya started to increase his speed and also leaned forward started to fondel her melons

kazuya than wishpered in lilica ear that how tight she was now and he felt like she was virgin...

which made lilica greeted her teeth and clinch her fist

Lady: did you try all the sets?

Lilica: no.. there's few more left..

as they were talking lady notice that lilica was breathing heavily and her face was red

Lady: are you sure you are ok? your face is red?

Lilica: ( with a wry smile) yes I am fine don't worry..I just got a cold..

she thought to herself she was fine until a certain bustered decided to pond his rod inside of her

after that lady left although she thought something was off but she didn't pry to much as this was not her concern..

after that lilica got her head inside head

Lilica: are you done?

Kazuya: why? I thought you enjoy this as much as I do!

this made lilica lash out but did nothing just did best not let her moan out

after few more minutes kazuya told her he was at his limit and she should drink it all

lilica refused straight way but kazuya said if she wanted inside which made lilica change her answer immediately, after that kazuya pulled out his rod and shove it inside her mouth and release all of his com

which made lilica almost gawk the amount and also he wasn't her husband but kazuya strong hand made sure she drank all of it....

Next chapter