

Lilica: no way...they are not for you!

Ventina: don't be like that.. beside it will help you reduce your stress

ventina started to slowly massage one of lilica's melon and also started licking her neck

ventina's sudden action made lilica moan because lilica was little sensitive because she didn't do it with her husband for couple of days now and the stress of her husband kidnapping wasn't helping either

Lilica: stop it...! I don't need your help!

as she pushed ventina away

Ventina: are you sure? your body saying otherwise... don't worry I won't do anything extreme!

hearing ventina relaxed a bit and let go of her body

after half an hour of somewhat intimate action both of them cleaned themself up layed on the bed

Lilica: how is your new life with ven?

ventina got little shyed hearing this but still gave her honest opinion

Ventina: it very nice..... but sometimes he can be little too posisive!

hearing this lilica chuckled

Lilica: I know this feeling! it can be real troublesome sometimes!

after that both them looked at each other started laughing, although they are saying they are little anoyed but in their they were much more great full and happy

after that both them chatted for a while than suddenly they could feel some fluctuation in the air....

Currently every one other than the soldier and the doctor servan were outside the medical ward hoping Mr stell be alright..

Former king: is Mrs stell had been informed about the situation?

Kazuya: no...!

Former king: we should inform her about the situation!

Ven: would be that right thing to do now... telling aunty about lilica kidnapping and uncle getting serious injury

Former king: you are right! hmmm... we should wait until mr. stell condition stabilize...

Hearing all this made made kazuya even mode anxious, as he was leaving.

Former king: where are you going Kaz?

Kazuya: I can't sit here do nothing..when we don't know how lilica is!

Ven: ok..let me come..

Kazuya: ok than...

Former king: stop it both of you...like said there is no point blindly searching..we need a plan...jezzz..this kids ..so hot blooded! I already sent men to search the previous location where we were held!

as he was talking a soldier came out of nowhere

Soldier: sir..I came here to deliver my report!

Former king: go ahead!

Soldier: as you expected sir...there is no one there, as there was nothing in the first place!

Ven: did you find anything or any clues about where they heading!

Soldier: sorry but.... no sir!

Kazuya: darn it...!

kazuya felt more very uncomfortable and anxious about lilica than ven was about ventina as lilica was pregnant

as they were talking doctor came out of medical ward

Doctor: sir...mr stell condition is stabilized!

Former king: thank you doctor!

Doctor: no sir..... no need to thank me I just did my job, beside I need pay back at those baster anyway I can!

Former king: ok...can he talk?

Doctor: yes but his health is still poor condition..we can't let him get excited or it will be bad for health..

Former king: you can leave ( looking at soldier)...let's go inside..

after that everyone went inside except the soldier, upon entering they saw Mr stell pail expression faced laying on bed, after coming near the bed

Former king: mr stell...Mr stell

Mr stell slowly opened his eyes, sudden rush of memory of not able to save lilica made me stell very sad and angry upon himself, as he tried to get up to look for lilica..both ven and kazuya hold mr stell down

Doctor: we need to come him down..!

Former king: mr stell come down..!

but former king word did nothing

Kazuya: father..come down

hearing kazuya voice Mr stell came down a little and started weeping..

Mr stell: I am sorry....! I couldn't save them

Kazuya: don't worry father..we will find them both..

Ven: yes..uncle we will find them

hearing this mr stell came down enough

Former king: now everyone... please tell us what happened here....

Next chapter