

After that former queen told lenine closed the door sealed shut so that not even the voice of the videos can get out of this room. after room was tightly closed everyone gathered around

Former queen: before we start the video I like saw one thing what ever we see in this videos specialy those painful part shouldn't be disclosed outside

am I clear!

former queen said this looking at the two analyst inside the room, seeing her aura made two of them have cold shiver down there spine

Analysts: yes madam!

after that videos was played and the videos started playing, when lenine saw lilica was in pain

Lenine: why is lilica in so much pain...I thought lilica told this counter should only be felt by males

Mrs stell: I don't know what you think madam!

looking at former queen ( although former queen told her many times not to call her madam but mrs stell couldn't help herself)

Queen: I think it's some kind of trick by the enemy

Former queen: I am agree with her

there assumption soon became reality when jack told that himself

Mrs stell: those monster how they could this to my little girl!

Queen: don't worry we will definitely make them pay

as the story reached half way point mrs stell no longer could watch this horifing act done to her daughters ( she considers ventina like a daughter ) as she fallen to ground unconscious, Ven's mother also became quite sick watching this video's, so she with Mrs stell went to doctor's room for treatment

2 hours later

kazuki and other waiting impatiently at king's room...

Kazuki: what is talking them so long...it's getting hard to wait any longer

King: come down...I know how you are feeling but....let them do their work

Kazuki: bu..

as he was about to say something queen, former queen and the two analyst came to the room

Other was quite surprised when they didn't see mrs stell Ven's mother and lenine

King: where are others with you!

Former queen: they have fallen sick from watching those horifing video

Queen: dear in our married life I never went against your decision but today after seeing what those monster did to my daughter...I can't no longer agree... please sent kazuki to help kazuya

Kazuki: please father let me go... lilica is a sister to me...I can't let those monster harm her anymore..it will be insult to my pride not only as a prince but a brother as well

understanding the situation, king closed his eyes and gave some thoughts, after that he opened his eyes

King: alright...but did you find enemy's location

Former queen: yes with the info we got from rena, we were able to pinpoint their location

King: hmmmm.... alright... kazuki I order you as your king go to enemy's hideout, destroy them and bring back my daughter

Kazuki: understood father.....the enemy will pay for what they did to sister Lili and Tina

King: hmmm...for now you should go and see your wife, she needs you

Kazuki: yes father!

after that kazuki went to his room where lenine was

after that king told his wife and mother to go and check on ven's mother and mrs stell, here he and ven's father will make all the necessary arrangements that is required

Somewhere back at human world at enemy's hideout

Ellie and two guard went inside a giant building, upon entering

Ellie: where is my father...you said I will able to see him here

Gaurd: our boss is very busy men...you can see him whenever you want...he ordered us to prepare a room for you to wait there until he sees you!

Ellie: ok than..

after that both gaurds took her to a room, where they told her to rest, so Ellie went inside have some rest

after she entered the room and looked around the room it was a simple room with a bed, sofa set and a waredrop. she went near weredrop and opened it which surprised her there was lot of female dress all her size.. after that she went to the bathroom to take a bath, after taking the shower she wore a more comfortable top and bottom after that she laid down and started to think what happened. as he recalled her father told her to visit him but suddenly he told to meet him in restaurant.. so she did what her father told her and went to the restaurant where her father told her and started waiting for her father

after waiting for half an hour two people suddenly showed up out of nowhere and told they were working under her father and told her her life is in danger and enemy of her father is following her and they almost kidnapped her and brought her here

as she was thinking this she quickly fallen to sleep

If anyone think Ellie is loli or very young to have romantic relationship than you are worng...at least in my version Ellie is last year high school student with long blonde hair blue eyes and good and mature figure to captive any man..Ron don't think her that because of her age not because of her looks because if compare with human age standard than her age would 2-3 years old..

redxcreators' thoughts
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