2 Bed

'Sigh, why do I keep remembering these old memories' as I ponder about these dreams of mine that keep appearing whenever I took a nap 'why do they keep appearing?, but I need to sleep it, is, already 2:00 AM, I still have work tomorrow.'

After deciding to think about this, tomorrow I started to prepare myself to go to sleep, to begin with, I need to take a shower then eat a light dinner after that go to bed.

As I finished my food I look around my two-bedroom apartment with a kitchen, living room, and two bathrooms 'Mom is wealthy, alright to rent this apartment for three years just for me Mom is the best.'

I started to walk down the hallway to my bedroom while thinking about what to do with the extra room that I have as I step into my room and put my phone on my desk where my laptop, As I tuck myself in with a thick, blanket my body started to get heavier as the seconds goes by 'I can't breath' I tried to move my body, but it won't move it doesn't even budge

I try to move every part of my body to see if something will move 'I can't move other than my eye I can't move my body what is happening' as I look around in my nearby vicinities, I notice something weird the shadows underneath my blanket seems to transform into hairlike shapes they started small but they quickly grew in size it looks like their gonna swallow me whole 'What are those! no3x, I need to move, I need to get out of bed, Huh! why can't I move my eyes?'

As I continue staring at those hairlike shadows as they slowly started creeping upwards the heavy part of my body started to spread upward as if that the hairlike shadow and the heaviness are one.

I started to feel and hear the wind brush my ear as if I was in the province again at the same time I felt something or someone brush my hair it continues doing that as the situation that is happening keeps worsening as if there was a person on top of me.

'What is happening I know I turn off the AC and close the windows why is their wind inside my room no that, doesn't matter what matters is that who is touching my hair I'm the only one that lives in this apartment.'

'I need to move, think Marc think you can do this Mom always told you that I'm a genius think you can do this think!'.

I started to shout in my head to think of a plan to move, but the only thing that I can think of at the moment is to shout at myself to think.

As I continue, shouting in my head the feeling that is currently happening to me started to weaken until I suddenly started hearing my voice I quickly look around to see if there was a person with me but there was none I was alone, I swiftly stood up and took a pillow with me I started to slap the bed with the pillow, and move around the room to see if there was something out of place.

After finishing looking and the whole apartment to see if there was something wrong but, there was none there was nothing wrong with my apartment there was no misplaced item, no new thing that appeared out of nowhere it's just the usual apartment that I use.

I sat in my bed and think what happens I ask some of my friends if this happens to them or if they know something that's closely related to it then one of my friends texted that maybe I was experiencing sleep paralysis, I started to search for what sleep paralysis is and the result of my searching come back with an answer that is close to what I was experiencing but, there was one problem a sleep paralysis happen midway in your sleeping time but, it started the moment I covered myself with a blanket.

'Was it sleep paralysis I don't know I don't have time to search for a much more concrete answer to what happens, I need to sleep fast it's already 2:53 AM I still have work tomorrow I'm just gonna use other the room to sleep'.

But I can't stop thinking that [thing] was a she and that she feels familiar and that I knew her and already experienced something with her as I fell asleep thinking what that was never knowing a person was crouching on top of my desk next to the bed where it happens.

'Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave, Why did you leave me.'
