

The rain, rain, rain, rain, so relatable is it not? A substance falling from the sky only to be landed on a surface and turn into a blob. Much like our lives I suppose, a cycle of stages before we are born almost thrown into life and have no choice but to fall and have no idea what might happen, what you are going to land in or on, where it's going to take you in the world, who you're going to land on, maybe be joined by a crowd of your own. Funny isn't it? How you are given life out of nowhere not expecting it. Well I guess there is a difference between rain and us, we have emotions and can meet the others, we can create new drops of ourselves but also have the ability to take them, how we have control over where we take ourselves and who we become. We might not have an explanation for why we do what we do, but we do it anyway. Do u ever just stop and think, think about what you are doing and why you are doing it? It's amazing how we can analyze our own emotions and others at that, although we can analyze each other's emotions sometimes, we in ourselves choose not to help them or maybe make them suffer because they deserve it or as we think so. As we grow we choose the people we decide to be with or call them our friends. But some people decide to keep to themselves or rather dedicate their lives to others. It's just fascinating how we are given life and we mold it and make ourselves who we are. It's just absolutely wonderful to think that we all are creators in one way or another. Our lives, lives, lives, lives just so intriguing.

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