

Third Person

"Where is father?" Kimmy eyed the half naked person in front of her.

"Well, there goes your father." Vale pointed towards the door and saw his father, blocking the only exit.

Fear started to consume Kimmy, tears rolling down her cheeks with thoughts of not getting out of her home that she loathed for so long. Even when she's trembling in fear, she tried to speak but no words coming out of her mouth.

"Your mother, she died days after you left. She died of shock. It's your fault, you ungrateful trash. Now that you came back, you will choose over Vale and Valir. I'll make sure you won't escape ever again." As if with cue, the door behind her father shut close, as well as the other escape route that Kimmy was planning to use, which was the windows, had thick metal bars that even she herself, can't get pass through.

"Am I late?" Another voice said, that came from the side of the room. Kimmy looked at Valir in shock, now she felt hopeless. Three people in blocking her escape.

Suddenly, puffs of smoke that came infront of Kimmy, and once it cleared, it revealed a small monkey that caught everyone's attention. "Dex!" Kimmy shouted in glee, now she felt a small tint of hope. Dexter threw round things that looked like balls, throwing it at the brothers and Kimmy's father. It soon shot black smoke out of it, and Dexter mysteriously disappeared, replaced by a tall familiar figure. The smoke distracted everyone, so Kimmy took the chance and prepared herself, bringing out her gun from its holder.

"She even brought back up." Vale mumbled and chuckled.

"I told you I love you." Claude said in a loud voice, protecting Kimmy from any possible sudden movement.

"And I recall saying I love you too. I can protect myself you know." Kimmy started shooting as soon as Valir made a move, He smashed he fist in the ground, setting the place in fire.

Kimmy pressed some buttons to change the mode of her gun, from small but painful particles coming out of it, to a bigger punching chemicals that made more painful impact when it hit.

Claude summoned a hologram of Dexter in front of the other brother, and it started shooting Vale soon after it was summoned. Vale was surprised that he wasn't able to hit it, and Claude took the moment to teleport from beside Kimmy to where the hologram of Dexter was, in front of Vale. He then started shooting Vale. Almost every bullet that he shot from his gun pierced and hit Vale, knocking him down. When he turned to see how Kimmy was doing, his eyes grew in terror.

Kimmy's father holding her daughter by the neck, his other hand held a knife against her neck. Kimmy could only struggle to breathe, but Claude tried to go near them.

"Come closer or I'll kill her." Her father threatened. "You can't do that, she's your daughter." Claude almost stuttered, but he managed to say.

Kimmy's father dragged his hand that held the knife and stabbed Kimmy on her leg. Kimmy shouted in pain, more tears rolling down her eyes. "You think I can't kill her?" He smirked. Claude was about to cry, but he brought his weapon down. He was hurt to see his girl hurt, yet alone by her own father. "Come to think of it, you stole from my castle, am I right? Yet you had the balls to come back here, with my daughter. How foolish of you." He continued.

"Kimmy, kill him. If you do so, I'll let you go and you can run away from here. Never come back. But if you don't, I'll let him go, and you will marry one of those brothers. What will you pick, my daughter?" He asked, tightening the grip of his arm on her neck. Kimmy had no choice, she had to think fast. She can't kill Claude, so she'd rather marry either Vale or Valir.

Claude soon started to cry. Kimmy's heart broke.

"Don't cry, Kimmy. Go on," Claude finally accepted his death. He'd rather die than live knowing her precious girl is suffering.

"Kimmy." Claude mumbled.

"It's okay. Always remember that I don't regret pulling you up that tree, I don't regret being with you," He trailed off.

"I don't regret loving you, I don't regret dying for you," He knelt down on both knees.

"Go on," He gave her a reassuring smile, while Kimmy started to cry more, she pointed her gun in front of her, where Claude was.

"Shoot me, darling."