
Second Personality

After their first morning together Erina confronted soma about her special personality before going to school...

"You have a… second personality?" Souma asked. It was morning and the two had woken up in each other's arms. More so Souma was engulfed by Erina's frame, seeing as she was clingy today.

"Y-yes. It manifested when my father, Nakiri Azami, used to force feed me food against my will." Erina said, shaking slightly as she recounted the events. Souma sighed, leaning back while dragging Erina by the midsection so she could lean against his chest.

"Ma ma~, you don't have to worry about him anymore. Souma is here!" He said, even striking a pose with his arm outstretched, giving her a dashing smile. He looked utterly ridiculous. Erina sputtered, before giggling to herself.

The two sat for a while, before Souma spoke again,

"So, this other personality of yours… does it come out often or…?" Souma trailed off, leaving Erina to fill in the blanks.

"She goes by the name Elina, as the backbone to my person. She's everything I'm not, but more so…. perverted." She said the last part quietly as Souma nodded. "As for making herself known…" Erina pointed to her cowlicks, seeing as they were curled upwards.

From Souma's point of view, it happened too quickly for his liking, for as soon as the cowlicks curled inwards towards Erina's face, she pounced, grabbing Souma's arms and pinning them above his head as she leaned dangerously close to his lips.

"You'll know when it happens, Soma-kun~" Elina said, as her eyes changed color from their normal amethyst to a dull pink. She licked her lips, giving Souma a brief yet passionate kiss. Souma could only stare at Elina 's hair framed her face.

Boop. Souma pressed her knows with a finger. Scrunching her nose, Elina recoiled before her cowlicks curled outwards again, and her eyes changed to its normal violet.

"What an… an odd predicament you have, Erina-chan." Souma said, sitting back up as Erina nodded. From inside her head, Elina pouted, kicking her legs as she sat on the floor.

"Mou~ I wanna play too!" She cried, before dashing off somewhere. Erina blinked, her mind on autopilot as the two got dressed for school. Unbeknownst to her, Elina had just entered the main cognitive section of Erina's brain, and had decided to integrate herself with Erina. Permanently.

Having given the mental command to ignore anything relating to Elina for the time being, Elina had sought to fuse herself and Erina into one being.

It was on the way, after Souma had ran ahead to reach his class on the other side of the building, was when the integration was complete. Elina was now no more, now a part of Erina. One could also say that Erina was no more, now a part of New Erina...

As such, the newly reformed Erina decided for a change, as a testament to her growth and bought a Sensu and hair stick from a Geisha shop that was ran by a Mom n' Pop couple. Leaving a hefty tip after pre-ordering a kimono, she had set out to meet Hisako.