
Getting Raped part 1

It took little to no time for Elina to wrap her arms around the sleeping Souma. Her hands nimbly reached the small of his back as she wriggled deeper into the young man.

"What are you doing!? It's supposed to be my time with him, not you, you hussy!" Erina shouted from within her own mind. Elina ignored the shouts of indignation as she slowly unbuttoned Souma's shirt with her teeth.

Reaching to the last button, which was dangerously close to his crotch, Elina smiled fiendishly as she sent back mental images towards Erina, making her have a perverted panic attack.

Seeing as her counterpart was distracted by the naughty images, Elina slowly slid a hand across his torso, which was covered by his thin black shirt. She could feel every bump and contour of Souma's body, making her feel a little warm in her core.

She smiled deftly.

In the meantime, Erina was struggling to fight for control over her own body, as Elina had started on slowly removing her own clothes.

Although it was her body that was getting into the mood, her own mind was replaced by a fraud, and that made her angry. In a leap of effort, Erina breached the mental door to her brain… before being mentally put in a cage.

"Hoh~, Erina-cchi. So mean, trying to stop us from having a good time?" Elina teased as Erina grunted.

"This moment is supposed to be special, you harpy!" She squawked as she tugged on the bars of the cage.

Elina smiled, having fully de-clothed into a scandalous pair of black lingerie. Erina squirmed, uncomfortable with the scene as Elina shifted her mental responses towards Erina.

The emotions were running high for the both of them, one more devious than the other.

Carefully, Elina straddled Souma at the waist as she leant down, running her hands up the side of his body as she stripped him of his shirt.

The raw feeling of his fit body and abs made her shiver in delight, biting her lip to prevent a moan from coming out.

Erina had no time to prevent one from doing so, and let out a throaty moan in her brain.

Licking her lips, Elina's hands traveled upwards, lifting Souma's arms in the process and with a few more gentle tugs, the shirt came off.Throwing the shirt to the side, it landed on a chair as Elina (and Erina as well) hungrily gazed at his body. Muscles were pronounced incredibly so, as the constant movement from cooking had trained and molded them to.

His arms were rough, yet had a rough texture, from what she can assume being from moving pans and cutting things with his knife.

She grinned fiendishly as she touched his fingers, faint marks of blisters having dotted some parts of the digits. She could only imagine what those dexterous fingers could do to her.

Erina struggled to maintain a calm air about her, but was losing a battle as quickly as it started, as Elina slowly licked the depressions of Souma's body.

Her tongue flicked across the lines of his abs, saliva trailing after it as she savored the bodily salts of her prize.

It went across his chest, going to his neck as she started to suck at the skin.

It was safe to say that Erina had almost died from sensory overload that night.

Elina's mouth was dexterous, leaving hickeys across his body and one on his neck, marking her property.

In what one could call an action so perverted and almost disgusting, Elina's tongue trailed to Souma's cheek.

The wet appendage swirled and zipped across his cheeks, as it went up to his temple, near the scar that rested on his eyebrow.

Souma's face contorted to an expression of slight irritation, as the sudden wetness on his face made his nose scrunch, trying to identify the smell.

Elina, seeing the sudden movement, quickly smothered Souma's face to cover the smell… using her breasts.

Her large bra covered bust rested on his face as Soma steadily relaxed the muscles in his face, having not awakened in the process.

After a minute, she withdrew her pillows and smirked as she ran her thumb across his cheek.

"Such a handsome boy, wouldn't you agree?" Elina whispered to herself. Erina numbly nodded.

Seeing as her 'sister' was still responsive, Elina decided to go further. Moving one leg away, she ran her hand down the body this time.

It trailed over his torso before reaching the hem of his pants. She smiled as she heard Erina gasp.

"Th-that's... " Erina stuttered to Elina's amusement.

"That's right, Erina-cchi. I'm going to get started over here now~" She said in a singsong tone.

Elina deftly unbuckled Souma's belt, the metal buckle clinking every now and then as she tried to do it quickly without waking him up. She threw that over to the chair too.

Her hand danced above the zipper of his pants, hovering centimeters from the actual fabric as she brought her thumb and index finger down onto the zipper, pulling down.

With a flick, she released the zipper while simultaneously unbuttoning the button on his pants. Her breathing was erratic as she tried to contain her excitement. That was soon proven false when she tried to get up to pull his pants down, she could feel the moisture accumulating near her crotch.

Releasing a silent sound of excitement, she swung off the bed, pulling the covers up a little from the foot of the bed.

"Hmm… shoes or pants first?" Elina thought, tapping her chin.

"S-shoes first, then p-pants and socks…" Erina said, much to Elina's surprise.

"Oh~? Did you finally submit to my advances, Erina-cchi?" Elina teased, her smile widening as she could see Erina nod slightly.

"Y-you should s-start with the shoes then the p-pants, because there are move n-nerve endings at the foot, so the s-sudden loss of warmth at the foot will l-likely stir Souma-k-kun awake…" Erina said, to Elina's surprise.

"You're just chock full of knowledge, arentcha, sis?" Elina giggled. She supposed that it wasn't too surprising for Erina to know so, seeing as her specialty in cooking was the attack on the senses.

Shaking her head, Elina did as Erina instructed, removing his shoes before diving under the covers and pulling his pants down.

The repressed, musky smell came at her as the boxers he was wearing was hiding most of the scent. She shivered, before pulling rest of it down and tossing it on the chair. The socks came after, look and behold, Souma was just clad in his boxers.

Elina smiled at her work, her hands on her hips.

It was time.

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