
【Chapter – 2: Arrival Academy】

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[]──────[] [Tokyo, Japan ~ Outside of Tōtsuki Culinary Academy] []──────[]

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I smiled at a young girl helping her grandmother sell meat buns. Normally, I would avoid roadside sellers, but my nose caught a scent that made me slightly hungry. I bought one at first (as a way to try it.) As I bit into it, I felt the meaty flavor swarm my mouth mixed with a pleasant choice of spice. I closed my eyes and allowed the information my tongue transmitted through my mind, but it wasn't enough to rate more than a five out of ten. Still, unlike others like me, I also had experience going to other worlds hunting and surviving and needing food to live, so even when food might rank low, I still could find enjoyment.

After swallowing the bun, I smiled and patted the little girl's head. I then proceeded to buy eight more before heading toward Tōtsuki Culinary Academy. As I slowly walked to the place that may hold my future, I stepped down the street as I ate the buns and viewed the scenery going on around me. I found the sight made me feel peaceful, and I swallowed the last few buns as a large wooden gate came into view. As I came to closure, I saw the mountain and the school behind the gate; it was truly amazing.

I stood at the spot I saw this and took in the whole sight of this school, and I saw all I could after a few moments. I then moved forward towards the gate. After a few moments of walking, I found myself in front of the gate, showing a security person the letter I'd received with the package. After a few moments, the security man told me the directions to the area where the transfer examination would occur. So, after leaving the man behind in this place, I found many rushing passes me and other grumblings about what they were calling 'dictatorial bitch' along with many more ill terms describing the tester.

I could only shake my head and hurry along, especially as it seemed the number of students being tested had been reduced. I would miss out on my chance to audition if I did not get a move on. Soon I found my way to the testing hall. As I approached, I heard a young woman say in a cold and arrogant voice, "Disgusting!"

'What the?' I felt a chill as I heard this, and a few moments later, a young man with red hair tied back with a white band. I shook my head and went in. I felt icy eyes on me as I came in, followed by me hearing,

"Who are you?"

I gave the packet I had received from my family to the pink-haired young woman. "My Name is Marcus Cain."

"Your Late…you fail."

I smirked. Yeah, that was not going to work. "Are you sure Master Senzaemon will understand how the exam went or when the cost increased for any wines coming out of Nappa valley for Tōtsuki and any alumni of the school once the vineyard owners learn the petite way they treat examinees, especial one of their own? "

I saw an irked twitch of her lip come across her face. But before she could go into a tirade and unleash her anger on the last student and me, I saw the pink hair girl return and whisper something to the woman, and her face twitched again and then said, "Fine… the subject of the test is eggs make a dish that isn't trash or be aware I'll make you suffer."

I gulped internally as her eyes became predator-like, but I had faith in my skills (and more, I had the system.) I walked to the cooking station and began taking things out to create my dish. I caught sight of the last dish at the offering area, so I decided to go with a dessert.

As I walked over carrying the Styrofoam case, I used my [Item Box] to place the ingredient inside without anyone being able to see, along with an assortment of other items to cover the secret ingredients. I wouldn't normally do this but seeing this girl's attitude over my stunt and the previous anger over the other student, I need to pull out all the stops. I knew I could do it with regular food, but I wanted to screw with this little girl's so-called 'God's tongue.' I imagine she would have a harder time figuring out all the ingredients. As eating all of these things I put into the case had given my tongue a chance rarely had in this world, even if it confused my tongue slightly, but it was pleasant.

I only smiled as I began taking out the ingredients from the case. First was a bottle with a crystal-clear fluid inside of the unique container. Next was 'tree sap from 1,000-year-old lovely old Trent.' Once I had broken it down, I had my water and sugar for the recipe.

The next item I pulled from the box was a bottle filled with special milk I had got in a dimension that only had to do with gathering unique food through hunts and gathering with people called Gourmet hunters. The milk in the bottle came from an animal called 'Milk Whale.' It was far creamer, had more nutrients and proteins, and provided health benefits to those who drank or ate it. I looked down into the box at the remaining ingredients. 'This was going to be fun.'

I smiled and pulled out a smaller bottle with bright red juice from a fruit I got from the same world as the milk. The fruit in question was called 'rainbow fruit.' It had a high sugar content but tasted good. It was common to dilute the juice in water, so adding this to the process would enhance it. I began by turning on the pilot light of my small workstation. I took up the jar of syrup before pouring the syrup into the saucepan. As I did, I also used a combination of tempter control, gravity, and vibration magic, causing the syrup to circulate in the pan while bringing the temperature to a point to separate the liquid from the sugar.

I then put the pan in the sink and then got the bottle of red juice, and used the dropper to drip a quarter of a drip into the liquid turning the liquid I made go from clear to pink color. After the separation, I poured the liquid into a bowl and then transferred the sugar into another while I heard the two girls discuss what they were seeing what I was doing and wondering how I was doing it. Even if I could cool off the liquid, it would raise the question if I did, So I chose not to as I worked to turn the fatties part of the milk from the 'Milk whale.' Thanks to my magic, I made this part into a silk-smooth unsalted butter that smelt amazing enough to eat on its own.

My eyes changed to almost predator-type eyes as I grabbed two ramekins and used the butter, I made to coat them well. Now the fun could begin. I got two new saucepans. With these done, I could begin my project. I poured apart the liquid I made into one pan and began to heat it, but I also used my magic to control the temperature and vibration to circulate the liquid. I then began creating the caramel sauce.

I first added two tablespoons of the sugar I had created and then added half of a tablespoon of the liquid into the pan while bringing it to medium heat and controlling it with the magics I possessed. I let it sit until the surface becomes lightly pink-colored darken. I then used my vibration magic to swirl the pot and even out the sugar liquid. As the sugar began to caramelize, I turned off the heat.

I used a spoon to look like I stirred the candy apple red caramel, then poured half of the hot caramel in the pan into both of the ramekins I had prepared. Still, I kept the sugar moving with my magic and then spooned less than a tablespoon of the hot liquid from the other pan into the pan with the caramelizing sugar. I also used gravity magic to prevent any splashing. With this part done, I went to work with the main ingredient, the egg.

I had considered replacing the ordinary egg as I had many otherworldly ones, but I figured I had used exotic, unexplainable items. I didn't want too many questions but was sure what I was doing would get some anyways. I got a saucepan and put it on the burner, adding the milk I decided to use and then adding the remaining sugar I had made. I then used all of my magic to manipulate the milk and sugar to ensure that the two substances were perfectly merged, as they were also being altered as I forced air into it and smoothed the liquid, so it flowed more naturally.

With this done, I went to work with the egg. I cracked the egg into the bowl, then grabbed a whisk and mixed using vibration magic to force more air into the single egg. As I stirred, it then used gravity magic to press all the air out until the egg seemed to go through changes. Soon the entire egg was no different from it. When the egg was in this state, I began to add the milk and sugar, working the material with tools and magic until it reached my desired area as I collected the parts I didn't want into the custard I was making.

Soon the custard became crystal clear with a faint pink tint, and then I skimmed the waste from the custard before pouring what remained into the ramekins. I then covered both ramekins and placed them inside a pot of water using the temperature control magic to ensure it maintained the proper state even as I put a lid over the pot.

After I did this, I began cleaning the items I used in the cooking as I knew I was being observed. I had little care as my mind was steadily counting down, and there were only a few things to clean. At the half-minute mark, I washed and dried my hands before choosing two beautiful ebony-colored plates with sky blue markings that would go well with the puddings I had made.

I put the plate on a serving tray, removed the two ramekins from the heated water, and took my time to plate the puddings. I heard an intake of breath as the hall was filled with the unique smell of my dish, but they could also see the bright red caramel and the crystal-clear custard pudding. I was sure that intake of breath had little to do with this; I carried the tray, gave a plate to Erina Nakiri, and then offered the second to the pink-haired girl. I saw her hesitate until she saw Erina nodding signal it was fine for her to take it.

As the Pink-haired woman took a seat, it was the moment of truth. I could see both wanted to ask, but they knew the chance I tell how it was made was slim. I took a breath and waited as both girls took their spoons and went to take a scoop.

'Would I pass, or will she act the same as she did with the other guy?'

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