
Chapter 1



School bell sounds rang through the entire building in the school area. All the students including the teachers took notice of this as the meaning that the start of the lunchtime. There is one class where all the students inside had already left except for one boy who only sitting on his seat at the end of the corner while staring at the beautiful sunny day through the window quietly.

His name is Kibo Harano, his age is 15 years old. This boy has long blue hair with the right hair being which is his signature styles, his eyes color is just the same as his blue hair but there is a bit a glint of deep blank looking inside it, while his face is well rounded shaped and there is no sign of pimple or a scar on his face. he has a sharp nose which suited really well with his face. His skin is pale white looking really soft just by watching. In other words, he is extremely a good looking one.

Not long after, he stopped watching the outside and takes out a lunch box from the inside of his desk. He smiles knowing that he is the only one inside the class. To tell the truth, even he has a killer appearance but the only weakness he got is that he doesn't have any friends. Because of his appearance, good grades, and excellent at sport, All the girls at the school were fawning over him and the other male students were angry with jealousy.

But for Kibo Harano, he doesn't need a friend nor anything regarding about relationship. His mind is already matured that he doesn't need anyone. He thinks that a friend is just annoying and there is another thing that making him more annoying the most, and it is love. It's not that he hated love but in his opinion, love is just a nuisance and a waste of time. Love is a poison that can fail you in your life.

And so, he continues to eat his lunch. A bit of timeskip, the class ended and all the students started to pack up ready to leave. Some of the girls tried to flirt to Kibo earning a glare from all the guy in the class, well, he just ignored those guys and leaves the class.

Today, he has another thing to do. To make it easy, he's on his way to the mall. He wants to buy kitchen items to be cooked for dinner tonight. Well, it's so sad that his family died in a certain accident so Kibo has to live on his own. Of course, he has grandparents but they are not that care about him. Only giving him the allowance a month.

On his way, he accidentally stepped on a book. The book's color is black and there was a red line around the book's cover.

" A book?" Wondering why there was a book at such a place, he picked it up and open the first page, Only to see a few words.

" For those who seek for the paradise world. This book came from the legendary purgatory. Rejoice as you will transmigrate to another world that full of joy and pleasure."

" What the hell is this? Paradise world? Purgatory? Transmigrate? This book is just full of crap." without another word, he put the book back on the street.

as he was about to leave, the book on the ground suddenly shines brightly making he shocked and quickly covers his eyes because of the light.

After a few seconds, the light starts to fade and Kibo now can see a bluish aura emitting around the book.

he takes a step forward to the book.

" Huh? What just happened? Did the book just..." he got cut off by the scenery around him changed " WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?!! " he shouted.

leaving him more confused, he started to walk around the place here. the place looks like some kind of shopping district. But something was off.

" Why did I feel my movement is slower and the people around here is really tall, wait... Whose voice is that? " he turns his head right to left and at the back but there was no sign of other people near him.

He walks through the crowds and stops at a certain clothes shop. He looks at the glass entrance of the shop only to see a boy around six years old with the same hairstyle and same blue eyes.

Lightning struck in his head because of the surprising feeling by the appearance of that boy. This boy is him but younger. That's what he just discovered right now. He felt a bit stupid for not realizing this sooner though.

" That book... Did all this..." he sighed knowing that damned book did all this. Of course, he was freaking out but he hides it. Who wouldn't be shocked after knowing that they have have been transmigrated to another world?

looking at himself once more, he seems to wear different attire. A simple T-shirt and a normal track pant but still didn't hide his cuteness. Because of turned into a younger self, he became cute instead of handsome.

He is still cannot adapt to his new body so the movement was a bit clumsy. There are a few people who saw him and think that Kibo is cute.

Kibo didn't care about that. The most important right now is he doesn't know what to do in this situation at all. The people around here didn't pay attention to him as they were so busy minding their own business.

He tried to search for any clue or useful information around his clothes. In the right of the track pant pocket, he found a folded paper. Opening the paper, Kibo can see a word and he reads it.

" Rejoice as you have been transmigrated to another world. you shall be granted an ability. The Exceed Eyes. The eyes that can help you, But beware of the backlash from overuse of this power. "

" Woah, for who is making this kind of words... Is really stupid. What kind of words is this? It seems the creator of this book is a fan of Anime."

If the creator of the book is here, He/She will vomit blood when they heard what Kibo"swords.

" But what is this ' The Exceed Eyes'? It seems like a troublesome ability by the word ' backlash '."

Without any further question, His eyes suddenly turn goldish and his vision becomes stronger than ever. It was like he can see everything including from the back. Kibo was stunned by this view.

He looks around and saw a few people line up in the front of the store. He discovered another shocking new! That guy at the first, There are words and numbers around him.

" Is this like appraisal ability or what? This is really cool! I can see people's specialty by just looking at them."

The worrying feeling he got just now was gone for good as he was embraced with happiness feeling.

" In other words, This ability can see a 360-degree vision and can see people's stat for now. I have to study more about these eyes. But truthfully, My dream is to become a great chef someday and I always have been training my cooking ability. Maybe these eyes can help me... I hope..." His eyes then turned into blue color.

Since he was at the age of 7 years old, he wanted to be a great chef and asked for his parents to hire a chef to train him until the day when his parents got into an accident. Since the day of his parent's death, he stopped his wish to be a great chef.

" Hey kid, what are you doing here by yourself? Aren't your parents here with you?" the sound of a man's voice was heard by Kibo.

He looks at the man, His eyes have turned into blue color once more. But somehow, he still can see this man's stat.

He was confused by this, Aren't his eyes had already turned to its normal state? Then why can I still see people's stat? There is something that makes him more confuse also shocked.

' This man's cooking ability is really high!' He yelled inside his head.

I hope you enjoy this chapter... I am sorry if the grammar is poor... I will try to improve more... After all, this is the first time i wrote a story in Webnovel.

Rayner_Chancreators' thoughts