
Chapter 1 - The origin

INT. Cafe

Shrinu enters the cafe , to meet his girlfriend


Hey , how's it going . Did you order anything? I am starving today


Hey. No i didn't order anything. What would you like to have


So, did you want to say something important to me . You were sounding very nervous on the call. I hope it's not about marrying me


Actually, it's the opposite . I think we need to start seeing other people

SHANKARY holds hand of SHRINU


Why what happened all of a sudden . Things were going so well


It was far from well . You used to focus on other people and used to help them every time and not focus on me .


No , that never happened...

Flashback to when shrinesh went on a date with shankary and saw someone stealing and ran behind him ...


Yeah it happened once



Flashback to when Shrinu was chasing some goons .


Yeah . It happened few times .


You also come to college injured all the time . Always with bandages all over your body . You don't care about you or this relationship

Flashback to when shrinu used to come to college injured . Many times


Can we do something and make this work


Sorry , but i really tried to make this work but i don't think we are good for each other


I don't blame you for this . It's my fault afterall


But why do you do all this . I mean helping people you don't even know . Remember you are no hero you are just a weak college boy . With nothing to gain and everything to lose

SHRINU smiles


It helps me get a good sleep at night .. i guess

Flashback to shrinu's past . When shrinu was just 7 year old


Come fast shrinu we have to go for your school. Or you will get late . Take your little brother with you


Can we skip the school . I don't like going back there


Ahhh.. we will secretly skip school one day and go for movie.

They go in the car to their way to school with Shrinu and his little brother yogi .


Dad i got a school project where i have to talk about your profession and why you love to do it


Well i am a fire fighter as you know . And i love to help people . I think helping people will help us grow as a society. So i have to help them

And if not me then who will.


But why do we have to help others if you don't get anything by helping them .


It helps me sleep good at night .


That a weird explanation .

Shiva takes them to school . After few hours there is a fire in their school . It was because of some guy's cigarette. The fire department is called . Even Shiva arrives there


My son is in there we need to act fast .

They spray water using jet. Shiva finds shrinu


Find yogi and exit fast .

Shrinu tries to find yogi but doesn't find him. He then tries to save himself and runs out . He pants and sweats . He finally gets out of the school .

Meanwhile shiva saves everyone . And meets shrinu again


Where is yogi


I don't know . I just ran out . I thought you would have found him


That means he is still inside . Let me check

Shiva runs inside to save his son . Then there is a big explosion

Shrinu starts to cry and panic .

Few hours later , shrinu's uncle come and take him to his house . And he is informed that his father is no more .

To be very honest . i love cinema and this is my way of trying to learn and improve myself at writing stories . This piece may not be perfect . But it can be improved with time . And i hope you all support me throughout this journey .

Ayush_Sribastabcreators' thoughts