
An Apprentice Of A God

"What?!" that was the first thought that went into Koby's mind.He looked at his current scenario and carefully asked "Are u Shiva the destroyer ?"

His palms were sweating hearing complete silence in which his heartbeats where the only thing he could hear.He could only understand the implications if it was true and if it was the previous him he would have knelt and started praying at the thought of it since he was a pious man.

Destroyer that thought rang more than one bell for Shiva.He was called that in more than one verse.On a personal level he wanted to try a different ending. An ending which was not necessarily a fairytale ending but one in which there was a win-win for all stakeholders. He felt very lonely when had to start all over again. Loneliness in such magnitude had finally made him look for a solution which was not necessarily destroying everything.He didn't feel remorse in killing just that he didn't want to sacrifice the innocent again.So he felt a connect in the loneliness of this young man and potential for a different answer.

Coming to the situation at hand the reply came "No and Yes".He sighed in relief but then remembered the mysterious entity did say yes as well. So he carefully framed his thoughts and didn't dwell further into it. He asked instead "Can u give me power?" Since it was he wanted in the first that was to escape the predicament.

Shiva replied "Yes but there some conditions but before that how much do you know about this world you are in?"

Koby explained everything he knew. He started with his family here he has a younger sister named Alu and a younger brother named Adi. His parents are commoners in settlement near Indus. Language used surprisingly a variant of sanskrit. It was a society of farmers and peace was there ever since recorded history.

Good Times does not last Forever and right now there settlement was being attacked because of the magic ore which was found few days ago. People's mind waiver due to greed and in fighting began in a society which was a rather peaceful settlement. In times of crisis commoners are the first one to be under the axe. That was the current predicament facing the previous owner of the body.So he ran without taking any of his belongings and headed for the jungle and ended up here.

He then described how the land known to be explored was probably 1% of the world they where in and it was almost size of total land mass available of earth. He was in the northern part of the state of the kingdom of Dravida. His settlement was in place called Harappa state in Dravida kingdom.

Magic was the main source of livelihood as well as rudimentary magic was in warfare as well in Harappa state.

Magic was divided into 10 scales starting from foundation body strengthening as child to level 9 magic apprentice to level 0 Magic emperor. Although only the the rich could afford the materials body strengthening so there was no magicians in his settlement only the village supervisor allotted to this settlement was a magic apprentice. People under him where given body strengthening materials and commoners like him where left out.

He felt since coming to this strange and mysterious world there was many things he didn't understand but one thing he did understood was if had some power he wouldn't be treated so miserably.

Shiva immediately understood this lad's predicament. He said "So you understand your circumstance pretty well.So be it I shall give you my blood which will activate your potential. My and your blood will mix you will inherit my power . My power comes from eons ago and it has been passed down from one successor to the next and now you will inherit my power and become my only apprentice by drinking the blood ."

He passed down the blood to Koby. Koby felt he had many questions to ask like "Why me?" or "How will he return to earth ?" but he didn't forget his current circumstances so he immediately drank the blood. There was no immediate changes in his body but he only felt he was overflowing with energy and he had to vent it out.

Shiva looked at energized Koby and said "I will teach you all foundation skills during this month. After which you will be on your own."

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