

Baiken closed her shoulder and sighed "I need to wrap my head around this" "Yes, and you have all the time in the world, now it's our turn" Diana said making Baiken look up "You wonder why we took you? Right?" "Yes, I was perfectly capable of handling myself" "And that's why we took you, you are, in essence a deadly woman, capable of killing men with firearms, using nothing but a sword" "I am aware of my capabilities" "If you somehow managed to side with Yuna, then it would have been very complicated, we saw you still had the capacity to be guided in the right direction, so we intervened" "Even if I just told you I'm capable?" "Yes, listen to me closely, the world you entered are not run by the sword and bounty hunting, there are laws protecting life, and all humans have the right to it" "All? But some deserve to die?" "No one deserves to die, only fate decides that" "Then my sword will be his fate" "No Baiken!" Diana said loudly "You're clearly not in the right mindset to live among people in normal society, you can't just fix your problems with your sword" "Kurochi-nomai! Where is it anyway!?" Baiken said not taking Diana seriously. "Kuro, chi, no what!?" Zander asked. "My katana!?" "It's safe, here on the plane, but you can't get it if you can't agree to leave your lifestyle of violence behind" Diana said. "It's there to protect me! It's my protector! Are you saying I don't even have the right to protect myself!?" "You do! But cutting down anyone who barely looks at you isn't considered self-defense" "I've been disrespected everywhere I go! Betrayed! I need my sword close! It's all I have! It's all that never back stabbed me or ever disrespected me" "Get your mind off that now!" Diana said sternly "I took you, because I want to help you Baiken, I see great potential in you, all you need is to be shown the right path" Baiken blackly stared at her "I was, on the right path, my own path" "A path that would have lead to your death! A twenty year old woman! Beautiful and elegant! Dead in her own pool of blood somewhere in a dark ally way!" "Then if that was my fate, then so be it" "Aah!" Diana stood up rubbing her hair "You stubborn little child!" "I was forced out of childhood at the age of fourteen" Baiken said slowly. Somehow the three with her figured that out and went silent, but Zander turned to her. "Sussa... Who did this to you? Who turned you into this... This..." "Akuma?" Baiken asked. "What the hell is an Akuma?" "It means demon, in my native tongue" Diana sat in front of her again "Listen to me, I can see clearly you have not been treated fairly" "Yes, since the age of seven I've learned noting but fighting with a sword and pleasuring a man, my mother barely taught me to read and write, I can cook some what..." "Shh" Diana said holding hef finger up, but this made Baiken glare at her "I will treat you like my daughter" "I have a mother!" "You will learn what it is to be young! You will learn what joy is!" "I know joy, I find it through sex" "Enough!" Diana shouted, she was properly angry now and to all rights Zander and Hammond never saw her this furious, but Baiken wasn't phased, she still had that glare on her face. "You ar not a thing Baiken! You are a human being" "I am aware of that! You say its wrong for me to find pleasure in..." "Yes!" "Why!? My body! My choice!" "There are other things out there that can bring you joy Baiken!" "Yes I know, like cutting down a brothel skank that ratted me out!" Diana stood up and reached over to Zander, to his dismay he saw her draw his dart gun "Diana!?" She shot Baiken in her leg making her bounce in her seat. "This! I know this..." She felt woozy "What foul ninjitsu... Is this..." Baiken said but fainted. "Bloody hell Dame Smith!" Hammond said. "Oh shutup Hammond! This girl clearly needs therapy!" "I..." Hammond chose his words and sighed "I noticed" [Rated 18 for violence, the sex in this story is not explicit]

SaberTrueno86 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs

I'll call you Shiro Akuma

Zander sheepishly led Baiken to the theatres, he glanced back at her but all she did was keep her eyes on all the shops.

"I take it you have loads of questions by now?" He asked.

"Of course, but I figured its best just to observe, the answers will come"

He chuckled "So, have you tried popcorn before?"

She finally looked at him "Pop, corn?"

"I take it that's a no, so let me take over from Diana today and treat you with all sorts of goodies ok?"

"Treat me with goodies?"

"Yes, the answers will come Baiken-chan"

She blushed with a giggle "You know respectful Japanese dialect as well?"

"Of course I spent a year with Diana in Japan remember?"

"Oh, makes sense"

They got to the cinema and Zander bought them each a ticket, then went to the popcorn stands where he bought them both a box and a slush puppy.

"Here" he said holding hers out.

"What's this?" She asked at the drink.

"Its called a slush puppy, you drink it through the straw up top"

She eyeballed the box and the cup, then deciding she can't taste the popcorn now she lifted the straw to her mouth and took a sip, but her face squinted "Its cold! And there's tiny ice cubes in! Its like drinking flavoured snow!"

"Have you ever had snow before?" He asked laughing.

"Yes, it snowed on the peaks of Saipan's mountains, but that was just watery"

"Such a basic life hey?" Zander said and headed to the theater room.

"Basic?" She asked following.

"No, well..." He shrugged "I know you went through hell, but sometimes I wish I could just escape to some sort of deselant island, away from people, technology, cars, you know? It sounds relaxing"

She smiled "Maybe I'll show you Saipan one day then? But not the towns, the mountains"

"That sounds nice" he said and smiled back at her.

Baiken never spoke to a man in this fashion, he was calm, took in the positive things of life and ignored the bad, she blushed to herself finding him rather interesting suddenly.

They got into the theater and sat down, Baiken could now finally taste the popcorn, but it was rather disappointing "It tastes nice but pizza tastes better"

"Of course pizza tasted better, popcorn can never rival it!" He said chuckling.

The lights dimmed and Baiken shook when the large screen in front came on "What the!?"

"Ssh, just sit back, relax, ans enjoy the show ok?" He said and she looked at him barely visable in the light of the screen.


"Yes, just enjoy it, I'll answer all your questions after the movie ok?"

She smiled and nodded "Ok then"


Diana got to headquarters and headed to Wilkinson's office, she knocked and opened immediately knowing he would have said enter.


"Ok those men who came after you, we managed to get them identified through DNA tests" he said and turned his computer to her.

"Dale Nash, Terrance Cubane, and Ian Frost, they're hitmen working for Vlademir Kowelick, a notorious Russian crime boss, it seems shit keeps following you all the time Diana"

"Why would he send men after me?"

"Our initial assumptions are he was involved in that hit against the royal family"

"And are steps being taken to prevent me from writing off another Aston?"

"I don't think well give you another"

"I'm talking about my own, remember?"

"Then I suggest you park it and take a cab, your Aston doesn't even have a roof, you'll die if that rolls, now in terms of the info gathering those three were the only men Vladimir sent, which leads me to think they thought they'd have an easy job..."

"Strange?" She said.

"Exactly, if they knew you, knew what time you landed and waited for you, why think it will be easy? Unless, it's just a speculation, they came after the girl"

The words struck Diana, what if it's Saika pulling strings? "Is action being taken?"

"Yes, we are looking for more info"

"Ok then, so if I had to get a company car now?"

Wilkinson brushed his moustache and looked to a wall full of portraits with cars they used through the years, there was even a section with all the current cars, their photos, and a set of keys hanging under the dedicated car. The men and women of the British secret service took a lot of pride in the cars they use, it's a symbol of stature, power and elegance, in respects to the Queen.

"I don't want a Rols"

"I'd quit my job before I ever hand you a Rols anyway"

"Then what? I don't want to write off my baby"

"Fine..." Wilkinson said "Take the Jag"

Diana got a broad smile on her face.

"Look after it! And since its Saturday tomorrow you'll come for an advanced driving refresher"

"Will do"

"How's the girl?"


"Yes, is she still fine?"

"She is, mind if I bring her tomorrow?"

"Yes sure, it's an off day so it's ok to bring your children along" He said smirking.

Diana smiled back feeling her cheeks warm up, if only he knew what Baiken could do when the lights go out.

"I'll see you tomorrow then sir? Should I bring any refreshments?"

"No need, I'll organize everything"

"Thank you then, it's good I can bring Baiken, since you suspect that hit was on her" She said and walked over to the memorial wall, unhooked the keys of the Jaguar and headed out.


When the film was done Zander expected a dam break of questions but surprisingly Baiken was quiet.

"And?" He asked seeing her think.

She smiled "So that was a movie huh?"

Zander laughed "I take it you're not impressed?"

"No, actually I have a few questions"

"Then lemme have it?"

She giggled "The samurai in the story wasn't that good, to tell you the truth I would have used five steps less to defeat most of his opponents"

"It's called showbiz Baiken, they make the movie a little more fantastic"

"Oh, it makes sense, I think the story would be shorter then because an average clash between skilled samurai seldomly lasts more than ten seconds"

"Wow, that quick hey?"

"It's a fight over life, not a game"

He shrugged agreeing.

"Then, the fact that the main character dies in the end? Is that right? For a character in a story to die? Especially since he was considered a hero?"

"It adds to the drama" he said.


"I found that scene rather sad, did you?"

She smiled "No, he killed the man who wanted to force the emperor's daughter into marriage, gave his life for her freedom, I would consider that a good death"

"A good death huh?"


"There's no such things as good deaths Baiken"

She heard the tone of his voice was a mix of sadness and anger.

"I didn't mean to offend?"

"No you didn't, its just..." He looked down at her "I was sad, you found that, good?"

She sighed "Maybe it's my first step to being a woman I guess" she said and laughed.


"One day, is it selfish of me to say I want a man who would risk his life for me?"

He gave it thought whilst looking at her, it seems that idea had her blush, so he shrugged with a grunt "I'm in the business to protect people, but I'm not sure if it came down to the push I would just sacrifice myself, call me a coward"

"But you say protect people, someone you don't know, what about a woman you love?"

He looked down at her, he'd cheeks a deeper red now "Heh! Yea yea, maybe I'll do it for a chick I love ok, but I'd really have to adore her"

"Adore her..." She said and looked forward to where they headed "That's a beautiful way of explaining you love someone"

"Since wen can the bloodthirsty samurai think such deep thoughts?" He asked with a smile.

"I, don't know, ever since yesterday when Diana thanked me for saving her life, I've been thinking a lot lately, it felt good to protect someone, I want to do it again"

"That's deep... You're so cute sometimes you know that?" He said giving a glance over his shoulders.

"Deep? Cute?"

"It means youre human sussa, nothing more, nothing less, so every time you say youre an Akuma, rethink it ok? Maybe I'd rather call you Shiro Akuma"

"White demon? Over my eye color?"

"No, isn't something in your culture called Shiro when all that deep hate or life of killing gets left behind? I know when you say Shiro Ninja, it's a ninja who lost his special abilities and left that life behind?"

She was deep in thought "Maybe..."

Zander glanced back again then took her by her shoulders and pushed her into a cake shop.

"Hey!?" She said feeling the suddenness of his push.

"Look around here quick, this is a cake shop, all neat sweet things to eat" He said but Baiken saw his eyes were out the shop.

Two men in black suits passed not even looking in and he sighed.

"Those look like the men that tried to kill Diana" Baiken almost whispered.

"I know, I think maybe they were just going the same way we did" he said and looked at her, her face was now clearly blushed "What?"

"You pushed me in here to protect me?"

He smiled "Yeah, not a samurai style move but hey! Saved by the cakes I guess"

Baiken only giggled at him.

Sorry for the late chapter people, thanks for the support.

SaberTrueno86creators' thoughts