

When Global Warming reached its extreme limits, the Earth crumbled beneath the mistreat of humans. The system slowly crashed, and humans were forced to leave.

We didn't have that advanced technology at that time, and relied on nuclear propulsion in our spacecrafts.

The models showed global destruction in the next hundred years. Governments came together and the SAVIOUR programme was initiated.

The SAVIOUR vessels were the most complicated crafts ever developed by humans, based on the first ever antimatter engine, they could at maximum capacity, move at 10 percent of light speed.

Their development took many rocket launches, over the years where people were fighting over resources. Over the 40 years of their development, the ships were saved five times from destructive launches by many countries.

At last, the time came, the time to leave. Each vessel had a person crew of 40 people, with 5000 human embryos, and 1000 seeds of food plants. The ships were to first go to five pre-planned planets, and judge them for habitation. They would select more and more planets as they travelled more farther away.

We took our last glance at home on March 21, 2097. Everyone's eyes welled up with tears, on the thought of how petty things destroyed our world. We slowly reached the point of orbital exit, and the engines roared to life. We said goodbye to mission control and threw the monumental satellite towards Mars. It would serve the purpose of telling future visitors to our solar system about the level of technology we had before we had to leave Earth, and our original planet path, to tell them where we went.

After hundreds of years, Earth is dead. The evacuation vessel SAVIOUR 1, along with SAVIOUR 2 and 3, is moving through the dark, empty void of space. After lifetimes of slow travel, they arrive at NSC 1, the fourth planet of the K-391 system. Colonists wake up from frozen sleep, only to realise that they have lost SAVIOUR 2. They look at the synced records and find that it was destroyed on impact by space rocks coming from a nearby star system.

They mourn those innocent people, who lost their lives, to contribute to a cause greater than all of them.

They scan the ship's exterior and perform pre-descent checks. The ships slowly touch down beside the coast and deploy the Automatic Assembly System, to build the first base of humans on their new home.