4 An easy battle and Sharingan

In front of me were the remaining shinobi from the caravan, 3 Chunins and the half-dead Jounin, but only bodies of the Iwa ninjas.

Most likely they had used some items and techniques to defeat the Iwa ninjas, anyway, I didn't care much.

I got closer and closer to them and I could see that they became very alert at first, but when they saw that it was me and that I was carrying the unconscious Iwa Jounin, they let their guard down a bit.

"Sir, could you tell me what division you belong to and where is your Konaha Protector?" said one of the Chunins, when they detailed that I didn't have the Konaha Front Protector they tensed up a bit.

"I'm on a recon mission and so I can't wear anything I identified myself as a Konohagakure ninja, I received information that they were going to ambush them and will help them if needed." I lied a little too much and as I was talking I slowly moved closer to them.

When I was about 6 meters away from them I let go of the Iwa Jounin, I approached the Jounin first and knocked him out with a blow to the back of the head.

The Chunins reacted quickly and threw several Kunais at me, I could tell that one of them was an Uchiha because he activated his Sharingan, another thing to occupy me.

After I dodged the Kunais, I approached the Uchiha and ripped his head off, his companions were destabilized to see the way the boy died, they were young around 15 years old, so I doubt they had experience in something so bloody and unexpected.

I took advantage of that lapse of time where they froze and took some Kunais that they threw at me.

I threw a Kunai into the sky and when they were distracted by it, I quickly approached the two and when I was a few centimeters away I threw a Kunai in the neck area to each of them, they pierced their necks, both had a look of horror in their eyes.

I expected more resistance from this operation, although I'm not complaining, that means I'm strong or well, it's not like they are very strong either. I have to leave quickly, this is currently an area where there was a massacre and it is very likely to have attracted the attention of other people, it has been about 7 minutes since it all started.

I started looking for the nearby bodies with anything useful and I kept them in a cart that was intact, after getting some Kunais and scrolls from the bodies of the nearby Shinobis, I turned my attention to the remains of the caravan, not without first putting the Uchiha's head in a part where it wouldn't get hurt.

I started moving the things that seemed most important and especially food, I got some sealing scrolls so I used them on the heavier things. After what seemed like about 4 minutes I decided to leave, I started infusing Chakra into my body and the more I used, the stronger I felt.

When I calculated that I could carry the cart I grabbed it with my two hands and started walking as fast as I could in the direction of the cave. I would continue leaving tracks, but less than a wagon, it was the only option I had at the moment, it was a stroke of luck this situation, but it was unexpected and I did not have time to prepare for it.

When I got a little away from the battle zone I decided to drop the cart and started to run to the cave, I would have Mazuko help me carry some things.

I arrived in no time, a few seconds and when I saw the entrance to the cave I headed for it, after I entered I could see several changes. It was tidier and cleaner, for a cave.

Apart from that I could see that Mazuko was making a kind of mini shelter, it couldn't be called a house, it was something basic with some sticks, but the cave looked more alive.

I could ask her later, for the moment I decided to get down to the important stuff. "Girl, I need you to help me, I got the supplies, but they need to be loaded, it's not too far from here" I didn't wait for her reply and left the cave.

The cart was a few meters away, could I have loaded it closer, yes, but I need to see what kind of attitude the girl has, although as I could see from the state of the cave, it is worth investing all my effort in it.

I could see her approach with a curious look. "Mr. Abel, where did you get all this from, and why is there a head on the wagon?"

Important questions I guess. "Let's get the stuff to the cave first, then I'll answer your questions."

We started moving things to the cave, I tried to carry the heavier things, like the food boxes and left the scrolls and Kunais to her, although I was the one who carried the Uchiha's head.

After a few minutes of moving things we finished, the cart I took it a considerable distance away, in a straight line, if the Konohagakure ninjas or Iwagakure ninjas investigated the area, the trail would stop about 5 minutes away.

When I returned to the cave I could see that Mazuko was watching me intently, I decided to tell her where I got the stuff from, anyway, I didn't plan to hide it from her. "When we were in the village where I met you, there was a caravan that was passing through, before I met you I decided to attack it and rob it to get supplies."

"Are you a bandit?" he said with a worried look.

"No, I did this out of necessity, let's just say I'm new around this area and need to establish myself, since all the villages are at war they won't trust a random stranger coming over so the only option was to rob the villages or the caravan, I think it would affect the villages more than the Shinobi, don't you think?"

He put on a look of conflict. "I think you're right, though I hope it won't be necessary to steal very often."

"I don't think it's necessary, as far as I can see, there's enough food for a month and a half for both of us, besides, I need to train myself and you so you can defend yourself at least from common bandits." I need to build up my strength, I was lucky this time, but this is the First Great Shinobi War, the Hidden Villages were just being formed and there are still many Monsters alive out there from the Warring States Period.

Putting all that aside, what were you doing before I arrived?"
