
Shinji Matou at Your Service

The emaciated old man with an alien-like appearance grinned maliciously, while the young girl cried and howled. "Worm, worm, worm, worm, worm, worm..." Countless worms surged towards the girl like a tide, seemingly intent on devouring her completely. The girl instinctively closed her eyes and let out a desperate wail. "Someone... save me!" A breathtaking beam of light cut through the dimness, dispelling the girl's fear and the swarm of worms that filled her vision. Accompanied by a voice that was young but carried a hint of sunshine. "It's okay, I'm here. Big brother is here to protect you." The boy with purple hair and purple eyes held a scythe in his hand, blocking in front of the girl, and issued a declaration of death to the old man. "You deserve to die, Zouken Matou. No, Makiri Zolgen!" BONUS CHAPTER: 500 PS= 10 Chapter Advanced Chapter in: patreon.com/AbsoluteCode https://discord.gg/9zUZj5ksxM

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Chapter 143: Volumen Hydrargyrum: Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei

Zwei, meaning "second" in German.

The Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei represents the second generation of the Marrow of the Moon Spirit, named so because the invocation of the Marrow of the Moon Spirit requires an incantation in German.

By the way, the name was not derived from Shinji or Scáthach but was personally chosen by Kariya.

Some may wonder why a Japanese person, even with European ancestry, would choose such a name with a mixture of bilingual elements. Wouldn't it be better to call it Marrow of the Moon Spirit Type 2? Is it a bit too chuunibyou to use German?

Indeed, it is quite chuunibyou, as Kariya was heavily immersed in it during his youth. Not only did he believe he possessed the "Evil Eye," but he also wrote a long series of novels titled "The Dark Swordsman Kariya," with himself as the protagonist. This book was later secretly hidden by Zouken and is still stored in the hidden compartment of the Matou family library.

This period is considered by Kariya himself as the most embarrassing black history of his youth. Although he claims to have graduated from chuunibyou, deep inside his heart, there remains a significant chuunibyou factor, which is manifested in the form of the "Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei."

However, whether the owner is chuunibyou or not has no bearing on the effects of the Mystic Code. The Marrow of the Moon Spirit that has been modified by Scáthach not only incorporates new techniques, allowing even Kariya, who possesses only the "Water" attribute, to manipulate it but also optimizes the structure of the original techniques, significantly improving the magical energy conductivity and the speed of mercury transformation.

Furthermore, the mercury solution, serving as the vessel and processed by Scáthach, has undergone further treatment, reducing the volume of the compressed Marrow of the Moon Spirit and enriching its potential forms of evolution.

Considering Kariya's magical power and magical skill level, Scáthach reduced the original ten liters of mercury to eight liters, using the remaining two liters to create two mercury talismans that were hung around Shinji and Sakura's necks.

As the saying goes, "If your level is not enough, rely on equipment." With the assistance of the second-generation Marrow of the Moon Spirit, Kariya's combat power has increased by several levels, finally causing Tokiomi to put away his disdainful attitude.

The Mercury Whip may appear small in size, but due to its high density, it contains tremendous kinetic energy that easily tears through Tokiomi's defense system.

Just before the Mercury Whip arrives, Tokiomi quickly retreats, avoiding Kariya's counterattack.

Failing to land a hit, Kariya doesn't continue the assault but instead retracts the magical mercury and effortlessly recites a well-practiced incantation.

"Automatoportumdefensio (Autonomous Defense)."

"Dilecursio (Automatic Attack)."

His steady and methodical tactics reveal his attitude. Kariya has no interest in pursuing the Holy Grail; he's willing to engage in a battle that lasts until dawn.

In contrast, Tokiomi doesn't have the luxury of wasting time.

He initially thought he could easily kill Kariya, which is why he exchanged a few words with him, showing some compassion for a fellow member of the Three Families. However, he didn't expect this individual, who deviated from the path of magecraft, to be so formidable.

This arrogant stance is reminiscent of Gilgamesh a few minutes ago. The only difference is that Tokiomi is a rational magus who will wholeheartedly devote himself when it's time to be serious.

Now is the time to be serious.

With just two transformations, Tokiomi could discern the material of Kariya's Mystic Code.

"Magical mercury, is it? Indeed, it's an excellent attire suitable for the Matou family. It must be the work of that old man. However..."

Tokiomi's left wrist trembled, and he took out three obsidian stones from a hidden pocket in his jacket.

"Gewicht, umzuVerdoppelung—"

While chanting, the obsidian stones left Tokiomi's left hand and flew towards Kariya, exploding before entering the defensive barrier of the Mercury range.

The Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei, enhanced with autonomous defense techniques, automatically deployed a defensive membrane, blocking the densely packed obsidian powder.

However, despite appearing lightweight and lacking in attacking power, the power caused Kariya's defensive membrane to crumble.

The feedback sensation from the mercury informed Kariya that the mass of the mercury had instantly tripled. The obsidian powder contained gravity-related magecraft.

The increased mass exceeded the pressure Kariya had imposed through his magical power, crushing the mercury defensive membrane.

Understanding his opponent's tactics, Kariya quickly thought of a solution. He activated the "EIHWAZ" runestone personally crafted by Scáthach, symbolizing "protection," which dispelled the gravity magecraft attached to the obsidian powder, restoring the normal flow of mercury.

"Stil, schiet, BesErsg!" (Devote all power, annihilate the enemy!)

The second round of attacks followed closely, and the gemstones Tokiomi activated were three times as many as before.

Ruby, sapphire, cat's eye, lapis lazuli, turquoise... each gemstone was unique.

While these gemstones might not have the same quality as the earlier obsidian, and the magic sealed within them may not be as powerful as gravity magecraft, the combined effect generated by their simultaneous activation far surpassed the simple gravity magecraft.

Kariya showed great concern for Tokiomi's attacks. The second and third primal runes were activated, strengthening the "EIHWAZ" attached to the mercury.

Born from the World Tree and infused with magic from the Age of Gods, the Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei formed a resilient shield that even its creator, Kenneth, had not anticipated.

No matter the type of gemstone or the magecraft sealed within, they couldn't break through this composite defense formed by modern magecraft and the Age of God's magic.

Of course, constructing such a defense placed a tremendous burden on Kariya's magical power. He had to draw upon the magic of the three runestones in one breath to restore himself.

Just as Kariya prepared to regroup and launch a counterattack, he suddenly realized that Tokiomi was getting farther away, and the height difference between them was increasing.

"Damn it! This guy ran away. What happened to your pride? What happened to your demeanor?"

Realizing what had occurred, Kariya couldn't help but curse inwardly.

He has to admit that Tokiomi's decision to leave the battlefield was very clever.

It allows him to avoid wasting the limited gemstones and presents Kariya with a dilemma.

If Kariya doesn't pursue, Tokiomi can smoothly depart and continue his quest for the Holy Grail.

If Kariya gives chase, he would have to sacrifice his greatest advantage—the Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei, which combines offense and defense. The high density of mercury is both its strength and weakness. It grants Kariya formidable attack power and sturdy defense but inevitably slows down his speed.

As long as Kariya carries the Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei, he cannot catch up to Tokiomi.

And even if he manages to catch up without the Marrow of the Moon Spirit Zwei, Tokiomi would have an easier time dealing with Kariya.

Which option would you choose, Kariya?

As Tokiomi climbed the mountain, he pondered in his mind.

Kariya's choice once again exceeded Tokiomi's expectations. He didn't choose either of the two options; he chose a third option.

On Kariya's left wrist, an inconspicuous bracelet emitted a golden radiance.

A peculiar war spear, predominantly black with golden accents, materialized out of thin air. The immense magical power emanating from the blade immediately made Tokiomi think of a Servant's Noble Phantasm.

"That, that is—"

Kariya gripped the spear tightly in his right hand, his arm bending as if preparing to throw.


The spear was released.

The Noble Phantasm soared through the air.


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