

As Blake contemplated his next course of action, his mind was filled with anticipation and excitement for the system rewards.

Suddenly, The long awaited sound of the system reverberated within his mind.

[Ding! The host has successfully completed his mission and is rewarded with 1 Large Development Coupon and 2 Summoning Opportunity']

As the ethereal voice of the system faded, a torrent of memories surged forth,

flooding his mind with vivid images and the usage of coupon

After sometime

Blake was stunned as the revelation of the Large Development Coupon sent a surge of elation through his being.

The sheer significance of this prize resonated deeply within him, surpassing his wildest expectations.

Amidst his disbelief, a sense of gratitude washed over him. Fortune had smiled upon him, granting him a valuable resource that would expedite the process of restoration and rejuvenation,

as this coupon held immense potential and power and this was no ordinary reward.

Because leaving beside the precious summoning opportunity

The significance of the "Large Development Coupon" bestowed upon him by the system was not lost on Blake.

It held immense value, capable of restoring an entire area of buildings to their former glory with remarkable ease.

The sheer magnitude of this opportunity overwhelmed him, for it meant that the laborious task of rebuilding and revitalizing structures could be achieved effortlessly, as if the very foundations of the buildings emerged from the very earth itself.

Blake could scarcely believe his fortune. The burden of constructing and restoring buildings himself, along with the limitations of his abilities and lack of architectural knowledge, weighed heavily upon him.

Though he possessed the ability to manipulate reality, its extent remained limited by his own power.

The daunting prospect of painstakingly recreating buildings in numerous small areas, coupled with his lack of expertise in architectural design, filled him with trepidation.

He yearned to avoid inadvertently destroying a newly constructed edifice, an outcome he would find deeply disheartening.

and then he also has to dispatch teams to purify the souls in human world or else the balance will we broken between the realms and there might be a sudden surge of new Hollows, which might affect the human society.

Yet, even as the thrill of this newfound reward coursed through his veins, Blake faced a crucial decision.

The sheer enormity of the Spiritual Realm beckoned him to consider where the Large Development Coupon should be employed.

It was a choice that carried profound implications, for the buildings it restored would shape the landscape and serve as pillars of the realm's rebirth.

Deliberating with meticulous consideration, he weighed the merits of various locales.

His gaze surveyed the dilapidated ruins, his mind calculating the significance of each area and the impact its revitalization would have on the Soul Society.

Ultimately, a decision crystallized within his consciousness, as he resolved to bestow the restorative power of the coupon upon Seireitei, the heart of the Soul Society.

This sacred domain housed numerous pivotal institutions, serving as the headquarters for esteemed military organizations, the Shin'ō Academy, prisons, and noble houses.

Even in its current desolate state, the restoration of Seireitei held paramount importance, symbolizing the resurgence of the Soul Society's strength and identity.

As for the residential area it can be built slowly.

Determined, Blake ascended into the sky, positioning himself at a vantage point that offered a panoramic view of Seireitei's ruins.

From this elevated position, he gazed down upon the Seireitei where he found the remnants of the once-majestic Shinigami Academy, instantly recognizing its distinctive architecture.

Leaving behind these thoughts he stood up in the air and within the depths of his consciousness, he visualized the designated area for restoration, channeling his spiritual energy towards the task at hand.

As he activated the ability, a profound energy coursed through his being, extending outward like tendrils of ethereal light.

The radiant glow enveloped Seireitei, suffusing the once-devastated landscape with a majestic golden hue, forming a vast oval domain.

Within the boundaries of this extraordinary domain, a spectacle of transformation unfolded before Blake's awestruck gaze.

The shattered remnants and crumbled edifices of Seireitei responded to the touch of this restorative power, as if stirred from a deep slumber.

With each passing moment, an awe-inspiring metamorphosis unfolded, as structures emerged from the very earth itself.

Walls once reduced to rubble solidified and grew, breathing life back into the grandeur of the Soul Society's architectural heritage.

The once-dilapidated courtyard regained its vibrant aura, and the headquarters and the residence area regained their former glory.

As the final brushstrokes of restoration were completed, the resplendent golden domain that had encompassed Seireitei dissipated, revealing the breathtaking spectacle that lay within.

the once-ruined structures now stood resolute and magnificent, radiating a sense of renewed splendor that echoed throughout the Soul Society.

His gaze landed on the imposing edifice of the Central 46 Compound, a building shrouded in an air of enigma and authority.

This hallowed structure, albeit partially visible from the surface, held immense significance as the bastion of Soul Society's laws.

As it was an important building because all of Soul Society's laws are made here and those who are charged with breaking them, whether the crime was committed in Soul Society or in the Human World are also tried here.

And here he can use it as it own meeting room and for decision making,

In the presence of him the Soul King, he could commandeer this esteemed hall, ensuring that nobility would not wield unchecked power.

His attention then turned to the summit that once housed the portal leading to the Celestial Realm.

In its stead rose the Senzaikyū, a foreboding castle serving as the abode for those condemned to face the Sōkyoku's judgment.

Its ethereal silhouette evoked a sense of ancient and eerie grandeur, contrasting starkly with the newly restored structures that surrounded it.

This formidable fortress was befitting of imprisoning the most detestable criminals within its shadowed confines.

Next, his gaze befall the Sōkyoku Hill, a majestic edifice standing resolutely at the heart of Seireitei.

This revered location served as the solemn stage for executing the most severe judgments.

While its external appearance remained largely unchanged, Blake knew that the study chamber concealed beneath had been successfully restored.

His observant eyes then fell upon other vital landmarks, such as the entrance to the subterranean prison known as the Nest of Maggots.

Furthermore, the newly constructed Shinigami Research and Development Institute caught his attention.

Though currently devoid of occupants, its significance as a conduit for upholding spiritual stability and fostering communication with the outside world was undeniable.

Here, diligent efforts were undertaken to measure spiritual waves and facilitate the seamless transmission of knowledge between the realms.

Then Blake's perceptive gaze extended to the vast residential areas that sprawled across Seireitei, encompassing the abodes of the Four Noble Houses, the favored houses, and the lesser noble houses.

Though currently devoid of life, he envisioned a vibrant future, where these expansive regions would once again teem with activity and the gentle echoes of laughter.

His attention then turned to the shimmering walls known as Seireiheki and gates known as Four Great Pure Soul Gates that protects the Seireitei in a circular shiro with four main entrances it

It was a sight to behold and he was astonished, for the influence of the Large Development Coupon not only revitalized their appearance but also ensured the presence of the Four Great Pure Soul Gates giant gatekeepers

With the West Gate known as White Road Gate guarded by Jidanbō Ikkanzaka

South Gate known as Red Hollow Gate guarded by Higonyūdō

North Gate known as Black Ridge Gate guarded by Danzōmaru

and finally East Gate known as Blue Stream Gate guarded by Kaiwan.

His gaze then shifted towards the Senkaimon, the very gateway that connected Soul Society with other realms.

This pivotal structure served as the conduit through which Shinigami traversed dimensions, and its significance was underscored by the stringent regulations enforced by the esteemed Kidō Corps.

And finally as his gaze landed...


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