
Chapter 14

Merry Go in the morning.

Yuuji was brushing his teeth on the deck of the Going Merry in a dark blue Kimono, shirtless. He spat out his toothpaste, took a sip of water from a cup from the railing, swung it around and spat it into the sea. He suddenly felt a pair of hands wrap around his neck, and a pair of breasts against his back. He was slightly surprised and turned around, and saw Bambietta who was wearing short black pants and a white T-shirt.

"So you can wake up early without me waking you up like usual huh?" He said with a playful smile at Bambietta.

"Maybe it's because I'm used to it" She said before standing on tiptoe to give him a quick kiss.

"How was your night?" Yuuji asked as they ended the kiss. Bambietta said with a yawn.

"How about you?" Yuuji stretched before answering. "It's okay... As soon as I get out of here, that guy can snore." He said while rubbing the back of his head. giggled Bambietta,

"Okay, I'll get dressed." She said as she walked back inside. Yuuji smiled and walked after her to go get dressed as well.


"You raised your prices again?" Nami asked a seagull who was now wearing a green shirt, and a black skirt with three yellow circles on each side. The seagull looked on sadly, wearing a hat with a newspaper bag and a money bag around its neck. Yuuji walked over, now wearing his usual Shihakusho.

"Calm down now it's not his fault." He said picking up some berry leaves and putting them in the sea gull's money bag.

"There is and there is a bit of extra too." Seagulls saluted and then flew away. "Next time you raise the price, I won't pay!" Nami screamed at the seagull.

"Nami don't need to worry, it's just paper." Usopp said while sitting on the deck working on his catapult ammo. "You don't need to save every single berry anymore to save your village." Nami turned and looked at him sharply.

"You are so stupid, I am saving for me now." She spread his arms wide and smiled, "I'm not going to be one of those poor pirates who can't even dress up." She's done.

"Okay, calm down." Usopp said while looking at her.

Luffy tried to get a tangerine but Sanji kicked him at Usopp who was busy putting hot sauce in a ball and got it in his eye.

"AHH!" Usopp screamed and started running in circles.

"Oh come on, I just want one of them." Luffy said while looking at Sanji.

"Not." Sanji said while crossing his arms.

"This tangerine belongs to Nami-san, I don't want you to damage it." His eyes were replaced with hearts.

"Nami-san did you see me protecting your tree?" he asked,

"Yeah, you did a very good job Sanji." Nami said while sitting reading the newspaper. Zoro and Yuuji watched from the other side of the ship.

"Sanji is used to it, you bastard." He said, "I'm not surprised anymore by his attitude like that" said Yuuji who sat cross-legged and placed his Zanpakutō on his thigh and started to do Jinzen, beside Bambietta and Candice who were practicing their Reiryoku control.

"I only want one tangerine, you are so mean." Luffy said sitting on the fence whining and sticking out his tongue.

"NO!" Sanji shouted from his spot. grinned,

"Well, I'm still happy." he said, looking at the tangerines.

"The world is still quite a volatile place." Nami said reading a page from the newspaper.

"They just staged another coup at Villa." She said, suddenly four sheets of paper flew out when she turned the page.

"What's that?" Luffy asked seeing the papers floating onto the deck. Nami, and Usopp looked surprised, while Luffy grinned widely. Sanji watched as Zoro slept.

"WHAAA...!" They all shouted except for Yuuji, Bambietta and Candice who were practicing.

With Marines.

A group of Marines where sitting across from each other talking.

"So you're saying their strength is too much for our branch to handle?" a Marine asked.

"Yes." One in front of them said. wearing a blue striped shirt, pink trouser shoes to match his shirt, and green curly hair.

"Even though he just created his pirate crew, he defeated strong pirates." He said while pointing at the three bounty posters behind him.

"Buggy the clown $15,000,000, Don Kreig $17,000,000, and most recently 'Saw-tooth' Arlong $20,000,000." he continued,

"All powerful pirates are in their own right, 'Curse Sword' Itadori Yuuji, 'Death explosion' Bambietta Basterbine, 'Queen of Thunder' Candice Catnipp joined him who defeated pirates worth at least $40,000,000 and there are even rumors that they fought with one of the Sichibukai 'Hawkeye' Mihawk and 'First son of the Sea' Jinbei and they came out safe" He set up Yuuji, Bambietta, Candice, and Luffy's Bounties.

"I know $30,000,000 for Luffy, $77,000,000 for Yuuji, $75,000,000 for Bambietta and $74,000,000 for Candice, indeed this is unprecedented globally for the first Bounty." He said while looking at the other Marines.

"But I think it's best to destroy such evil before they get too strong." He's done.


A group of Marines wearing coats with the kanji for 'Justice' on the back stood watching, as a Marine in a red cap stepped out.

"If you want to escape then do it now!" He shouted to them,

"We are the protectors of peace in this world, and weakness will not be tolerated!" he continued,

"Civilians rely on use to wash evil from the world." He said while throwing a fist in the air.

"JUSTICE!" He's done.

"YES SIR!" shouted the Marines.

Syrup Village.

"Miss Kaya, Miss Kaya!" A man shouted barging into a room. The man was a tall butler, formally dressed, what stood out the most was his sheep-themed appearance. His hair was curly like wool and had two ram's horns sticking out. His lips also resemble sheep's lips. Even the collar has fur all around it.

"What's wrong Merry?" Asked a fairly tall thin girl with blonde hair looking at a book.

"You should see this present." The word Merry now identified indicates Luffy's Bounty. He looked at her for a moment before smiling.

"Oh, look at that Usopp." She said as Merry sweated.

"What?" he asked,

"Usopp is on the poster." Kaya said as Merry turned the poster over.

"Oh yeah, he's there isn't he? He asked looking at the back of Usopp's head. Kaya smiled.

"He's finally living his dream." She said while looking out the window. "from Usopp he sent a letter." Merry said handing the letter to Kaya. She opened it and read it and smiled.

"Usopp just said hello and gave me the frequency to the den-den mushi they just used in the Going Merry." She said with a smile

The Straw Hat Crew.

Luffy started laughing out loud while holding his bounty poster.

"Okay guys, we are criminals now." He said in between laughs,

"$30,000,000 berries'!" Usopp exclaimed seeing Luffy's bounty.

"That's a lot of berries." Luffy shouted but was suddenly surprised when he saw another bounty.

"$77,000,000, $75,000,000 and $74,0000,000." He whined as everyone's eyes popped out of their heads. Luffy whined. "Three of them' bounties are higher than mine." He said as Bambietta shrugged.

"I don't think the mouse was joking." She says,

Meanwhile Usopp checks Luffy's poster again.

"Take a look, I will be seen all over the world." He said excitedly,

"Girls might as well fall in love with me." Sanji came in a hurry.

"What are you doing there?" Sanji asked while looking at the poster.

"Where are you, I didn't see you." He said he was annoyed that Usopp got into the poster. Usopp pointed to the back of his head.

"I am there." he said excitedly. Sanji sat on the deck looking out to sea with a bit of annoyance.

"Yeah, the back of your head." He said plainly.

"Don't be so gloomy." Usopp said with a smile,

"You don't have to be a captain to get one of these, just look at the three of them." Sanji is excited.

"Is that true?" he asked hopefully. "Yes, work very hard." said Usopp. Sanji, Usopp, and Luffy started cheering when Nami saw him.

"You guys have no idea how dangerous our lives were just now." She said with her hand on her face,

"All of our lives will always be in danger now." She said plainly.

"Hmph! After all, we are used to it" said Bambietta who was still practicing, "Moreover, Yuuji-sama's aim is very dangerous, whether we want to avoid danger or not, in the end we will find ourselves standing at death's door at the end of the war"

"I wanted to ask this earlier, but why do people as strong as you call him 'Yuuji-sama'?" Zoro asked while pointing at Yuuji who did Jinzen.

"If it wasn't for him we would both be dead, I mean real dead" Candice said as she opened one eye.

"Okay now we can't relax as much as we could before now so keep your guard up for anything."

Meanwhile Zoro was looking up at the sky.

'30 million, 77 million, 75 million and 74 Million bounty.' He thought seriously. 'With such a high bounty, Marine Headquarters might take action.' He looked at the others.

'And Bounty hunter's will to.' He took a deep breath.

'And with such high endowments, they will become strong people.' He finished his thought.

Yuuji's inner realm.

In the center of the city and a few meters above the buildings, red and black shadows continued to fight non-stop, sounds of clashing swords resounded and waves of Reiatsu continued to rage around them.

"You've grown, boy" said the man with short white hair swept back, gray eyes and a tan skin tone. He wore body armor consisting of a tight-fitting, sleeveless black shirt with silver accents outlining his muscles and metal plates on his collar. along with black pants which had two black straps around his thighs, and two others tied at his shins separately from each one. other. He wore black metal plated shoes, which appeared to be stuck to his trousers. His signature red coat is a kind of holy shroud, which is actually two separate sleeves connected by metal plates at the back that cover his arms and are cut to reveal his upper body and stomach, and has a separate red open skirt. which ends above his shin with a fashion top and is tied in an agemaki knot, covered by silver metal plates.

"Of course, I keep practicing to get stronger, but it seems there are 3 additional people here, last time when I was here, it was only you and him" said Yuuji who was pointing at a Hollow who was wearing the same Shihakusho as him but the difference is he is white , and also looks exactly like Yuuji with the difference of his yellow eyes.

"Of course, they have part of your power, but you can use them when you can use Shikai"

"If you're done talking, now it's my turn bastard" said the Hollow who was tired of waiting, and without warning he immediately rushed towards Yuuji and they immediately fought.

"At least give me a break asshole"

"Hahahah, damn it, let's fight" Hollow showed a beast smile then they fought more intensely and fiercer than usual, the white haired man could only sigh resignedly, "Sukuna really can't wait to fight with him again, so just let it be, see more rejecting it later would be too troublesome"

After they had been fighting for a very long time, Yuuji and Sukuna stopped then landed on top of the building where he and the white man were fighting "Oi, at least when you kill a beast or a monster, eat its soul to strengthen me"

"Fine, but I'm not going to do it often, it's disgusting you know?"

"Hahahah, Shinigami sure are weak! Hahaha!!"

"Huffff, laugh until you're satisfied" said Yuuji who had resigned himself to Sukuna's nature which really couldn't be controlled, because they had finished training, Yuuji thanked the white hair he called Shiro and Sukuna and then left his inner realm.

at sea.

Meanwhile at sea a few miles from S.H.C. is an old sea ship that is worn out. All Marines are either out of shape or too skinny. Inside sat a medium-sized marine wearing a white pinstripe suit. His hair was neatly combed and there was a scar under his left eye and a bolt stuck in his knuckles had a drink with a prize poster on the wall.

"This cheap drink makes me sick." He said hiccups.

"How I miss the old days when I was surrounded by beautiful women, and drinking the best wine." He said while reminiscing.

"But everything changed when I met that maid." he said angrily.

"I was demoted from Lieutenant, and forced to work this piece of trash." He said as one of the Marines walked in.

"Former Lieutenant Fullbody." He said while tripping over his feet. Fullbody looked annoyed.

"What do you want?" he asked,

"I have a new wanted poster." Said the Marine from his place on the deck. Fullbody sighed.

"Just put it on the table." He said as the Marines placed the poster on the table.

"We can't do anything anyway being in the middle of no..." Fullbody paused and his eyes widened when he saw the poster.


"Who is the captain of this ship?" Fullbody asked/shouted to the ship beside him. Luffy stood up.

"I'm Monkey D. Luffy" Luffy introduced himself.

"I'm Captain Usopp." Usopp introduces himself as a sweat-dropping Luffy

"We just made our flag a few days ago." Luffy said to Fullbody.

(End Flashback.)

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