
Chapter 12

Arlong under water.

"Once my momentum in the water increases." Arlong thought,

"It's impossible to stop me, that's why we fishmen are superior to humans." He saw Luffy looking down.


Luffy on the ground.

"Shark Darts!" Arlong shot out of the water hitting Luffy and knocking him in the air as he hit his building. Luffy hit the ground first.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch it hurts." Luffy said while holding his stomach.

"Wow." Arlong said getting out of the hole he made.

"I'm impressed you dodged him at the last second." He said while clenching his fist.

"But the longer you prolong your death, the more painful it will be." Arlong jumped at Luffy.

"Shark Darts!" He tried to hit Luffy again but Luffy dodged. Arlong hit the edge of the ground, causing it to crack and become a large cloud of dust.

Yuuji and Others.

"What kind of bones does the fishman have?" Sanji asked seeing where Arlong hit the ground.

"His nose made a crack in the ground." Nami looked worried clenching her injured hand.

Yuuji: "Calm down, he will win"

Bambietta: "He's stronger than that shark after all"

Luffy vs Arlong.

"Shark Darts!" Arlong came shooting from the dust which ripped through Luffy's vest. He tried to get to Luffy a few more times but Luffy avoided everyone. Arlong jumped back into the water.

"Hide, Luffy!!!" Usopp said,

"Yes, if you get it directly, you will die." Sanji said

"Not." Luffy said calmly looking at the water.

"What do you mean no?" Sanji asked/shouted.

"You have to take cover before he attacks again."

"No way, I'll catch him and break his nose." Luffy said seriously. fingers with one hand.

"Gomu Gomu no... Tate!" Luffy spread his fingers across his chest.

"Shark Darts." Arlong shoots out of the water hitting Luffy's fingers. Luffy smirked seeing Arlong surprised He let Arlong crash into his building as he grabbed the wall outside.

"Ha! That move won't work now." Luffy said while looking at the hole Arlong crashed into.

"Shark Darts." Arlong came through the roof below Luffy knocking him in the air.

"You bastards!" Luffy shouted at Arlong who was now holding on to the roof.

"It was just luck." Arlong jumped down after Luffy. Luffy intertwined his fingers behind his head.

"Gom Gomu no...Ami!" Luffy's fingers stretched out long to trap Arlong in them.

Arlong now passed Luffy who was facing him looking up at Luffy saw him bringing his legs together.

"Gomu Gomu no... Yari!" Luffy kicked Arlong with the tip of his foot making him hit the ground creating a large crater and cloud of dust. Luffy looked down at Arlong's unmoving body.

"Did I get it?" he asked. Suddenly Arlong's eyes opened to reveal pure hatred, and a hint of madness.

"You wretched human" said Arlong grabbing Luffy from the air and swinging him a few times. Arlong threw Luffy into the debris that was created earlier, Luffy hit him.

"That person is crazy." Luffy said pushing some debris away from him.

"It didn't hurt but I could tell he was upset." Arlong ran towards Luffy with one arm outstretched. Luffy jumped out of the way as Arlong punched the wall and grabbed the giant saw-like sword.

"It's Kiribachi!" said Nami with wide eyes.

Arlong jumped up and swung his sword at Luffy. Luffy jumps onto the floor of Arlong's lair followed by another attack. they continued until they reached the top floor. Arlong swung to the side and knocked Luffy inside. Luffy was sitting panting looking at Arlong.

"That...That's a bit too close." said Luffy. Arlong stepped inside.

"Don't run anymore." Arlong said,

"We will finish here at the highest point of Arlong park." He said with a smile,

"Finally.. Your death will come." Luffy looked around the room and saw lots of papers, books and a table by the window where he entered.

"What room is this?" he asked,

"There's a lot of paper." All the while looking at him,

"This isn't just any old room." Arlong said,

"This is the room where I made Nami draw her map." Luffy looked at the floor.

"So this is Nami's room?" he asked,

"Yes, everything you see here is far more valuable than any treasure." Arlong said arms spread wide.

"Nami is really brilliant when it comes to drawing maps." he said with a grin.

"His talent is too good for trash like you." Arlong said to Luffy,

"He better draw maps and build my empire." He said laughing while pointing his sword at Luffy's face.

"Nami is mine." He says,

"Is that so?" Luffy asked plainly,

"Yeah and you human bastards are interrupting his business." Luffy glared at Arlong,

"I don't care what you say." He shouted at Arlong.

"Nami...Nami is our Navigator, and our friend!"

"Is it right?" Arlong asked,

"You want him to navigate for your crew? It's a waste of his talent." He said with a laugh,

"See, his skill at drawing maps is second to none." Luffy looked at the table and saw a bloodstained pen fall and roll towards him. He selected it and twirled it.

"This pen is stained with blood." he said calmly. Arlong did not hear him continue.

"I need the map for world supremacy." Arlong put Luffy's head between the blades of his sword.

"She will continue to draw maps for me." He said while looking at Luffy.

"And with the knowledge of all the world's waters, we fishmen will be invincible, and everyone will kneel before us." he exclaimed. Luffy put down his pen, and grabbed the knife in front of his face.

'What the...' Arlong thought wide-eyed.

'Kiribachi won't move.' He thought about trying to pull his sword out of Luffy's grip. Luffy who was looking down met his eyes. broke the sword he was holding.

"Use her." He said while looking at Arlong with a sharp gaze.

"You bastard what did you take it for?" He asked angrily.

Arlong chuckled,

"She's better than all of you." Arlong said with a grin.

"She has her place and it is right here beside me. Nami will forever be my tool.. No, she will be my friend." He finished with a mad laugh. Luffy kicked the table outside.

Outside with Others.

Everyone was waiting to see who would come out Luffy, or Arlong when a table came out of the building.

"Huh? What's that?" Sanji asked while looking at the table.

"It looks like... Table." said Yuuji. Johnny and Yosaku rubbed their foreheads.

"For a minute I thought it was Luffy." Yosaku said relieved. Then bookshelves and papers came out with the desk.

"Luffy...Thank you." Nami thought tears were running down her face.

Nojiko arrives and helps comfort her sister.

Inside Luffy vs. Arlong.

"What do you think you're doing?" Arlong asked seeing Luffy kicking more stuff out of the room. He grabbed Luffy and slammed him against the wall. Arlong said. He got down and bit Luffy's neck.

"Now you've gone too far." Luffy grabbed Arlong by the nose and said through gritted teeth,

"All you do is talk about how fishman is better, and how you need the map." He said encouraging Arlong,

"I don't care about any of that." Luffy continued,

"But I know what I have to do to save Nami." He broke Arlong's nose.

"This room is nothing but her prison cell." He said to Arlong who was lying down holding his nose.

"There is only one way for Nami to be free." luffy said

"I have to take this place down." He stretched his legs up through the ceiling and roof high in the sky.

"Gomu Gomu no..." Arlong fixed his nose.

"You idiot Arlong park can't be destroyed especially by someone like you." he said opening his mouth.

"Sharks on Tooth." He ran towards the spinning Luffy. Luffy seeing this brought his leg down just as Arlong bit his stomach.

"Ono!" Luffy punched Arlong in the back pushing him downstairs with a crater forming underneath him. Luffy sat breathless looking at Arlong's prone form.

"Humph." He said as he watched the ceiling drop.


everyone stares running as Arlong park collapses.

"Luffy!" Nami exclaimed trying to run towards the collapsed building. "Calm down" Yuuji said calmly while looking at Arlong Park. She said "But Luffy..."

"He's still alive, after all he's made of rubber right?" he asked,

"Wait until it finishes going down." He said Nami nodded watching the last building finish. Suddenly Luffy stood up from the rubble.

"LUFFY-ANIKI!" Johnny and Yosaku screamed anime tears coming out of their eyes.

"He's just standing there what's up?" Usopp asked while looking at Luffy.

"NAMI!" Luffy shouted "NAMI! You will always be my friend!" He is screaming. Nami sniffed as a few tears rolled down her cheeks. "Yes." She said with a smile.

"No problem." The villagers cheered and started throwing Luffy in the air. several times until he fell and landed on his head.

"You almost got us worried there Luffy." Sanji said

"Finish the bad guys faster." Luffy sat up rubbing his head laughing, he stopped when he felt something on his head. He looked up and saw Nami put his hat back on his head. Luffy stood up and high-fived him.

"Hold them properly." They heard a sound and turned around and saw Nezumi with his left arm in a cast and sling with the Marines pointing their guns at them.

"I saw the whole fight, and I admit I never thought Arlong's crew would lose to you." He said, "Now that Arlong is out of the way, I think all the money he 'raised' is mine now." he said with a smile. He felt a hand on his shoulder and turned around and paled.

"I told you what would happen if I saw you again." Yuuji said with Bambietta and Candice beside him. Yuuji's head was bumped he jumped and grabbed his head and dropped to the ground.

One hit later.

"Now do you promise to leave Cocoyasi, and all the money, and help clean up and rebuild?" Nami asked Nezumi who was on land with the other Marines. Nezumi looked at Nami and saw Yuuji beside her, grinning and cracking his knuckles.

"Yes, yes, now please spare us." Nezume begs Nami to take her staff and hits his head across the water and it crashes into a wall. Yuuji, Luffy, Zoro, and Sanji kicked the other Marines at him. "I will catch you... You pirates, and the three of you." shouted Nezume as he swam away.

"You will all pay." Villagers start celebrating.


"That's right, I want a Bounty on Monkey D. Luffy, and Itadori Yuuji's 'Cursed blade', 'Death explosion' Bambietta Basterbine, 'Queen of Thunder' Candice Catnipp." Nezumi said to the den-den mushi.

"I'm sending photos now." He says,

"What is the best photo for Luffy?" He asked one of his men,

"That's all we have." the boy said,

"Damn it, it had to be done." He said while looking at the picture of Luffy grinning while closing his eyes giving a peace sign. Picture of Yuuji he is carrying his Zanpakutō on his shoulder with a small grin and Hollowfied yellow eyes, Picture of Bambietta she is carrying a black slightly blue katana that Yuuji forged, with a sadistic smile on her face and there are splashes of blood on her face, Candice has a picture with a sadistic face and lightning bolts in her right hand.

"Roger, after I verify the photo, I will take it to base." The Marine on the other phone said,

"Good, remember they are the Dead or Alive Pirates now." Nezumi said with a crazy grin.

"I want their faces on posters around the world." He is screaming.

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