1 Kenji’s Dream

"Kenji... If this dream is what makes you happy, then I won't bother stopping you from achieving it."

This was the last words of Kenji's mother when he left the little town of moniker, where he grew up.

Kenji Miramisu is a 15-year old boy from the town of moniker, west of hastei city where the shielde academy is located. He left His parents with the goal of graduating as a top student in shielde academy and becoming a squad leader in the Anti-Rogue Seekers Division or ARSD. This dream of his came from his grandfather who was the former squad leader of the famous light creation seeker squad of the ARSD. This squad was the most powerful in his grandfather's time, the squad exterminated a large number of rogue shielder squads with insanely powerful shieldes like the dark bringer shielde of the seeker known as stringer. Stringer's shielde portrays a huge broadsword that is covered by a string in a helix shape connected to the guard of the sword and the other to the tip of the sword which can never detach, it is made of an acidic substance which melts flesh and bone.. This acidic subtance is designed to be a string since the unattached part of the string which is on the middle part of the sword can expand upon the command of stringer. Stringer kills his victims by thrusting the sword through the stomach of the victim and expanding the helix string to slice his victims into pieces. Stringer was a 7th class rogue seeker with 12th being the heighest and 1st being to lowest.

Kenji's grandfather would always tell interesting stories about his work to Kenji when he had the chance to. This lit a candle in Kenji's heart to pursue the dream of becoming a squad leader.

Walking from his house, Kenji had a serious face thinking about the decisions he's making. Is it the right choice for him? Kenji would remember all the training he had been doing on his own, he didn't have a mentor like every other kid in moniker.

Kenji has the habit of practicing his shielde when he has the free time in the backyard of their house which is actually quite large for a small house. He would stand still, inhales and exhales, and close his eyes for 2 minutes... then enter the phase realm.

Entering the phase realm needs a lot of concentration to accomplish. A seeker needs to calm his mind thinking only about his breathing then picturing oneself taking off a sprint similar to the sport of track and field when the gun fires for go. This results to seekers portraying a running position when they enter the phase realm. The real world body becomes invulnerable to all physical contact, however, damage to the body in the phase realm can inflict damage to the real world body therefore if a person dies in the phase realm, their real world body will die as well. The phase realm body of a seeker portrays the same looks and outfit of the real world body, however, the phase realm body cannot be seen by a person whose not entered the phase realm; they would only see an invulnerable body standing still. The other person would have to enter the phase realm as well to see the other phase realm body of the other seeker.

All seekers have a unique weapon, in terms of its design and ability, called a shielde. A shielde is classified into three categories, light creation shielde, dark bringer shielde, and spirit summoner shielde. However, there is one shielde that only one person can posses and that is the divine shielde. The divine shielde was the first shielde a human possesed. The light creation shieldes surrounds the shielde with light particles that shine bright which can produce swift and accurate attacks. The dark bringer shielde surrounds the shielde with a blackish-violet aura that enables the seeker to perform heavy attacks like performing a heavy slash with a sword or firing a rocket from a rocket launcher. The spirit summoner shielde can summon spirits that portrays the looks of animal predator like a tiger or even an owl which can be commanded by the seeker, this shielde is also rarer to aquire compared to the light creation and dark bringer shieldes. The divine shielde's limits is only known by the one who wields it since it is the only one of its kind.

Kenji aquired a shielde with a classification of a dark bringer type. It resembles a flame-bladed sword or a wave-bladed sword. One of Kenji's unique skills is the flame blade ring which is performed by spining 360 degrees to the right with his sword at his right hand producing a dark slash which cuts through anything in its path at all directions. This is one of the skills he practices the most.

6 hours later after Kenji left moniker, He arrived late 8:00 in the evening at his cousins house near the shielde academy where he will be taking the seekers entrance exam which will be testing the ability of the seeker to wield his shielde.

"Hey, Kenji! Welcome to my home!"

"What's up, Jin. Thanks for letting me stay!" Kenji said this with a little smile on his face with a feeling of shyness since he wasn't that close to his cousing Jin who is a 15-year old girl.

"Eat up Kenji, I've already ate so just clean up after your done eating and tell me when you are so I could show you to your room."

"Thanks Jin, I really appreciate it."

"No problem, we're family afterall. We should support each other you know?"

Kenji laid down in bed, after being led to his room by Jin, staring at the ceiling and couldn't sleep.

"I'm gonna ace this entrance exam and soon become a squad leader." Saying it to himself with pure confidence.

Failing the entrance exam could easily crush this dream since the only school he could possibly enter is shielde academy because other schools are located extremely far away from him and he has no relatives present there which he could stay at. This thought strikes Kenji with nervousness and fear of failing the exam, however, fear and nervousness does not stop a 15-year old kid from achieving a big ambition.

Waking up, Kenji stared at the ceiling of the room his cousin gave him. Seeing a different ceiling as he wakes up, all the pressure in his life struck him realizing it's the day for the Seekers Entrance Exam in Shielde Academy. This struck him with a feeling of excitement as well as nervousness and fear. He then slowly wore a big smile thinking he would give the exam his all and achieve his dream.

"Kenji? It's Jin, breakfast is ready, come out and eat!"

"Oh Jin! Right, I'll come out in a sec." Jin said this realizing he had his cousin rather than his mom waking him up for breakfast.

"Ok! I'll wait for you then, just meet me at the table." Said Jin with a jumpy voice.

"Right, I almost forgot, I should ask Jin if she could tell me some tips about the entrance exam." Kenji muttered to himself remembering Jin is a current student in Shielde Academy.

Jin Miramisu is a current student in shielde academy passing the entrance exam flawlessly which resulted to a lot of observers to highly recommend Jin to be accepted in the academy. Jin had a shielde with a class of light bringer. Her shielde resembles a Ring blade with four spikes evenly distributed within the ring. One of Jin's unique abilities is seven-cut combo which is the skill he performed to defeat the tester. The seven-cut combo is performed by doing three slashes diagonally swinging from the right to left, left to right, then right to left again, after this three more slashes is performed but with three 360 degree spins from right to left, and the final slash as a vertical slash from top to bottom, hence given the name the seven-cut combo.

As Kenji and Jin were eating, Kenji started the conversation hoping he would get a useful answer for the entrance exams.

"Hey Jin, since you passed the seekers entrance exam, can you give me some tips on it?"

"Oh yeah, I completely forgot this was the day of the exam, I would've given you tips anyway. Sure I'll give you some tips, I promise it would be useful!" Jin said with a huge but guilty smile on her face.

"Thanks Jin!"

"Ha Ha! No problem! So, about the entrance exam, the test would be conducted with the examinee battling a member of the ARSD called a tester."

"Oh wow! I get to fight an ARSD member?!" Kenji replied.

"Yeah, but it does not mean when you lose to the tester, you're out. No no no! Because this would be unfair since not all ARSD members has the same level of skills as the last tester of the exam did. Therefore, there are observers that would be the one grading your performance. In my case, I won the battle against an ARSD member that, in my opinion, was holding back. Maybe because I'm a girl, I don't really know."

"So I need to perform my best against the tester then?"

"Yes! But the key factors the observers are looking for is an your ability to adapt to the tester you're up against. Therefore, you need to carefully analyse your opponent if you really want to get in Shielde Academy."

"I get it. I need to find the tester weaknesses and an opening to defeat him." Kenji replied.

"Exactly! Stop worrying about it so much though. You got this cousin!" Jin said with a smile and a thumbs up.

"Thanks Jin, really appreciate the information." Kenji replied with a smile as well.

Kenji wore a long coat, given to him by his grandfather, with a color of dark red and single striped from the shoulder line to the wrist. He believes this gives him confidence and motivation to push through his limits. He wore a plain white shirt and plain black pants. He wore his boots his mother gave him although his mother never told him where she got it, she just gave it to him as Kenji left moniker.

"I'm going now Jin, see you later!" Kenji shouted as he walks out the door.

"Good luck Kenji, See ya later!"

As Kenji is walking toward Shielde Academy campus, He was thinking about the tips Jin gave him keeping it in mind. This is where Kenji Miramisu's adventure begins to become one of the squad leaders of the Anti-Rouge Seekers Division. By passing this entrance exam, he could get in one of the best schools in the country of Gitaka. Shielde Academy is one of the best schools that produced incredible students that are now members of the ARSD. This would mean a lot to Kenji since this would get him closer to achieving his prodigious dream.
