
New Shop (1/2)

Shen Yue was in Papa's Pizzeria; sitting on a wooden table on the first entrance waiting for Xiao Ning'er.

Few days ago he begged Master Kang to fix a scroll for his friend, they had a teeny-tiny argument but luckily Shen Yue managed to convince Master Kang by saying that Xiao Ning'er was his future wife and didn't want her to be crippled.

Xiao Ning'er opened the door; every one in the first level had their eyes on her. A little girl was dressed very beautiful, very pretty in a nice little orange dress. 99% of the people in the first floor of Pizzeria were adults, they kinda looked like lolicons when they blush at the direction of Xiao Ning'er.

Anyway, Xiao Ning'er sat down next to Shen Yue who had the table to himself. When everyone saw him they were quit jealous but quickly dissolved their anger. Most at least.

"Who the hell is this runt! To have a cute prestigious little girl like her sitting next to him is quite displeasing to the eye." Said a man who dressed like a commoner, he had black curly hair and a big beard, pizza crumbs were visible on his lips.

"Man, you shouldn't really talk about him like that. He's the owner of this restaurant, people say he's the one to have created pizza. Not only that but I heard that he's silver rank." whispered a guy sitting next to him on a table that was not too far fro Shen Yue's.

"Silver rank? Look at him, he's small like a puppy he probably got the strength of an ant. Why be scared of him, true silver ranks I've seen were big as houses." Said the oaf loudly.

The oaf started walking up to Shen Yue's table whilst the other guy tried to warn him but got lightly slapped in the face. He started walking up to Shen Yue'sd table laughing slightly.

"So I heard you were-" As he was talking the oaf looked into Shen Yue's eyes, he could visually see flames projected from Shen Yue's eyes. This made the oaf in an illusion where he's being tortured in hell.


Shen Yue snorted and the oaf finally awakened from his daydreaming illusions, the oaf was slightly shaking and decided to walk back to his table, each step was loud as it carried tremendous weight whilst shaking.

This is a new technique Shen Yue learned from the old man Master Kang, it's called Illusionary Torment, where weaker opponents by looking in his eyes would imagine being in hell tortured, this delays their reaction time and induces fear.

Xiao Ning'er was surprised by this and then said, " That was cool, you made that big guy run away from you just by looking. I can't wait till one day I get strong just like you. Maybe stronger."

"Ning'er, Nin'er, Ning'er. You'll obviously get stronger than me, that's for definite." Said Shen Yue.

"So Why'd you call me?" asked Xiao Ning'er curiously.

Shen Yue passed her, her family cultivation technique that she was going to use in the future. He said, "You know those techniques that you gave me, well...I heard from a friend of mine that your family techniques are trash; I decided to ask my master to fix them so that you don't get crippled. You see, if you were to use this technique you would get a disease called Arctic Disease; symptoms are: legs feel like burning whilst the rest of body begin to get colder. During midnight you would feel immense pain that would imobolise you; your body would get bruises that would start slowly spreading around your body. Now tell me. Isn't that pathetic?"

In the duration that Shen Yue was talking, when Shen Yue was talking about her family technique; Xiao Ning'ers face had a frown upon the word 'trash' as this was an insult towards her family. When She heard that his master improved the family technique she was slightly curious, bit annoyed as a technique created by her ancestors was not something you could casually change. Then when she heard about the disease she was shocked, she couldn't believe it but she did as Shen Yue was a trustworthy man. At the end she felt grateful towards Shen Yue and had a smile.

"Thanks! Can't wait to start cultivating."

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